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I've been here for two years. Ask me anything.


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Two years ago, I was a lousy 14 year old kid who found this place through Youtube. Surprisingly, it wasn't because of Shofu. Then, I came here expecting a fun and difficult Pokemon game for PC, but I found so much more.

And oh boy, how the times have changed since then.

I will spare you my long and not so tragic life story and move straight to the good stuff: You can go and ask me any questions you want.

Considering I never did an intro in the Grand Hall, you can see this as my introduction. Or you can see it in any other way you like. Not like I care, b-baka!
So go ahead and ask!
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1 - Who are the ones you related the most with here? (dunno if i wrote that in a decent way, hope you'll understand the meaning lol)

2 - What is your favourite mon?

3 - What is your favourite movie? Can you suggest me one or two?

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art thou the third horseman of the AMA?

I'm the fourth horseman, actually, The third horseman vanished, and someone had to take his place.

1 - Who are the ones you related the most with here? (dunno if i wrote that in a decent way, hope you'll understand the meaning lol)

2 - What is your favourite mon?

3 - What is your favourite movie? Can you suggest me one or two?

1 - I'm very close to Azery, Catherine/Tomas Elliot, and Zimvader from our Se7en project. After them, probably Hukuna and Calvius (They also work on Se7en, but don't talk as much), and mde, Sparky, Dash and (former member) Shia from the Redemption League crew.

2 - That's a hard pick, but I'd say Reuniclus. Other favorites include Froslass, Chandelure, Milotic and Bisharp.

3 - I'm going to go with a classic one here, and say that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is my favorite.

And if you haven't already, go watch the movie Se7en, because Morgan Freeman is awesome.

Do you like pancakes?

I do. I also like to make my own pancakes, and to vent my frustration of how the first one always fails.

From one to se7en, what is your favorite generation thus far, if you have one?

Bias from Se7en aside, I think my favorite is gen 4, since I really like most of the the evolutions lots of older mons got, and it's also the generation I played the most games from.

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What's the sprite you use for the server and Redemption supposed to be?

What's the laziest slacker in Se7en and how easy or difficult is Tomas to work with? How do you feel on being a Sand Rush Excadrill?

Also, Jesus Christ, don't ever suggest Seven the movie to anyone. I watched it years ago, it's included in an assignment I present tommorow, and I'm still mad about the ending. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What do you think about the fjal version of Ame?

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How long have you had that avatar?

Since May 4, 2015, which is exactly 267 days.

What's the sprite you use for the server and Redemption supposed to be?

What's the laziest slacker in Se7en and how easy or difficult is Tomas to work with? How do you feel on being a Sand Rush Excadrill?

Also, Jesus Christ, don't ever suggest Seven the movie to anyone. I watched it years ago, it's included in an assignment I present tommorow, and I'm still mad about the ending. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What do you think about the fsjal version of Ame?

-That is Zoey, the protagonist of Se7en, dressed as the Heroine from Pokemon Conquest.

-Azery used to be the laziest slacker of all, but recently, he has been working a LOT harder. Currently, it is Hukuna, actually. Tomas is a great guy, though he can be a bit steadfast in his arguments (though they most often make sense). I like Excadrill, but I prefer Mold Breaker on it, to be honest. There ain't no Levitate users getting to me.

-I like to mentally scar people. I, for one, quite liked the movie Se7en, so sorry for that :P

-I'm delighted that my creation became Ame's avatar, if only for a short period.

For reference:


Edited by Nova
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Why are your ideas so crazy I have to shoot down most of them?

Why are you conspiring with Az behind my back?

Why do you want to nerf Warcass?

Why am I making a troll post in an AMA thread instead of finishing my project for uni, at half past eleven in the night?

And as always, in the immortal words of Shurelia:


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Why are your ideas so crazy I have to shoot down most of them?

Why are you conspiring with Az behind my back?

Why do you want to nerf Smogonbird 2.0?

Why am I making a troll post in an AMA thread instead of finishing my project for uni, at half past eleven in the night?

And as always, in the immortal words of Shurelia:


-You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I want to achieve big things, and i'd rather re-do things that went poorly than abandon them altogether, which is why I end up re-doing so many of my old sprites.

-Azery and I identified you as a member of the Mafia and have decided we must eliminate you before the next full moon. Be prepared.

(on a serious note, talking one-on-one on Skype is a quicker way to communicate, that's all. And faster means less slacking off, so everyone's happy in the end)

-I have no idea what you're talking about. What's a Smogonbird 2.0???

-Because you feel obligated to find out about my idealism, mafia conspiracies, Smogonbirds and why you are doing this in the first place.

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Why am I making a troll post in an AMA thread instead of finishing my project for uni, at half past eleven in the night?


Anyway, two of my biggest regrets: not being patient enough as to change Ame's avatar when E15 was released, instead pulling the trigger when Serra's field was announced or something, and that the prank items are now gone and I can't do it when E16 comes rolling in 100 years.

What was your, so to say, corner in this community before Se7en came along?

Nickname your Redempion team after people from this place: who is who? :P

Oh, and what sounded so good in the name "entreflores"? :P

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Anyway, two of my biggest regrets: not being patient enough as to change Ame's avatar when E15 was released, instead pulling the trigger when Serra's field was announced or something, and that the prank items are now gone and I can't do it when E16 comes rolling in 100 years.

What was your, so to say, corner in this community before Se7en came along?

Nickname your Redempion team after people from this place: who is who? :P

Oh, and what sounded so good in the name "entreflores"? :P

-Before Se7en, I was part of the Shiny project for Reborn. That's also where I started my pixel art stuff. You might know me from that one purple Volcarona.

-You are Roserade (flores=flowers), Catherine is Togekiss (annoying and flinch-inducing), ICSW is Rhyperior (he eats hits like ice cream sandwiches), Dobby is Bisharp (also has the shiny Bisharp in his Redemption team), Kingdra shall keep the name of #FOLD, because I say so, and that leaves Chandelure to me (<3)

-You're still thinking about that incident, aren't you? Well, I had to pick someone, so yeah, I had to make up a reason. Also, I like the letter e. Entreflores had that letter. THRICE.

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Why the name Nova?

I wanted a new name for the forums, and Nova means New, so I just rolled with it, and was surprised to see the name wasn't already taken.


Ame lets just make an AMA subforum

People can give their own input, and people often appreciate that.

I take offense to the "flinch inducing" part <.<

And while I liked the John Lennon reference in your reply to my earlier questions, YOU DID NOT ADDRESS THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT ONES.

I am Nova. You may know me from my absurd and crazy ideas, and yes, I would go out with Catherine.

What was the most drastic change you've seen to the game?

Having been here since EP10, I think the most drastic change was the removal of poor Magikarp from the Grand Hall. The poor thing made the game so much easier xD

How does it feel to be an official team member of a growing fangame here in Reborn?

Do you feel fame with it? Are you happy with it? Are there difficulties in the development of the game?

How are you today? Do you like cake?

It's nice to be in the progress of making something that so many other people will enjoy :)

I don't feel a lot of the "fame" yet, since we're still quite small, but I am very happy with how it's going. The largest difficulties, I think, were conflicts/arguments about large game changes and slackers.

Do you like pigs?

Do you like bacon?

Which is your favorite Redemption Leader? it better not be elliot after he took me 11 tries

Oh, and will you ever update your Spriting Guide? :x

Pigs are cute. I knew someone who had a pet pig, and would take it on walks through town and everything ^_^

Bacon is good, but not as good as the internet wants you to believe.

My favorite Redemption leader is Haley, probably.

Why did you bring back the AMA?

Do you like slime on your face?

What's your preferred hairstyle?

I've been here for two years, and what better reason to do an AMA than that? At least I have one, unlike the other random AMA makers out there :P

I've never had slime on my face, so I'll just say yes, as long as it tastes like pudding.

Relatively flat, and brushed to one side (for guys) and long and flat (for girls).

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What is your favorite Se7en starter? The option to say "all of them" is not permitted.

Lifoam, definitely. Roobber's a bit too humanoid for me (and I'd wanted to see it become Fire/Dark or Fire/Electric, but alas) and for Eufur, well, he's cute, but I prefer badass dragons over cute koalas.

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