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Terrible Team Help


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First play-through of Reborn, so not too sure of what is considered good or bad.

My team did well before entering Agate Circus and the following routes. Now I get stomped by pretty much anything.

Seeing as of this point I can barely manage to defeat Meteor Grunts, I suppose I wouldn't mind help sorting out my team.

Blaziken: Lv. 69

Item: Black Belt/Wide Lens

Adamant/Speed Boost

Blaze Kick

Sky Uppercut

Shadow Claw

Bulk Up

Claydol: Lv 67

Item: None




Earth Power

Sand Storm

Scrafty: Lv. 68

Item: Dread Plate/Black Belt


High Jump Kick

Focus Punch

Fire Punch


Floatzel: Lv. 68

Item: Mystic Water

Naughty/Water Veil

Aqua Tail

Aqua Jet



Onix: Lv. 67

Item: None


Rock Tomb

Stone Edge

Iron Tail


Helioptile: Lv. 65


Naive/Dry Skin

Thunder Wave

Electric Terrain

Volt Switch


Edited by SavingGrace
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If you have a heart scale, you should spend it in teaching high jump kick to blaziken. That should give you some OHKOs you couldn't get with sky uppercut.

Onix is too weak at this point of the game, so either you evolve it (which I'm not sure it's possible) or you change it for something else.

EV training is also a thing. It's true that it's tedious but if you're stuck it can help.

I strongly recommend having at least a pokemon with leech seeds in the team. It makes dealing with pulses and random absurdly overleveled pokemon (Garchomp, Arceus, Mewtwo...) much easier.

This is what it comes on top of my mind. I'm not too good at advising at other people what to play tbh. I know what it works for me, but that doesn't mean it works for everyone else. My solution for hard fights in Reborn usually is creating a situation for a perfect setup (paralyze, set seeds and everything), then get 6 calm minds, dragon dances, bulk ups, 3 swords dances and sweep the whole team. It's not perfect but it works for me. I'm sure there's plenty of people in the forum who can give better advice but well, hope it helps anyway.

Edited by TheLugruf
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Normally I'd say drop Claydol, but since you've carried it this far, I'd just make use of it. Trick Room is what you really need for those bosses who'll outspeed you, but the current moveset is good until Post Terra. After that, Explosion really isn't that great (though there's not much else until screen TMs are available).

Blaziken...you may as well run Chorcoal Flare Blitz. Flare Blitz and Hi Jump Kick complemented with Bulk-up basically make any "challenge" in Reborn a complete joke which is why a lot of people are against Blaziken. Don't bother running weak moves as it's meant to hit really hard before dying. It actually ranked above Gyarados in most OP mon.

For Scrafty no DD means you'll want to definitely give Claydol TR to give this guy his time to do damage. If you really want to keep focus punch, you'll have to get Substitute from the Game Corner as it's worthless without it, but imo Hi Jump Kick pretty much does it better. Fire Punch is a drop as well...because there's really not that much use for it when you have OP blaziken over there (then again why are you using Scrafty when you have a better fighting type). If you want to keep Scrafty, Facade (for the toxic orb in E16), Head Smash, and if you go TR Headbutt wouldn't be a bad option.

Floatzel fell from grace like pre-Aya so yeah...he's really bad for your pretty frail team. Walrein is honestly your best bet, but if you don't like him, Kingdra (takes a bit of work to get the Dragon Scale) will fix that issue. You could also grab a bulky water from your PC if you got them Pre-Agate like Blastoise, Rotom-Wash (requires Upgrade), or maybe the mystery egg (there's a long list of bulky water types so just pick one you want).

Ground and Rock are a bit harder to come by, but since you already have Ground, I hope you got a couple fossils like Tyrantrum or Cradily as the only other option is Rhydon. Sheer Force Druddigon isn't the first option that comes to mind, but it's probably one of the better to help you out at this time as it hits hard and won't die in seconds.

Helioptile...WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE SURF ON IT? You may want to get a Politoed in the next episode as Drizzle will make full use of this monster. Volt Switch ain't super useful if you play on Shift so probably get rid of it and T-wave. Thunder and Surf is all you'll need with Drizzle, but a good HP (if you don't, Dark Pulse ain't a bad option) and you kind of have to choose T-wave or electric terrain depending on your playstyle to get better use out of it. But seriously, give that thing Surf.

I don't know if you made it to the end or not...as you're levels are a little low, but it doesn't matter as I based it around Agate's availability mons on what to pick. It's not the worst team I've seen, but I have no idea how you put up with Onix for that long considering just about every rock type around is better.

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Since Commander stated most of the things I noticed, here's what else I have.

Um... maybe evolve Helioptile? Heliolisk is amazing in Reborn, and by level 65 there's no reason not to have evolved it. In addition, only Heliolisk can learn Surf.

I'd definitely drop Onix because Onix sucks when compared to any other Rock type or Steelix, especially without Stealth Rock.

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Um... maybe evolve Helioptile? Heliolisk is amazing in Reborn, and by level 65 there's no reason not to have evolved it. In addition, only Heliolisk can learn Surf.

I'd definitely drop Onix because Onix sucks when compared to any other Rock type or Steelix, especially without Stealth Rock.

Before entering the Agate portion of the story line I had spent hours soft resetting in attempts to get the sun stone from mining rocks. If I see another mining rock it will be too soon. And most likely I will be swapping it for something else do to that fact. About Onix though, I realize it's garbage but it's my garbage. It's a good setup for Blaziken if he couldn't 1 shot it already. Any suggestions on what I should replace either with?

Blaziken...you may as well run Chorcoal Flare Blitz. Flare Blitz and Hi Jump Kick complemented with Bulk-up basically make any "challenge" in Reborn a complete joke which is why a lot of people are against Blaziken. Don't bother running weak moves as it's meant to hit really hard before dying. It actually ranked above Gyarados in most OP mon.

(then again why are you using Scrafty when you have a better fighting type).

Floatzel fell from grace like pre-Aya so yeah...he's really bad for your pretty frail team.

Helioptile...WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE SURF ON IT? You may want to get a Politoed in the next episode as Drizzle will make full use of this monster. Volt Switch ain't super useful if you play on Shift so probably get rid of it and T-wave. Thunder and Surf is all you'll need with Drizzle, but a good HP (if you don't, Dark Pulse ain't a bad option) and you kind of have to choose T-wave or electric terrain depending on your playstyle to get better use out of it. But seriously, give that thing Surf.

I don't know if you made it to the end or not...as you're levels are a little low, but it doesn't matter as I based it around Agate's availability mons on what to pick. It's not the worst team I've seen, but I have no idea how you put up with Onix for that long considering just about every rock type around is better.

I chose Blaziken because the first original game I played was Ruby, in which I chose torchic. It being broken as all hell is a good bonus though. I got scrafty for feels also (Black and White), I heard Pawniard is on route 4 and plan to replace Scrafty with it. (Unless that would be terrible and I'm being a nub again) Floatzel is capable of finishing anything Blaziken somehow couldn't. Stab Aqua Tail+252 Attack Ev does quite a bit. Also going to be swapping out heleioptile, as I give up on getting a Sun Stone. Any thoughts on that?

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Well, you get stomped because your team is centered around the Super Saiyan Chicken. But don't fret, my friend. Uncle Sonic will give you all the pointers you need. :]

Your team has two fighting types, which halts the diversity in typing, which is essential to flourish with your pokemon team. I'd say a fairly balanced team consists or a fire type, (which you have) a water type, a type that can resist ground, and at least deal with other types. Grass would help complete the triangle, but it isn't a necessity.

For a water type, I recommend Ludicolo, Milotic (Feebas is located in a secret fishing spot in Ametrine Mountain) Clawitzer or Jellicent. They all are fantastic at way they can do. My top 2 picks are Ludicolo and Jellicent. Both can beat other water types, (We will be fighting Amaria soon!) as well they can benefit from their secondary type (Jellicent is Water/Ghost and Ludicolo is Grass Water) Yoyu should breed ice beam on it from remoraid!

For a ground resist, I recommend Gengar. Gengar can beat Fairy types and resist ground attacks. (This video will help) It is also a very strong special attacker. I reccomend breeding Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt. It doesn't get any other good special poison moves. The breeding line is: (Muk line/Weezing line with Sludge Bomb > Stunfisk with Thunderbolt> Young Gastly with Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt!)

I recommend Gardevoir to serve as another strong special attacker and a Dragon destroyer. If you like, you could breed Will-O-Wisp, which can help a lot in harder battles.

I recommend Bisharp (Route 2) or Excadrill (Deep Tanzan Coil) as your steel type. They are both very solid steel types. They serve as another fairy killer and as your steel type. (it is always nice to have a steel type to take certain hits)

The last pokemon can be all up to you. It could be a dragon type, or just a filler until we get more pokemon.

I hope this helps SavingGrace! Remember to at least try breeding, because it's the difference between having a triple stab Typhlosion, and an Extrasensory, Solar Beam, Sunny Day and (insert powerful fire move) Typhlosion. Thanks for reading fren! :]

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well i guess you missed the free sun stone at byxbysion grotto. oh well than i guess you will have to start mining for it because heliolisk is way better than helioptile.If you cant be bothered to mine for a sun stone i suggest replacing helioptile with some other electric type. Ampharos/magnezone are good replacements.

Get rid of onix. there are far better pokemons than onix.Aggron is kinda a good replacement for your onix or you can always evolve your onix into steelix but yeah it is all up to you. Also you can replace onix with archeops if you dont want a physical wall like aggron/steelix.

Floatzel is just useless at this point of the game he cant do anything much unless he is on a rain team with swift swim but still that wont make up for how frail he is and how little damage he can pump out. so replace floatzel with kingdra/milotic/ludicolo for special atk water type and barbaricle/crawdaunt/azumarill/gyarados for physical atk water types.

Having 2 fighting types in your team is kinda pointless so i would replace scrafty with something else like a fairy type or maybe a ice type. you current team is full of physical atking pokemon and need more special atk pokemon usually i run 3 physical atk pokemon and 3 special atk pokemon so i would replace scrafty with a special atking pokemon. use a heart scale to teach blaziken HJK and teach it flare blitz also while you are at it. you can keep shadow claw but you can also consider teaching it brave bird if you want blaziken to just do tons of damage.

You can replace claydol with mamoswine since mamowine is an ice type which has thick fat making fire and ice type moves hit it for less dmg. and mamoswine has 130 base atk which is kinda high and it learns EQ what more do you want from a ice/ground type.

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There are plenty of rock types around the circus to ditch Onix for. I would recommend gigalith above all else due to its access to nature power (makes it surprisingly useful against samson despite all evidence to the contrary), sandstorm (very good for charlotte with claydol using trick room), rock slide and stealth rock.

Floatzel needs to go. Walrein is your best best. Milotic comes a close second as it can be confusing finding where in the ice mountains the requirements to get feebas and the prism scale are. Most other water types at this point are rubbish unless you can get your hands on the event totodile with dragon dance.

Not sure exactly where you are in the game, but if you are up to Terra entering the glitch city, I would highly recommend you catch a raichu from the glitch cerulean cave, as you may find that useful to replace helioptile for the time being (there are several battles after terra where a fast electric type will really help)

I would also recommend if you are up to glitch city to use a heart scale to give claydol cosmic power back, as you might be able to sweep terra with it once her nidoking and excadril go down. Set up cosmic power against her own claydol and just blast everything with extrasensory after that.

EDIT: In regards to floatzel though, if you haven't beaten charlotte yet, keep it for the time being and get it to use rain dance. I assume you have gotten past charlotte though as your pokemon's levels are above the cap otherwise.

Edited by sound of silence
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Hazard you need a pokemon with Hazard and something with Bulk and as a thick Fat Welrin for Floatzal I tried using Foaztal but it never work out and flying type since The update you can get crobat I would say breed it for some egg move or Braviary for psychic I know clydol have a high special attack but Gadvior and Gotheille are better Gadvior for all the move it can pick up through heart scale or getheille for flatter but you can also teach it to cydol I guess

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