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Waifu Wars! Husbando Heats! The Ultimate Tournament of Anime Characters Climax Extra Spectacle!!!

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That's right, you can enter you waifu and have her battle other waifus. All contents will be held in AnimeBracket, you need a reddit account to do it but you can make one of those in 2 minutes. The idea is to start with a waifu contest and later on move on to other categories such as husbandoes and specific genres of anime.


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Oh right shit in my rush to get this out I forgot to completely edit the rules. This is also for "humanoid" characters. I won't accept joke entries like pokemon or animals. An alien or cat grill or something is fine, a Pyroar is not.

I guess light novels are also fine. Just the more familiar your character is, the more likely she will be recognized and voted for.

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Can characters from franchises like Touhou Project be accepted?

Nein. As far as I am aware, Touhou doesn't have an official anime or manga. This contest in specific will be vocaloid and touhou free. However, I promise at a later date I will hold Touhou and video game and other types of contests for everyone.

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Nein. As far as I am aware, Touhou doesn't have an official anime or manga. This contest in specific will be vocaloid and touhou free. However, I promise at a later date I will hold Touhou and video game and other types of contests for everyone.

Okay, I understand. Then my beloved fish wife shall wait till' her turn comes. (Yes I'm a sinful fishorse and I apologize for that)

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Nein. As far as I am aware, Touhou doesn't have an official anime or manga. This contest in specific will be vocaloid and touhou free. However, I promise at a later date I will hold Touhou and video game and other types of contests for everyone.

Actually, Touhou does have a couple of official manga iirc. I remember Silent Sinner in Blue...

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Hmm... Still I think a touhou only war at some point would be better. Sorry if your real real waifu can't be in it because of this rule.

It's alright, I understand. Touhou Project has a cast large enough for an exclusive Waifu war, and I shall wait for it as well.

Edited by Isa-Chu
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So, am I allowed to put down MAGES.? Because she kinda only has a teeny cameo in teh animu... Okay, TBH this is just me being facetious to make a point. MAGES. transcends waifu status owo

I honestly sorta feel like the distinctions you're trying to make between "anime/manga" and other stuff is very loose and badly thought out. Perhaps you should put a pause to this until you can establish more consistent rules?

I'm not trying to be rude (or rather I'm trying to not be rude), but saying yes to Light Novels and then noping Touhou comes off as a very arbitrary decision

What about Visual Novels? What about Fire Emblem (or any other game series that has an anime/manga but the games have far more content and characters that don't appear in said anime/manga)? What about RWBY? What about series where the characters are significantly different between the anime/manga(and etc)? What about standalone anime movies?

Definitely something that interests me, but as of right now I'll probably refrain from participating

Oh, also, in the event I do participate at a later date, what about traps? AKA, is Mariya a waifu or a husbando for the sake of this thread?

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Maybe I should have thought more about it, but I prefer to put stuff out earlier than never.

Maybe yeah, I shouldn't allow light novels.

I'd prefer to not have "anime video games" in this. In general those are not anime or manga, they just have that style. Most of the time though they have anime adaptations. But if the only medium is a video game, no.

Does MAGES appear in the anime adaptation of Neptunia? Then yes you can put her up.

I banned Touhou because I plan to make a Touhou only round to appease all of the Touhou fans.

Standalone anime movies yes,

Series where the anime/manga is very different still a yes just get the picture of the version you like the most.

RWBY is not anime, it's animation. Anime is specifically from Asia, and I'm pretty sure I put this in the submission rules. Not in this thread, in the actual clicky link thing.

And to the final question: Traps will be in a later installment yes.

See there is no need for complicated thought out rules, just put a character you like and go for it. We will have rounds to appease pretty much every taste.

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Well, I have yet to catch it, but I'm told she has a cameo. One day I'll spot her

Which is to say, yes she's in the anime, but she is not a character in the anime

You answered my questions, great, but that doesn't really solve any of the issues I was attempting to point out. And in a couple cases actually makes them worse

But I really don't have any more reason to argue this, everyone else is perfectly fine with it, so I shall make my exit and not cause you any further trouble

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I was going to type "Well I would have liked to have more people in the bracket but this is all we've got"

But then I found out the nominee list is full of submissions. I think I might have even fucked up and made it public...


After that, eliminations will be shorter. I'll make sure to post about all of them!

Nevermind all that noise, I actually just read all of this again. Eliminations work in different ways from brackets, so they will be a lot shorter. We've got three eliminations, that will indeed be very short. First one will end on the 1st of Febuary

((Also I swear someone put Onodera in there just to spite me...))

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