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Odd House And Secret Library Quests


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You need to calm down a little with starting new topics, but I'll answer your questions anyway. You can ask these types of questions in the Rejuvenation discussion thread! :)

1) You need the odd key to do the odd house quest. Can't really discuss where the odd key is in the forums so have someone pm you on that. (If anyone has more info on this or if I'm misinformed, please chime in. I haven't done this myself, heh)

2) secret library requests (1 and 2) are help requests from Gearen and Sheridan village. You gotta finish the one in Gearen first.

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wow the odd key is still a thing it wasnt hard to find it at all in v6 ... v5 was the one where it was impossible to find .... v6 it was spoon fed to you but i havent checked out v7 yet

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wow the odd key is still a thing it wasnt hard to find it at all in v6 ... v5 was the one where it was impossible to find .... v6 it was spoon fed to you but i havent checked out v7 yet

Still the same in V7 Hypa

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