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Least Favorite Game of All Time?


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The worst game I played...hmm.

When talking in terms of just plain bad, "Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom" comes to mind first. It...is...so...boring...and ugly, too. Only played a couple of levels and never looked at it again. It makes any CoD-game shine like a blue diamond.

When talking in terms of dissapointing/saddening, I think about something else.
I get dissapointed about new installments of games I loved (like Simcity (2013, I think)), but rarely I actually have such a game in my possession. (I tend to wait on reviews before purchase). So those I don't count.
But "Jak (and daxter): the Lost Frontier" is a game that just made me really, really sad while playing it. I really liked that series, especially Jak 3. And then we get this... PSP-playable games of a PS2-franchise for PS2 have maddened me more than once, but I think this might be the worst of them.

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For me this 'honor' goes to Lunar Dragon Song. I originally got this game from a friend in summer camp when HCBailly was playing the psp remake of the original lunar, so I thought this would be something like that. Instead what I got was the most tedious RPG I ever had the misfortune of playing.

Running drains your health, you can't select what to target in battle, you have to choose between gaining items or experience, every character besides the main character in battle is dead weight, and sidequests are all fetch quests which all rely on the enemy's random drops.

So yeah I had a bad time with it.

Edited by YinYang9705
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A while back I said that ET the video game was the worst game I've ever played, but upon further reading, I realized that I missed the big keyword played. So, in my opinion, the worst game I've ever played was the original Final Fantasy. The game play was slow and tedious, and the plot was one of the most generic things I've ever seen, which turned me off from it.

As an honorable mention, one of the most disappointing game I've ever played was Scribblenauts Unmasked, as it had only about two hours worth of game play...

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Out of all the games I own, I'd have to say Devil May Cry 2. It plays fine but it's just soooo boring. Most of the boss battles pretty much make it feel like it'ss just shoot to win so you'll just find your self keeping distance from a boss and just spam one button the whole time. I've tried to shake things up with melee attacks but it punishes you too hard for going up close. Also, the damage output of the guns (especially when devil triggered) is insane. The whole game is just so boring compared to other Devil May Cry games. Also, the story is so dull, half the time I forgot the plot. Overall, pressing one button through all the combat is very boring, and story is barely there for me. Only good things to come out of it, is that it started some trends for DMC like bloody palace, mission select, and Dante's Rebellion.

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Don't get me wrong, the game itself was actually pretty fun while it lasted.

Except for the non-existent storyline, bullet-sponge bosses and painfully grindy loot system.

Bungie took forever to get basic updates out and Activision literally butchered the game with DLCs and expansions.

At first I considered buying the expansions but the moment the first DLC came out I instantly backed out of that idea.

They literally replaced all the buyable legendary weapons with new ones that had better stats. So basically your old legendary weapons from the vanilla game you worked so hard to buy and level were pretty much useless if you wanted to do the new raid. Keep in mind, you couldn't (at the time) upgrade your old legendaries to be as good as the new ones so you were pretty much forced into grinding for new ones with better stats.

Later I decided to give the game another go but when I did, the second DLC came out and implemented a system where you could actually upgrade your vanilla weapons to be as good as the new ones. At this point I was pretty much done for that feature was so goddamn basic it should have been apart of the vanilla game on the day of its release. Now I had just wasted hours of my time grinding for new legendaries and leveling them up.

When all the expansions finally came out I felt like I had been cheated out of 60 bucks on half a game with the other halve(s) being resold at 20-40 bucks apiece.

Edited by 5hift
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Command and Conquer 4 is my least favourite game of all time. It's certainly not the worst game I've played, but I'm still calling it my least favourite because of the fact that when the fans were promised an "epic conclusion", what we got instead was not only an utter disapointment, it was also a completely different game.

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I could go for sonic genesis gba, but that's a portable game. So i can't exactly count on that game.

I don't play so much games as a kid or now so the game may some people not like.

The least favourite game is XY for now.


- XY has pretty low new pokemon; Didn't care most of them and i felt it was needed more.

- Felt Gen 1 got too much fanservice compared to other gens in XY.

- Swallow, bland and rightfully forgetable Rivals and characters.

- Story was dissapointing. Althrough Lysandre ending there was interesting.

- Difficulty was just so easy. Even without exp share, walkthrough went very easy.

- Gym leaders and Elite four wasn't interesting that most of them was pretty forgetable.

- Lack of Post Game frankly. HOWEVER i liked the Emma one a lot.

- Most Pokemon routes felt pretty short and uninterested that it made me bored. I remember only one soundtrack that i liked while the rest of them was just "meh".

I have of course something i like in XY, but that is heavily shadowed by the cons i have.

These is all i have for now. I could think to go more if i remember anything more from XY in general.

I personally dislike Gen 6 in general. Just like that.

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I would probably say League of Legends, not because it's a horrible game, but because i seriously don't like it. I have a hard time pointing out exactly what my problem is with it, but maybe it's because so many people have tried getting me into it, but it just wouldn't stick. Actually i really dislike mobas to begin with, but League takes the cake. I don't like competitive games which aren't turn based i think, maybe because i suck at them, but then again i don't mind FPSs even the more competitive ones like Counter Strike...

Anyways, i don't like it.

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I really don't like mortal combat because the only things that keep it on the public's radar is the whole fatality gimmick and the blood ( I personally don't like gore, I'm not squeamish I'm just grossed out by it ). Plus the characters are like batman villian rejects, at least in street fighter we have awesome characters like El Fuerte.

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Godai: Elemental Force


I'm not even sure where to begin with this turd of a game. Even when I was only about 10 when I first played it, I could recognize how bad a game this really was. Everything about it felt so clunky and gross. Enemies didn't really vary in design, and when it came to difficulty it could either be ridiculously easy or unfairly hard. I wasn't even able to finish it as it was just plain, bland, and unappealing all-around. Terrible, terrible game.

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Cube World!

An early access game that highlights the dark side of early access games.

A friend of mine convinced me to buy it when it was first released to the public convincing me that it was "A great game that will have lots of awesome updates". Almost immediately after release the developer announced that It wouldn't be updated until sometime in the future when it was finished... Its now 3 years later and fuck all has happened.

I wouldn't even be mad if the game was decent. But its not there is nothing to do you can wander across a barren waste land killing things that range from stupid easy to unbeatable.

It was a learning experience and now I only buy early access if I have actual confidence in parties involved.

In short Cube World as it is on the 4th April 2016 is a worthless game.

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