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Least Favorite Game of All Time?


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There's always those awesome games that you can stop playing, but occasionally you may encounter one that you absolutely despise. What game was it, and why didn't you like it?

For me, it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. It may be personal bias, because my favorite game of all time is Xenoblade Chronicles, but the game seemed bland and unpolished. The character designs were unlikable and lacked charm. The combat modes were an interesting concept, but poorly integrated. Several hours of gameplay between cutscenes often made me forget what was going on. Most missions lacked variation. Overall, not the best experience.

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For me, it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. It may be personal bias, because my favorite game of all time is Xenoblade Chronicles, but the game seemed bland and unpolished. The character designs were unlikable and lacked charm. The combat modes were an interesting concept, but poorly integrated. Several hours of gameplay between cutscenes often made me forget what was going on. Most missions lacked variation. Overall, not the best experience.

I mean it's one thing to not like it but wow...you really need to play a Dragon Quest game if you think that's bad. I probably liked it more because I got all the sheer references and the connections to the Xenoverse but yeah, I don't think it's a good game to get into the Xeno series (though is there really a good one to get into?) Not going to change your mind as I myself pretty much said I probably won't replay it (though I really did enjoy bringing back the sci-fi world). The sad part is that if the story continues (similar to Xenosaga), only the final chapter really gets into what the future ones hold...and likely U-Do will make a return.

I know M&M racing is on that list of really bad games. Imagine mario kart made by college students who received two budget cuts. Yeah, it wasn't that well made. I'd have to say Sonic and the Seven rings is my least favorite game. I could not stand to even get to the first boss is was that bad. It's half the reason I haven't bought a Sonic game ever since.

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Hard to say. Superman 64 is too easy, Call of Duty as well. . . so I'll say Fable II. The charm of the first was gone and the story had the most unsatisfying ending ever in an attempt to be tragic. Not to mention the literal worst boss fight ever and the fact that certain weapons were just objectively superior to others despite the game claiming otherwise.

It was also really hard to not look super dopey and my character went bald for no reason, which was really lame.

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Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight

I loved the C&C series and played every title ... even after EA bought Westwood and doomed the series... but then they brought Generals, which was GREAT! Then C&C3 Tiberium Wars and it's expansion Kanes Wrath were also still pretty neat.

Then came Red Alert 3 and I was like... ehhhhh... it's OK... I guess...

and then came the abomination mentioned above... it threw away every concept that was Command and Conquer.

Eeven though I've read the devestating reviews I gave it a shot - you know because "hey it's C&C one of your favorites..."


I played through the GDI campaign with a bleeding heart... it PHYSICALLY HURT me playing this game...

after I completed it I tried to play the NOD campaign... ... I just couldn't do it... it was to much to bear...

normally if I stop playing a game, it's because it's to hard for me (AVGN - the Game, I wanna be the guy, Braid [i never figuered how to use the time mechanic propperly]) or I'm stuck somewhere after like 40hours of playing (LONG RPG-game like Dragon Age)... but normally I at least try to finish a game, no matter how BAD it is... but not this one... this one took everything I loved and threw it down a bottomless pit that is EA

oh yeah... then they announced C&C Generals 2 - Which should bring back the glorious days of generals... I was HYPED!... then it got cancelled for STUPID reasons...

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I mean it's one thing to not like it but wow...you really need to play a Dragon Quest game if you think that's bad. I probably liked it more because I got all the sheer references and the connections to the Xenoverse but yeah, I don't think it's a good game to get into the Xeno series (though is there really a good one to get into?) Not going to change your mind as I myself pretty much said I probably won't replay it (though I really did enjoy bringing back the sci-fi world).

Haha, I might have been too harsh, but Xenoblade Chronicles had that charm that made it attractive to me. When Xenoblade X was first announced, I had really high expectations, so the final result was disappointing,

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This is a bit of a weird but understandable one for me...

Dante's Inferno


Why do I hate this game? For starters I am a HUGE fan of action games and hack and slash games. Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and God of War are some of my favorite games to play. My issue with Dante's Inferno is that it is an insult to those games in more ways than one. The game had little to no depth, dumb design, and felt boring to play. What annoyed me the most is that while I was playing the game I got several "vibes" from the game. Sometimes when you play a game or watch a movie you get vibes from it that says "this is awesome right?" or "doesn't this hit you in the feels" or w/e. The vibe I kept getting from Dante's Inferno is "isn't this the best game you have ever played in your life?" or "I am better than God of War" and that insulted me on a personal level.

Dante's Inferno isn't in the same quality as God of War. Kratos was a well designed character that you loved to play as. You also sympathized with his tragic backstory that sounded like something straight out of a greek myth. As for Dante, he is bland looking, had a shitty backstory that was annoyingly inaccurate to the poems, and was boring to play as. Also Kratos's design has rhyme and reason to it. He is tattooed with traditional Spartan Tattoos and his skin is white because he is coated with the ashes of his family that he was tricked into slaughtering. Dante has a red cloth in the shape of a cross sewn to his chest because he is edgey as fuck and it looks... okay I guess? Also something about templars. Kratos has Chains around to his arms to symbolize how he is bound to the burdens of his sins. Dante has a scythe because.... uh... he transcends death? Also it is edgy as Fuck! Kratos wants vengeance against the gods because they led him astray and manipulated him to do things he regrets. Dante wants to slay the devil because he kidnapped his girlfriend.... that we are given no reason to care about throughout the story... The game devs obviously didn't understand the source material since Dante's Inferno the poem was aimed to insult and kick the teeth in of the many governments of Europe. It's not actually a story about a guy going to hell for shits and giggles, but a story about a guy going to hell and whom he comes across on in his journey there. That would have been cool to see as a story but nooooo, this game didn't have the creativity nor the guts to do something cool like tha--- Yes I know the game has blood and guts splashing around everywhere and I am sure there is a pun surrounding that somewhere.

One other reason I loved God of War, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta is because how beautifully accurate they portray certain mythos and beliefs. I love it when I see a folktale, religious entity, or something straight out of a cool mythological story is brought to life in a grandiose way. Unfortunately Dante's Inferno appalled me with it's disgustingly inaccurate representation of the characters and creatures of the poem and the poor representation of other entities borrowed for use in the game. While some of the games I liked had rhyme and reason for characters, environments, and creatures looking the way they did, Dante's Inferno did all of those things in a way to be "the game you look at and get grossed out or have trouble looking at." And in result the game looked ugly as shit, the creature designs looked like they were put together by an 8 year old trying to sound cool, and most of the game reeked of trying too hard to be dark and edgey. The Realm of Lust is epic because it had girls with monsters in their vaginas hardy har har. Gluttony is gross because there is rotting food and corpses everywhere, hardy har har.... sounds like something a grade schooler would come up with....

The last thing I hate about the game is the fanbase. There are a ton of people who actually liked this game and try telling me that it is good.... when it's not. Most of the people that tell me this are often times simple minded, easily amused, and/or don't acknowledge, understand, and/or respect the source material the game is trying to borrow from. They must also not respect good game design or well designed characters. They also probably try getting through the game by mashing the same combo over and over again. Most of these people probably didn't play God of War, No More Heroes, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, or God Hand and have low standards for what makes a good action game. They may have also played some of the mentioned games and thought they were "too hard" since they required you to actually think or try. This game is one of my most hated games ever for several reasons and I look at it in disgust every time I see it or hear of it. That is my story behind why I hate this game.

PS: Yes I know Dante from Devil May Cry doesn't accurately depict the character from the Poem either, but he isn't supposed to. He is named after the character due to some of the parallels the two characters share. We are told straight up that Dante's Inferno Dante IS the Dante from the poem.

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I actually liked Dante's Inferno so idk what Godot's going on about. Perhaps comparing it too much to ridiculous hack and slash piss for personality Dante of Devil May Cry.

I'd actually say Dante's Inferno is far more accurate than the silly nods and briefcase turning into rocket launcher buffoon who is an 8 year old's idea of being cool.

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Dante from DMC is the embodiment of what Japanese people think is cool. He is named after the poet, but his character takes inspiration from a number of things. Another famous character Dante takes inspiration from is Link from Zelda.

I also read up on my Dante's Inferno lore only to get constantantly annoyed with numerous fallacies with the story's lore. Half of which is immature. Here is the following wtf things from the top of my head.

Why was the "holy relic" so important? How did it out value the Holy Grail?

Why would the church assassinate Dante in this mythos? I can understand the poem's Dante, but why this Dante? It's never explained.

Why are you climbing towers to decend hell?

Why does Satan have the forbidden fruit, and why does it make Beatrix lustful? I thought the forbidden fruit brought knowledge not sexual desires.

Why is Cerebres a Worm? I know I said that Devil May Cry isn't supposed to be accurate to the poem... But they depicted Cerebres more accurately!

Why is the river Styx in the later circles of hell? The poem clearly states that it is in Limbo.

Why are the sins labeled incorrectly? Where did the game devs get the idea that these are the 7 deadly sins?

Why would Satan want control over heaven? I thought he rebeled because he didn't like how things in heaven were, so he got cast into hell to have a kingdom of his own to run. He isn't trapped there. From what I recall he likes it there. Most things I see state that he wants more control over humanity, not heaven.

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Basically any FPS; never really got into them, still not incinerated in them. Yes, I've given them a chance, but... I'll be honest, generally unimpressive to me, especially since the later ones have an online multiplayer focus (which I generally dislike). Can't really name one worse than the rest, though.

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Lots of true things about a crappy game

As an italian guy who grew up in the same region where Dante the poet was born (in fact, he stopped in my hometown for a while after being exiled from Florence), I would like to add to this that the "references" to the Divina Commedia are downright insulting to people like me, who know entire passages of the bookby heart (they have us memorize those in primary school, don't judge). Dante Alighieri is a national hero, for him to be going around beating people up in a friggin' action game is something that makes me sick to my stomach. How would you american people feel if George Washington was dressed up like some edgy anti-hero from the nineties and put in a fantasy environment? Exactly.

I mean look at this picture:


THIS is Dante. The big nose and red cap combo is so iconic in Italy, that wearing a gag nose and a replica cap is a popular dress up for kids on carnival. Seeing him wearing a helmet and a stripperrific armor, with a red cross painted on his bare chest and a friggin' SCYTHE in his hands fills me with fury. This game is a disgrace and whoever greenlighted it should be ashamed.

With this being said, it's hard to make a submission of my own now. I mean, I'd have to think about a game I hate even more than that one, and I frankly cannot think of anything that...


Oh. Oh God.

Where do I even start. As most hardcore gamers would know, licensed games are usually bad. The mere idea of a movie/book/whatever being adapted to a format that makes it dependant on the player's choices is ludicrous, not to mention the fact that most of the budget usually goes into paying for the license, meaning that the developers more often than not end up rushing aspects like graphics and gameplay. You know, the most important things in a videogame (the plot is important too, but in a licensed game the plot is unoriginal by definition, because it is going to be what you saw in the movie in the best-case scenario, and a horrendously butchered, toned down version of what you saw in the movie in the worst-case scenario).

What I just said applies to licensed games made out of good movies. But this is no such game. This is a licensed game made out of a serious contender for the title of worst movie of all times. Dragonball Evolution represented, for those foolish enough to watch it, the most painful 84 minutes of their entire life. If someone recorded the most humiliating moments I had to suffer at the hands of bullies in my childhood, and then hired the cast of Jersey Shore to act it out, I would find the end result to be marginally less awful than this insult to the intelligence of everyone who ever liked the work of Akira Toriyama. Between the bad acting, the poorly executed special effects, the badly choreographed fight, and the derailment of pretty much all characters involved (just an example: Mai, the forgettable minion of the equally forgettable early villain Pilaf, is now a ninja and the right-hand woman of Lord Piccolo), Dragonball Evolution was one of the lowest point in the history of cinema, and a pitch black spot in the already less-then-stellar curriculum of all actors involved.

So now the question is: did this catastrophe really need a licensed game? Worse yet, did it need to sully forever the name of the Budokai series of Dragonball games by taking its battle system, dumbing it down, and filling it up with poorly done 3D models of the movie's cast?

For having the audacity of asking people to actually pay for this debacle, Bandai Namco should be ashamed, and whoever thought publishing this game was a good idea should get on their knees and beg Dragonball fans all around the world for forgiveness. Hey Bryan, what rating does this game deserve in your opinion?


(Oh look, there's actually a Dragonball Evolution poster in the background image. Who would have thought)

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Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter says hi. But I did come across several articles about people being pissed about how the game depicted Dante and Beatrix in the game while looking up summaries for the game plot.

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Pretty much any FPS because they don't appeal to me at all and are some of the only games anyone at school talks about.

Call of Duty would probably be my least favourite of them.

This. It's been SO difficult to start a conversation about video games at my school without CoD getting involved.

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FPS is a good genre, it is just over done and not always done properly. The issue with COD is how little the devs care about making a good game. Despite how much crap people give to Destiny, I do get a vibe that is some kind of magic to it that says "we the devs somewhat care."

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Meh, who really gives a crap about CoD anymore? I stopped playing the series when everything after MW3 was bad.

Least favorite game? Maybe games, plural. It's hard to say which I dislike more- Demon Souls series or Monster Hunter. Or mystery dungeon games. They're so stale now, maybe even especially the pokemon ones.

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  • 2 months later...

Smash bros. I hate everything about it, and a lot of the fans are just ughhhhhhh

I've met so many bad fans it turned me off it forever. And the pokemon metagame is like this too, which stinks because I have a really good competitive team and so many people are childish and will hit the wifi switch if they lose.

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I regretted buying Naughty Bear. Little brother really wanted, and it was his Birthday, and so I bought it without research for forty dollars, thinking it would be a fun cooperative game ot play with him.... No...No on every regard!

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