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Blade & Soul


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I'm surprised this hasn't appeared yet, but B&S came out a minute ago, and it's a lot of fun. When I haven't been drowning in school work I've been hitting it up getting a general feel for the game. This thread is a general thread about the game. Feel free to post whatever about it from character pics to likes and dislikes to whatever else you can think of.

I'm currently a level 24 Blade Master, I also have a Kung-Fu Master I haven't really worked on. the game is fully compatible with a gamepad so I use my ps3 controller to play. The combat is fun and the skill pools are actually pretty diverse from what i've seen. It feels good when you pull off a flash skill, and you can even use most of your flashiest skills on bosses which is always an added bonus for me. and I usually play with a group of friends who've been waiting for the game to come out for a minute now, but i'm more than down to play with anyone if they're down. The game as you continue on requires team play for some of the higher level dungeons, but up until level 20 you can solo pretty easily. The main frustration with the game currently is the disconnect rate for a lot of people and THE QUEUE to log in in general, if you don't have premium I've seen the queue hold a two hour wait before. (the latter has been getting better as the game is finding its niche)

Premium is like 12$ USD a month if you're get invested. (Seeing as their cash shop essentially only allows in increments of 5$ meaning you need to invest 15$ off top.) something I'm not really a fan of, but for three months it's like 20$ USD I think. The other items and costumes in the cash shop are beautiful cosmetic wise. A costume runs anywhere between 8$ -12$ USD, actually the entire game is beautiful I can't lie, the NPCs to the antagonists to you, everything is gorgeous if not slightly too glossy imo.

In terms of the story it's pretty solid. You find a couple of likeable quirky NPCs and boom. you're invested in them, that being said I do find myself mashing through text on occasion. Essentially all you need is the frame story and your set.

Character Name: Archylite


Edited by Stealth
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i play this game to pretty fun if you know what you are doing and a tip for all who are stating out start as an 3 and half star or below character as the game gets a hecka lot difficult once you cross jadestone

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Difficult past Jadestone? I'd try difficult past the entire Viridian Coast. One of those dailies in the graveyard area is wayyy difficult to solo (given it's a suggested 2-person quest).

But yeah, the PvP is excellent, which is the big attraction. I think I'm on Gomyung or Gonmyung or what have you.

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I definitely forgot about servers! My main character is on OLD MAN CHO because we all know OLD MAN CHO IS THE REALEST NPC IN THE GAME. But if there ends up being like a true reborn movement ot blade and soul I wouldn't mind making remaking my second char wherever tbh

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Difficult past Jadestone? I'd try difficult past the entire Viridian Coast. One of those dailies in the graveyard area is wayyy difficult to solo (given it's a suggested 2-person quest).

But yeah, the PvP is excellent, which is the big attraction. I think I'm on Gomyung or Gonmyung or what have you.

actually thats not what im refering to and as for daily you must be refering to stalker quest maybe yes hard to solo cause its stronger than the final boss of the viridian coast(i kid you not) its planned to to be difficult so high damage can be put on it and multiple players can reap the rewards at once cause of that god awful respawn rate as for 2 member wuset it takes patience and some planing but 2 member can be solo done if you are strong enough but on 6 member dungeon try geting 20% damage on boss alone i will be impressed.

what im talking about is the spike in mobs streanth which as stealth say comes at about about lvl 20 there 6 member dungeons begin and believe me when i say there the real nightmares well thats if your still playing as 3 star charcter or below if above leave everdusk and you will cringe specially if you picked kungfu master(the char im working on right now) as its not designed to take on multiple mobs which start increasing around that point and it is essential to unlock skill upgrades by then also i think i did gunwong questnot sure as have a habit of forgetting some char names and cause you didnt specify where you the quest at or lvl couldve been a diffrent char or a returning one so forgive a mistake where it was viridain coast or cinderlands right now my main is lvl 29 kung fu master,

now i will give a little evaluation of the chars in game that i understood and i have played with most of em so i know how they work and this is my opinion feel free to point out any mistake:

Kung fu master:Easily one of the weakest and one of the strongest chars in the game(in one on one) later being if you know how its skills work and can make it work with your play style counter and quick evasion tactics but still highly not recommended if not looking for a challenge as like i said once the number of mobs increase per dungeon its a nightmare for it to counter multiple foes at once granted you dont know how it works.

Blade master:not to impossible but not to easy with strong attacks it can counter several foes but not enough to match later dungeons giveing it a bit of disadvantage but 1 on 1 is where it shines as if you manage to use block skills at perfect timing you can virtually take no damage and dish out massive damage in exchange your choice if you choose wont have much regret though.

Assassin:now this char is interesting as it has great crit rates(i know shocker) and very good skills but very and i mean very low attack to balance that the style i found best for this guy vs bait and eliminate one by one longer but efficent overall still not recommended if thats not your play style otherwise go ahead but beware,

Destroyer:now this character very usefull the strongest AoE skills in game with it being a tank take hits and dish out damage great also in the fact that it dosent have the standard focus bar so can use many more skills at once downfall most of its stronger skills quite a bit of cooldown not to much but higher that usual and the fact its best defensive skill makes it unable to use only its basic attacks quite recommended for those with tactics of straight up jump into battle.

Force master:lets just say what it is a renamed magician class strong attacks with the advantage of long range combat and good to decent AoE skills very recommended as you can withstand quite a bit of the game with this guy specially with the has most of its skills have great hax recomended enough said.

Summoner:now the best char for a newbee if you dont mind being a anthromophic animal with ear and tail and the female char just being a straight up lolita the male not to far behind with this said lets go on the advantage of a familiar so you always have 2 on 1 advantage in most cases with its normal skill set being similar to force master long range the reason its better cause if you plan with the familiar just right you can weaken opponent twice as fast also the said familar intercepts a good chunk of the damage and if the familiar faints go to a corner a 5 second revival time for it to be back at full health enough said though it does have flaws but most are ignorable.

Blade dancer:ill be honest i haven't played this char yet cause i played each for a certain amount of time on the na and one besides my main in the eu so could only judge 3 at a time after kung fu mater cause of the deleate time servers and kept deleting along the way i haven't done this one just yet as my last char is still being deleated will cover this eventually. maybe or someone justt evaluate for me.

i hope i dint miss any classes if i did do tell me and i mean the released ones the 2 unreleased ones i cant judge as of yet so not gonna try.

also which character to do you hate the most i know tough choice i was gonna go lusung but the cinderland story made me slightly warm up to him then dodan but he is just outright blown out of the dislike scale by nasooyoo not gonna spoil why i hate her play through the end of viridian coast you will know i just find her personality then just vile

Edited by NovaKnight
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that's all I gotta say bout my least favorite character.

My fav character rn, is Yura. She's just....man I dunno I really like Yura.

Edit: Sidenote I got my Aevium outfit from the daily dash, tell me it doesn't look fresh.


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