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Aqua, or Magma?


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In general, I prefer team Magma over team Aqua when it comes to their ideals and such, but in a way, I feel like Aqua let's you get a carvanha, which can be useful against Shade if it can get some hits off first.

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- Ponyta and a Fire Stone from Craudberry quest

- Carvanha after becoming official Aqua Member

- Houndour is in the Alley waiting to fight you if you have Pokesnax

- Access to Murkrow before Shelly.


- Buizel and a Water Stone from Craudberry quest

- Houndour after becoming official Magma Member

- Carvanha is available from fishing... once you get the Good Rod, which won't be until you get to Spinel.

- Access to Murkrow after Shelly.

Aqua is better if you don't care about Buizel and you want to get/evolve Pokemon before your sixth Gym. I went to Aqua first because I thought it was easier to get to, but I do like Magma's line "For glory, baby." If Magma still had Chinchou, though...

edit: forgot about stones

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I originally liked Team Magma slightly better as the Pokemon choices were more even. Now...the only advantage is the Water Stone as you can get a ton of good water types that aren't Buizel which is why I always felt Chinchou was better suited for the spot. Now I have to say Aqua is way better without question. You get a Fire Stone which you can use to evolve that Arcanine and put the hurt onto Shelly as well as Rapidash who is a really good Pokemon to use once it evolves and is very useful up until Samson, both Houndour and Carvanha, and Maxwell is way easier than Archie allowing for you to get the said mons even before Shade (making him easy as well). Oh you even get Murkrow earlier as well. Seriously, Aqua just is ultimately the better rewards path.

I originally loved picking Magma, but now I have to say Aqua because of that Murkrow alone.

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Aqua is the better choice in the long run.

The biggest decider for me though? You don't have to fish for Houndour, which is essentially abandoned when Magma takes off. Having both Pokemon for Shade is better than just having one.

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I picked magma out of contrariness.

I don't like that the game is rigged towards picking aqua though, buizel is just such an atrociously crap pokemon for that stage of the game. At least ponyta can torch shelly's field, take down a few of shade and kiki's pokemon through type advantage and speed.

The only way to balance this choice at all would be for buizel to come with aqua tail or some decent physical water move (not freaking useless aqua jet that does stuff all damage).

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