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If you wish to slay a dragon...


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  On 2/3/2016 at 4:49 PM, NickCrash said:

Naturally every field is used once in every gym, so not both gym battles will be with is.

1. More fields than gyms.

2. Big Top Field with Samson and Ciel.

  On 2/4/2016 at 3:37 AM, Schiffy said:

Does one use of each count?

It does with EQ/Bulldoze and Cave.

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As for what Mega will Saphira use I doubt it would be Altaria again (unless Ciel switches to Mega-Pidgeot of course). Mega-Salamence is probably for Heather. And Garchomp was already used as an ace pokemon of both Solaris and T3RR4 so no more Garchomp please. Personally I think that she will surprise us with a Mega-Charizard X, Mega-Ampharos or a Mega-Sceptile. Mega-Charizard X being the top candidate because of fire boosts from the field.

By the way I think Terras RAWRCHOMP is a bit overleveled. Maybe it would be better to lower its level a bit and make it a Mega instead? I mean we already know normal Garchomp from Solaris. I don't mind facing another Garchomp when fighting Terra but as a Mega it would not feel so redundant.

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Assuming all the pokemon you will face here will be Dragons.

Most dragon type moves with get an effective x3 multiplier (including STAB) so Fairies will be pretty essential if you're not going to wreck up the field.

...I'll need to wreck up the field or else my team will get swept considering that dragon-types already have nice stats.

I'm scared ;-;

Edited by Pandalex12
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Ciel is not losing M-Altaria. It's her signature pokemon.

Ame is just hoping for GameFreak to announce a M-Dragonite before the new gen comes. That would tie up all loose ends.

Zard X seems the most probable option given how the field boosts both Dragon and Fire, rock attacks get fire sub type, so they are in fact resisted by Zard X, instead of being super effective, and ice & fairy have normal effectiveness anyway. Yep, give it all you have, and make sure you throw those rocks before her Hyper Offensive team comes back to eat you.

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"it'll actually be used in two upcoming gyms."

*does not see the word leaders anywhere*

Maybe Ame's just pulling our leg and they're just going to be part of the gym but not used by the gym leader or I'm being silly and Amaria is going to have a team of dragon dance water-types

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oooh, how much i wish we made a special tier on showdown with classical reborn rules that activated a random field from the start!!

PD slaying dragons in that field? more like geting our butts kicked by them lol, especially by dragon dance dragonite with roost giving him no weaknesses at all and likely reactivating multiscale over and over

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  On 2/21/2016 at 3:15 AM, ej190 said:

Sturdy Gigalith with Sneaky pebbles and Protean Surf+Ice beam Greninja is a go.

Except we don't have Ice Beam TM yet and I suspect we won't get it any time soon either. So no Ice Beam Greninja.

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  On 2/29/2016 at 7:00 PM, fireflame said:

Oh no, sounds like another gym where all of the gym leaders Pokemon kill even neutral pokemon in one shot but all of its resistances do a fraction of the damage and it keeps all of its mountain of resistances. This should be real fun (sarcasm).

While it looks that way at first glance there are some weaknesses to exploit. Maybe more severe than in some other gyms.

Personally I think this will be another contest of speed like against Seel. If you have a dragon-type attack on a fast pokemon it can easily sweep anything Saphira sends out except for Dragonite. And to make things easier you can use Nature Power TM as a dragon type move. Even without STAB you get x4 boost because of the field + dragon weakness. I'm curious about what she will do against a Noivern. (Hopefully she will be more of a threat than Luna against a Heracross. Poor Luna.)

Also fairy-type pokemon will be very useful here because of their dragon immunity. Just watch out if she has a Dragalge.

Finally the field can be changed to Cave field where you can just collapse the field to kill anything. Or you can just change it to Rainbow Field like always.

Edited by baldr
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  • 3 weeks later...

I somehow get the impression Hardy may use this field as well. The field wrecks Water attacks, and Smack Down gets turned into a fire-type attack which would wreck Grass and Steel types too. Trying to change the field might actually make things MORE advantageous for Hardy as well, at least in the raw offense department (Grass and Steel types wouldn't get wrecked as fast, and Hardy would lose protection against Water attacks, but Rock-type attacks in general get a huge boost).

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i know dragonite is saphira's ace but i doubt gamefreak will announce a mega dragonite before sun and moon come out.

there was plans to give flygon a mega evolution, so i don't think there's going to be that much of a problem for ame to make 1 for either flygon or dragonite from scratch

as for the field i highly doubt ame will have the remaining leaders share the same one

Edited by sandy
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  On 3/26/2016 at 1:12 AM, sandy said:

as for the field i highly doubt ame will have the remaining leaders share the same one

Ame said in the announcement itself that the field will be used in two gyms. I suppose it is possible the leader will have a different field to the rest of the gym if they're on a different map, but it seems pretty unlikely.

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true, amaria, may just use what happened to her house as the battle arena, as for Titania, ame may borrow the field Jan used for Eric in rejuvenation

after reading the original post again i'm wondering dose Multiscale remove the dragon's weakness to fairy also?

  • Multiscale additionally annulls user's Dragon type's weaknesses at all times
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It's rather like the Charlotte tactic of fighting Fire with Fire. I suspect that a fast Dragon type of our own, like Noivern and perhaps even Kingdra or +1 Tyrantrum (if it manages to set up at all) will be crucial for victory, seeing as they too benefit from the field. Except against permanent-multiscale Dragonite, which will demand blood sacrifices.

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  On 3/27/2016 at 6:17 PM, Viridescent said:

It's rather like the Charlotte tactic of fighting Fire with Fire. I suspect that a fast Dragon type of our own, like Noivern and perhaps even Kingdra or +1 Tyrantrum (if it manages to set up at all) will be crucial for victory, seeing as they too benefit from the field. Except against permanent-multiscale Dragonite, which will demand blood sacrifices.

Sturdy Phanpy/Donphan with Endeavor and Ice Shard. Extreme Speed is no longer legal on an in-game Dragonite, so this should work in theory.

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  On 3/26/2016 at 1:12 AM, sandy said:

i know dragonite is saphira's ace but i doubt gamefreak will announce a mega dragonite before sun and moon come out.

there was plans to give flygon a mega evolution, so i don't think there's going to be that much of a problem for ame to make 1 for either flygon or dragonite from scratch

as for the field i highly doubt ame will have the remaining leaders share the same one

Man, if mega dragonite ever comes out it will be uber for sure. Smogon had to ban Dragonite from using ANY megastone on the OMM that made all mega-stones available to all pokemon, except some particularly broken ones like Beedrillite, Mawilite and Kangaskhanite.

It was simply too easy to alternate between Dragon Dance and Roost abusing Multiscale, then megaenvolving to trade Multiscale into a more offensively inclined ability like Pixilate, Aerilate, Tough Claws, etc to wreck everything on it's path, especially having Extremespeed at his disposal.

PD In case you didn't notice my avatar, Dragonite is not only saphira's ace, he is mine as well; and sure as honey I know him better than anybody, my word on Dragonite is law, if you get any doubt just ask the veterans that suffered mine back at 5th gen. Not Shadow Tag Chandelure, not Genesect, not climatic sweepers, not even Crep's Baton Pass team was as hated and feared as my one-man-army, the SubDDnite called "Belgabad" ;)

Edited by SJMistery
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  On 3/29/2016 at 4:16 PM, SJMistery said:

Man, if mega dragonite ever comes out it will be uber for sure. Smogon had to ban Dragonite from using ANY megastone on the OMM that made all mega-stones available to all pokemon, except some particularly broken ones like Beedrillite, Mawilite and Kangaskhanite.

It was simply too easy to alternate between Dragon Dance and Roost abusing Multiscale, then megaenvolving to trade Multiscale into a more offensively inclined ability like Pixilate, Aerilate, Tough Claws, etc to wreck everything on it's path, especially having Extremespeed at his disposal.

How exactly does a mega stone work on a Pokemon that can't mega evolve? Would for example giving Dragonite an Ampharosite make it become Mega Ampharos somehow? o . o

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  On 3/29/2016 at 4:30 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

How exactly does a mega stone work on a Pokemon that can't mega evolve? Would for example giving Dragonite an Ampharosite make it become Mega Ampharos somehow? o . o

The Other Metagame of the Month was called Mix-and-Mega, and you could put almost any Mega Stone on any Pokemon (there was a ban list). They could get new Abilities, new typings, and stat increases, although they wouldn't become the Mega itself. However, it was the OMM for February and isn't there anymore right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Field effects are pretty cool, but...

They drive me insane trying to remember all of it haha.

Take for instance the Ice type gym leader. Nature Power turns into Mirror Shot. Which is great to have, since Steel beats Ice, but the only pokemon I have that can learn it is Leavanny, a Bug/Grass type. Both of Leavanny's weaknesses are highlighted by the Mirror field, which makes it extremely hard to fit in that Mirror Shot. I know Typhlosion can learn Nature Power, but I chose Charmander as my starter, and his line doesn't learn it.

I know all of that from trial and error, fighting a gym leader who I have yet to beat in this game. However, I'm pretty sure there's still a host of other advantages I could play off of.

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