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Version 7 Bug Reporting Thread.


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I think this occurred due to replanting the custap berry. I wish I knew the definite cause :(

Edit: It used to keep crashing me at the left area before entering Kokori village. Somehow it stopped occurring? Strange

Edited by Pandalex12
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-i think i broke?? the game(version 6.2)-

during the valor mountain arc, (the part where player deded and resurrected by Cresent). after going out of the place where Cresent and her gothitelle was, i went back inside to heal my mons and suprise suprise they are fully healed. when i went back outside, the background was the original valor mountain background instead of the darkened theme. (guess which idiot saved despite guessing something was wrong?) when i went to the area where Zetta and emo giratina fanboy was, no dialogue, nothing happened.

reload my save and still stuck


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-i think i broke?? the game(version 6.2)-

during the valor mountain arc, (the part where player deded and resurrected by Cresent). after going out of the place where Cresent and her gothitelle was, i went back inside to heal my mons and suprise suprise they are fully healed. when i went back outside, the background was the original valor mountain background instead of the darkened theme. (guess which idiot saved despite guessing something was wrong?) when i went to the area where Zetta and emo giratina fanboy was, no dialogue, nothing happened.

reload my save and still stuck


Revert to a backup version where you're not stuck (there's multiple saves in your saved games folder), then upgrade to 7.1, and try again. There also should be a red crystal around somewhere, so try finding one.

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Revert to a backup version where you're not stuck (there's multiple saves in your saved games folder), then upgrade to 7.1, and try again. There also should be a red crystal around somewhere, so try finding one.

revert to backup version? i have no idea which folder you are referring to TwT

ahhh is it worth it to restart? TwT

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revert to backup version? i have no idea which folder you are referring to TwT

ahhh is it worth it to restart? TwT

C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation is supposed to be the folder in which all of your savefiles are stored. It looks a little like this inside the folder:


It has the information of how many badges you have and how long you played at that savestate in the filename. If you want to replace your current Game.rxdata file to a previous one, delete the game.rxdata file in your folder, then rename the savestate file to the one that you want to start playing from again to game.rxdata, and you should be able to continue playing from that point.

You don't have to restart the entire game for it! And upgrading to V7.1 is harmless because it doesn't affect Valor mountain, it only changes a few different maps and adds the new content. :]

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hello guys hidden power he had a really weard bug if my pokemon has HP-ice(i make calculations to see what HP he had)he become HP dragon

you see in this 4 pics what i say





Hidden power seems to be working a bit iffy in general, but I'll add it to the bugs list.

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C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation is supposed to be the folder in which all of your savefiles are stored. It looks a little like this inside the folder:


It has the information of how many badges you have and how long you played at that savestate in the filename. If you want to replace your current Game.rxdata file to a previous one, delete the game.rxdata file in your folder, then rename the savestate file to the one that you want to start playing from again to game.rxdata, and you should be able to continue playing from that point.

You don't have to restart the entire game for it! And upgrading to V7.1 is harmless because it doesn't affect Valor mountain, it only changes a few different maps and adds the new content. :]

*happy niliz sounds*

Thank you soooo much :D

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*happy niliz sounds*

Thank you soooo much :D

No problem! If any problems occur just post it here in the topic and we'll give a solution, note it down for a future patch or for a fix in V8.

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Hidden power seems to be working a bit iffy in general, but I'll add it to the bugs list.

If i recall correctly, HP Fairy was implemented, which shifted around the other HPs. Or am i confusing this with another game?

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No, I'm pretty sure you're right.

Would be handy to see the new Hidden Power IVs though.

I've tried looking into some of the scripts but nothing that I can easily determine from which HP's are for which IV's yet, so for now I changed the way the bug is written down in the wall o' bugs, and if I know anything I'll let you guys know.

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I needed Rock Smash to smash Ralts's cage and didn't have my rock smasher on me, so I replaced Rock Climb on Scolipede thinking I could just reteach Rock Climb when I open the cage. But for some reason it's saying Scolipede isn't compatible with Rock Climb even though it knew it before??

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I needed Rock Smash to smash Ralts's cage and didn't have my rock smasher on me, so I replaced Rock Climb on Scolipede thinking I could just reteach Rock Climb when I open the cage. But for some reason it's saying Scolipede isn't compatible with Rock Climb even though it knew it before??

I think it's because Rock Climb is a Gen 4 TM, and Scolipede is from Gen 5. Though I suppose Jan should make it so that Gen 5 and 6 Pokemon can learn former generation moves (i.e. Whirpool and Defog). Anyway, try using the Move Relearner in Sheridan.

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Hey everyone, dont know if it's just me but i cant seem to be able to use gourgheist's trick-or-treat. here's the error message:

Exception: ArgumentError

Message: wrong number of arguments(1 for 0)

PokeBattle_MoveEffects:882:in `ability'

PokeBattle_MoveEffects:882:in `pbEffect'

PokeBattle_Battler:2971:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'

PokeBattle_Battler:2913:in `each'

PokeBattle_Battler:2913:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'

PokeBattle_Battler:3333:in `pbUseMove'

PokeBattle_Battler:3300:in `loop'

PokeBattle_Battler:3336:in `pbUseMove'

PokeBattle_Battler:3831:in `pbProcessTurn'

PokeBattle_Battler:3830:in `logonerr'


Edited by Neoraed
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In the mansion, if you know the correct number to put in the PC you can open it before you're supposed to. This causes Venam to appear in the study wondering why the desk won't open, even though the player hasn't gotten to that point yet.

I mean you kind of have to intentionally do this but who knows if you can just continue from that point and make the game all screwy from skipped content. I didn't solve the picture puzzle, I just continued like I was supposed to from leaving the mansion.

EDIT: FUCK, doing this in fact made the game skip the Blakeory/Vitus conflict and when I got back to Kugearen from the mansion there was the "Maria!" but nobody was in the house. I fixed it by reverting to a save just before the mansion, though.

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I'm having an issue where Venam still won't open the desk even with the entered combo. I had already read the fossil and bookshelf things, but I hadn't read the notebook one. I already knew the combo from the past playthrough though, so I put it in and only read the notebook one later, which put Venam in a state of still not being able to open the drawer, even though I input the combo at the right point in the story.

Whoops, I totally forgot about the painting puzzle. Nvm xD

Edited by BananananaK
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