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Fire Emblem Fates [Waifu Simulator 2k16]


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So I've been stuck on conquest chapter 10 lunatic mode for a good 3 hours or so and now have no idea where to go from here. lemme put this in a spoiler real quick

The farthest I've gotten is turn 9. I always choke after turn 7 aka the fuck you point of the chapter where reinforcements spawn on all sides, the dragon vein activates so everything can bumrush you from any angle and the mini-bosses start moving. I just don't know what to do. I get to a point where everything is going fine and then boom turn 7 and everything is dead. Not to mention the pegasus knights do not even attack you, they just bumrush the defend point and I just can't stop them all, there is too many troops to kill and not enough units to defend. I don't want to shell out and buy the DLC either so can you guys maybe give me some tips and tricks? I've got a Master Seal, Heart Seal and 2 of each kind of tonic. Levels are as follows.

Kamui- 11

Felicia- 11

Elise- 10

Silas- 10

Arthur- 10

Effie- 11

Odin- 9

Niles- 10

Azura- 9

Nyx- 10

Mozu- 6 (in case I ever decide to get a chapter where I can grind her)


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So I've been stuck on conquest chapter 10 lunatic mode for a good 3 hours or so and now have no idea where to go from here. lemme put this in a spoiler real quick

The farthest I've gotten is turn 9. I always choke after turn 7 aka the fuck you point of the chapter where reinforcements spawn on all sides, the dragon vein activates so everything can bumrush you from any angle and the mini-bosses start moving. I just don't know what to do. I get to a point where everything is going fine and then boom turn 7 and everything is dead. Not to mention the pegasus knights do not even attack you, they just bumrush the defend point and I just can't stop them all, there is too many troops to kill and not enough units to defend. I don't want to shell out and buy the DLC either so can you guys maybe give me some tips and tricks? I've got a Master Seal, Heart Seal and 2 of each kind of tonic. Levels are as follows.

Kamui- 11

Felicia- 11

Elise- 10

Silas- 10

Arthur- 10

Effie- 11

Odin- 9

Niles- 10

Azura- 9

Nyx- 10

Mozu- 6 (in case I ever decide to get a chapter where I can grind her)


Grind on the Boo Camp, you can get some good EXP there.

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Any 1st Gen Unit w/ Aptitude is due to glitch abuse, Only Mozu and her child can get it (Any 2nd Gen - Shigure)

" You can visit as many castles as you want per day, but only once each. You can buy skills by seizing their castle and selecting inherit skill, then you pick a character and skill to buy. Then that character will be added to your unit logbook and you can buy skills off of them from there. (but this is much more expensive)"

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So I finally beat chapter 10 after hours of work and let me tell you, it was not easy (especially because I missed a master seal because I was not risking anything for it at that point).

Effie, Camilla and Kamui were the definite MVPs of this map no doubt in my mind.

Effie's job was to stop all archers and spear troops on the right side by her lonesome (with her buddy Arthur of course) and she did magnificent.

Camillas job was to support Silas as the two bombarded the southern front and took out Oboro.

Finally, Kamui's job was to kill ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on the left side of the screen. Ninjas? Boom dead. Spear troops? BOOM. Fighters? OBLITERATED!

None of this would've been possible without the people on the side picking up the scraps however. Shout out to Nyx who dodged 4 attacks and to Niles for demolishing all pegasus knights and for withering down enemies with the ballista. My god was this an experience. It definitely taught me one thing. Do not ever waste exp on Mozu unless you're playing hard or normal mode. That exp is better used on Odin, Niles and Nyx.

Shame that I missed the Master Seal, but sacrifices have to be made to get far in this world.

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You'll be able to buy like 5 of those at once, when you get far enough. You probably won't be leveled up enough to want to use them yet though.

And yeah, Mozu is useless.

Also changed my castle so that my avatar shows up in there. He's got weapons and stuff because I play with him in every mission, of course, but he starts in the bottom left corner. It should be pretty easy for even the lowest level team to race him up to the top of the map and seize it to win automatically.

I also got a bunch of abilities on my avatar now that I found out that you can buy abilities through the unit logbook. And that castle battle inherit skills work only if you have/use the same character as the foe's character.

But yeah, my avatar has:

Darting Blow





Castle Code/Address:



You're welcome.

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I finished the Birthright path a long while ago and I can honestly say that it's alright. Any Fire Emblem fan could see most of that story coming a mile away, but it was still enjoyable. TBH, I prefer Conquest's story as they actually went out of their way to explain all of that stuff they left out in Birthright and a lot of it is cool and interesting. You also get the better sword (and stronger units) so much earlier. Birthright's maps are a little better than awakening's, but there are a few maps a despise. Chapter 21. I HATE THAT MAP! Here's why:

You pretty much have to use a dragon vein to unlock the next path...and the right option is pretty obvious, but if you choose the wrong option, the entire area of the floor your on becomes lava damaging your units with like five or six rounds of reinforcements of golems. And to even get to the next path, you'd have to cover the holes the reinforcements pop out of.

That's a minor nitpick compared to this map being more or less full of golems. In conquest, this would've be as big of a complaint, but in birthright, Silas, other than Ryoma...who can take on a whole map almost by himself, is the only character with actual defense. Well Scarlet does...but this map is full of Adventurers and a lot of killer weapons. It's a very painful turtle map on classic mode.

Believe it or not, I feel chapter 23 is worse due to a certain...annoying thing slowing down your progress. I will say there are some good maps as Chapter 8 is one of my favorite desert chapters. I just felt the whole thing really wasn't balanced or done well enough compared to conquest. I'm on chapter 17 of conquest and can I say that there isn't a single map I despise in this version...yet. I think my least favorite is Arthur's son's paralogue which isn't even that bad. Chapter 10 was a lot of fun bringing back good old defend chapters. I feel each chapter gives you a reason to get your butt moving, but not to rush in giving it a nice balance. Conquest players aren't missing out on that much from birthright.

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Fixed a mistake in my castle address.

acquired even more accessories, from making them and from random internet peoples.


Accessories: (all are base +1 bonus to something unless otherwise noted)

Pink Beret

Trainee Garb

Mage's Circlet

Princess Bow

Simple Kerchief

Flower Band

Giant Haircomb

Princess Crown (-2 dmg taken)

Prince Crown (-2 dmg taken)

Sun Tiara (-2 dmg)

White Ribbon (-2 dmg)

Head Towel (wearer shows up in the hot spring more often)

Round Glasses (Thanks to Ikaru)

Cross Eyepatch

Faceless Mask

Oni Mask

Ninja Mask

Royal Feather (+2 damage dealt while in other castles)

Tengu Mask (+2 damage dealt)

Einherjar Mask (wearer shows up in Einherjar shop more often)

Samurai Mask (+2 dmg)

Medicine Trunk (thanks to Godot)

Lion Shield

Fox Tail

Nohr Pauldron

Fox Pauldron (thanks to Inuki via Ikaru)

General's Shell (-2 damage taken while in other castles)

Emblem Shield (-2 damage taken, normally takes 27 pearls to make *hint*)

Heart Pauldron (-2 damage taken)

Battle Flag (+2 dmg)

Arena Shield (wearer shows up at arena more often)

Smithy Shield (bearer shows up at smithy more often)

Bath Towel

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Alright, gotta bust out the big boy pants and type like I know how to write, Rant Incoming, also Soleil support and Awakening spoilers, incase you don't want to read them:

Alright so as y'all should know, Inigo (Laslow) has a daughter who likes girls as much as he does, probably. Nothing wrong with bein' a little gay. Or a lot gay. But she has all S supports with males.

But they aren't romantic???? This is pretty much where my problem lies and why I'm really mad about this. An S support with most other characters is symbolic of love, romance, marriage, children, etc. None of hers are like that. Which is my problem-- why give her S rank supports with men if she's not attracted to them??? She has 2 romantic supports with men: one of them is Avatar (that JP ver. of the support did NOT sit right with me), and the other is Forrest. I can understand Forrest but in the JP ver he gives her a potion to make her see him as a girl to like him which is-- idk, cheating???

The closest she gets to having anything romantic with anyone is Ophelia (which was a good support), and that's with ONE character. To me it kind of sounds like IS was interested in making a gay character but then decided not to cater to it? The fact that she only has non-romantic S supports with males and most of her A supports with girls don't leave you feeling anything special. Even with characters like Inigo and Virion, who do the same thing as Soleil does, have potential wives and can walk away feeling like they have a solid relationship. And she doesn't even have a support with Tharja? Tharja, the other girl who is interested in girls? Maybe she's not interested in girls, and she's just obsessed with Kamui but even then she has to have either some attraction or none at all to people, in that case why wouldn't she and Soleil have a support?

Some of the support choices between this game and Awakening have bothered me to no end, like the fact that Cordelia can't support Chrom. At all. Even though she joins before Chrom is storily obligated to marry. Female Kana doesn't have a support with Sophie, at all, even though their fathers are best friends. Literal best friends. Characters like Scarlet and Reina can only support Kamui and Kana, which is stupid! I don't want a character like that to exist in the game! Scarlet was a blessing and an angel and I honestly love her truly but I want to see her in other supports! In Awakening, you could find out a lot about a character by adding the pieces from other supports! Scarlet has a bit more lines than Reina, and I didn't even use Reina in my Hoshido playthrough because I assumed since she was a prepromote character she would sap exp and I benched her. I know nothing about her other than she's a bloodthirsty old lady and she's ridiculous!

This last one with Soleil really bothered me though. Reading that there are S supports for these kids but it turns out nothing happens. It's like what I'd expect from an A+ support. It's kind of ridiculous imo. It just makes me so mad!!

I hope that made sense.

Edited by Arkhi
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So I've noticed that the more skills on a unit, the more new skills cost when you pay to learn them off of einherjar or after castle battles. Another reason why the Gold map dlc is actually worth buying, even if you don't get the full dlc bundle.

And the Bond unit feature is actually pretty neat. If you keep giving accessories to the same people, eventually your 'bond' with them grows deep and creates a new unit.

It creates a new unit that's like a young avatar, it comes with one 'personal' ability and 3 others. I think the class is based off the other person's heart seal class, and takes one or two abilities from your avatar and theirs that appear at the bottom of the ability list, as I guess it assumes that to be the most recent ones learned. Hair color seems 50/50 either their avatar's or yours.

Now I want to make an army of bond unit minions.

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Finished Conquest last night. The ending was decent, but it doesn't excuse the story that otherwise flopped. (I REALLY dislike Nohr!Corrin, if anyone wants my reasoning for that.)

He's horribly written from ch 15 and arguably before that, until the last two or three chapters, which I guess are supposed to redeem him or something. They don't.)

The map design and gameplay were VERY well done though, and in terms of that, it almost matches Thracia 776 at the top of my list. Not quite because of one *certain* chapter, but almost.

I did like a lot of Nohr's playable cast, though. My favorites were Zero (Niles doesn't really fit him, and my brain has been trained to call him that since he was my favorite character prior to release), most of the kids, Leo, and


whom I married.

Started Birthright. The gold map helps a lot on higher difficulties for both versions, because skills are nice.

Anyways, PSA. If anyone cares for making super awesome kid units, this helps. https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/ It essentially allows you to see growth rates, caps, hair colors etc. with each possible parent. My personal two recommended pairings after playing Nohr are Camilla x Jakob (Malig Knight Dwyer) and Leo x Felicia (Strategist Forrest), both of whom you can see and steal skills from on my castle.

Address is 10647-86573-92537-82507. If you'd rather add me through FC's, pm me.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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So I have just started playing conquest because I heard it was the harder of the two. I am only on chapter 7, but I do like it so far it is an interesting game with a great story arc. My only dismay is with the dragon form, it looks more like a horse than the mystical beast.

That's one of my complaints about arceus, mind you.

The maps and enemies are definitely well thought out for the most part and you are definitely limited in resources and units for most of the beginning, which adds a comfortable challenge.

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So I have just started playing conquest because I heard it was the harder of the two. I am only on chapter 7, but I do like it so far it is an interesting game with a great story arc. My only dismay is with the dragon form, it looks more like a horse than the mystical beast.

In reality the story is actually all three games with Birthright being the first. The reason I say Birthright is the first part of the story is because there's really not that much explained in it and it's more or less a whole stop the evils of Nohr in a nutshell. The maps aren't bad, but it's definitely the easiest of the three paths. They also touch on a few little things, but due to certain events and lines, the ending just doesn't feel right. You could say it's a false happy end similar to Drakenguard.

Conquest is the second part of the story. A lot more gets explained and they expand on many points that were lightly hinted at in Birthright's storyline. Since I played Birthright first, I completely understood quite a bit of what was going on and in fact, I am enjoying it a lot more than Birthright. The game expects you to play Birthright first, despite them saying you can play in any order, as it builds off of the first path and focuses mostly expanding on the characters such as Azura whose story is only brushed on in the first path. Obviously, the ending isn't going to be great and feel similar to Birthright's as not being quite right. They also do go into a little bit on those invisible "hogs" which they don't do in Birthright.

Revelation is obviously going to be the true happy ending. I have only played chapter 6, but from basic knowledge it'll likely tie up all the loose ends and explain the truths behind this whole mess. Conquest hints at a few things that will be down this path similar to how Birthright hinted at Conquest events though I don't feel like sharing in case it'd spoil a thing or two.

Now that I've finished Chapter 22 in Conquest, there's something I feel like mentioning which is kind of a spoiler:

I feel like IS wasted Yukimura as a character. He would have been so much better as a villain or at least somewhat evil as he even has good reasons to be as he did kidnap Azura from Nohr. In Conquest and Birthright, he's pretty much a forgettable character with little involvement. Seriously when I learned about that little plan of his, I was expecting a chapter where he was a big boss and expand on his story, not simply just be a meh boss. Okay, rant over.

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So I just beat Chapter 17 in Conquest on Lunatic, and let me tell you, that chapter is hell in a bottle. One wrong move and suddenly you're dead. My overall thoughts on it are here.

God damn this chapter. This was nowhere near chapter 10 frustrating, but holy hell did it require so much more thinking. This map is filled to the goddamn brim with chokepoints, which would be a good thing, if not for the 10+ master ninjas. On lunatic, these master ninjas will always take away 40% of your health no questions asked because of their skills. The only way to stop this from happening is with the immunity skill, which none of my units had. Luckily, my saving grace Saizo was a bro and took care of at least 6 of the Master Ninjas for me. It took so much effort too. My mvps of the map were Keaton, Xander, Camilla and Laslow. Before I started, I promoted Laslow to Master Ninja and Keaton to Wolfseggner and the two just demolished everything on the map, especially laslow, he got like 4-5 crits. This really was a fun map to beat, but I still have some major gripes with it like...

Those fucking spikes on the floor. Those things suck so much. You can't get over them and neither can the enemy, except, oh wait, those fucking ninjas can. So while I'm busy getting demolished and just trying to remove the damn things the ninjas are obliterating me. I eventually started to take advantage of the spikes, using them to block the swordmasters and automatons. I also took advantage of the Dragon Vein so much. That shit is soooooooooo valuable on this map, it allows you to blockade the enemy and stop a crowd of at least 10 enemies from bumrushing you. That was so great to use. Finally, the reinforcements, chests and boss. The reinforcements really aren't hard to deal with especially once you've gotten the hang of how the map and enemies work. the chests are ok and you really should get them for a master seal and 5000 gold. The boss sucks. He's guarded by two master ninjas and a swordmaster. Alone it's easy to deal with. However there is a spike trap in there and it makes it 4x more annoying to deal with. Not to mention the boss himself can deal magic and physical damage while also hitting hard and having so much avoid. This chapter is a nightmare for the unprepared. God damn.

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So I guess I'll just talk about the rest of the Lunatic chapters as I go about them in the final stretch. First off, let me say chapter 18 is a cakewalk so long as you know what you're doing and you manage your army well. Chapter 19 though... OH FUCKING BOY THIS CHAPTER.

This chapter gave me a newfound hatred for foxes. Let's get into the enemies shall we? ALL KITSUNES AND NINE-TAILS! This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so fucking fast and powerful. Not to mention the skills they had. They all had beastbane so fuck using horses. Kitsunes had Life or Death which increases all damage by 10 (extremely fucking annoying when 3-6 gang up on you) and Nine-Tails had Pass, meaning if you leave something out in the open, even if you're blocking them at a chokepoint, that's a restart. Now I can get into what I had to do to deal with all of this shit.

I went through 3 paralogues worth of grinding just to prep myself for this chapter. I had Charlotte as a hero and Selena as a hero and these two put in so much fucking work. Charlotte was killing any fox that dared to approach her, and Selena was critting them left and right. The main problem was trying to stop groups of foxes. If a group of foxes were to gang up on Charlotte or Selena, that'd be game over. So instead of pairing up my other 11 units with each other, I had them all split up so they could pick off any stragglers and it worked... most of the time. I had to restart twice because these foxes avoid rates are so fucking high. Not to mention the illusion bullshit, that was just fucking cheap, but I found ways to abuse it as time went on.

In summary, chapter 19, grinding, fuck foxes. I'll surprise myself with chapter 20 when I wake up >>

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So TIL that you can do something hilarious on Birthright Chapter 12. (Spoilers, obviously)

Garon and Xander are essentially attacking your army with a really strong army of their own, and they're actually on the map. The goal is to escape, which Im assuming was how this chapter was *intended* to be played. And being me, I wanted to see what happens if I do the complete opposite and kill everything on the map.

I decided I was going to use Azama this time (My first playthrough of Birthright), and he was promoted (at lvl 20). He gains lances through one of his promotion paths, and because he has huge strength and defense for a priest, I chose that one. Anyways, I wanted to try and kill Garon. Dumb idea, with how strong the generics are in HM of this chapter. So I got Seal Defense, Axebreaker and Draconic Curse from a My Castle for my avatar, and Axebreaker, Line of Death and Lancefaire for Azama. I also fed him a bunch of tonics and a dracosheild.

So, Azama and Takumi kill the entire army and Xander. I let Garon attack my avatar (He had a 20% hit chance which couldve killed me), and he misses and gets the debuffs. Then I moved in Azama who had enough defense to take a hit. Azama doubles him, and then gets danced for by Azura and attacks again.

This brings him down to half health. Then I waited 4 turns to get rid of the debuffs Garon put on Azama and repeated the process. This kills Garon.

Garons deathquote is "Hmpf. This is a waste of my time. My men can take it from here." Which is funny because a buff priest just slaughtered all his men.

Unfortunately there was no reward for doing this, which is disappointing, but I thought it was a cool story to share.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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So I guess I'll just talk about the rest of the Lunatic chapters as I go about them in the final stretch. First off, let me say chapter 18 is a cakewalk so long as you know what you're doing and you manage your army well. Chapter 19 though... OH FUCKING BOY THIS CHAPTER.

This chapter gave me a newfound hatred for foxes. Let's get into the enemies shall we? ALL KITSUNES AND NINE-TAILS! This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so fucking fast and powerful. Not to mention the skills they had. They all had beastbane so fuck using horses. Kitsunes had Life or Death which increases all damage by 10 (extremely fucking annoying when 3-6 gang up on you) and Nine-Tails had Pass, meaning if you leave something out in the open, even if you're blocking them at a chokepoint, that's a restart. Now I can get into what I had to do to deal with all of this shit.

I went through 3 paralogues worth of grinding just to prep myself for this chapter. I had Charlotte as a hero and Selena as a hero and these two put in so much fucking work. Charlotte was killing any fox that dared to approach her, and Selena was critting them left and right. The main problem was trying to stop groups of foxes. If a group of foxes were to gang up on Charlotte or Selena, that'd be game over. So instead of pairing up my other 11 units with each other, I had them all split up so they could pick off any stragglers and it worked... most of the time. I had to restart twice because these foxes avoid rates are so fucking high. Not to mention the illusion bullshit, that was just fucking cheap, but I found ways to abuse it as time went on.

In summary, chapter 19, grinding, fuck foxes. I'll surprise myself with chapter 20 when I wake up >>

BAHAHAHAHA Just you wait. 21 and 25 are the worst, to the point of 25 ending my Lunatic playthrough.

19 is not AS bad as you say. I mean...

Only 11(?) units have L-o-D (4 west [Kitsune], 7 east [4/3 Kitsune/Nine-Tails]), while all units on the west half of the map have Pass

Though I'll admit, I had Wyvern Lord Xander just solo it, due to restricting paralogues. Everyone kept dying, much like you had :(

Besides, you have yet to know true terror. Contained within are some pretty skills that enemies get soon. Don't look if you don't want to be spoiled!

Seriously, last chance to not look.

Void Curse and Inevitable End :)

Void Curse is only bad when you don't have paralogues or castle skills. ('Allo)

Good luck with IE. It's 1000% fair. Definitely not worse than caltrops + Illusion + Ch21

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...I still don't know how you guys are able to play this on lunatic, but chapter 23's boss scarred the living hell out of me. I forgot to grab the chests, but I don't need the money (I still have like 30,000 gold anyway), but I do feel bad about missing the boot...though I have two or three in my inventory. But yeah here's a summary of chapter 23 on hard:

Probably the hardest thing about this chapter is that every archer has counter on them. And when you get close enough for your first encounter there are basically six of them chasing after you with I think 8 other units who do not go down easily. Those Spear Soldier promos really make for a very powerful combo with those archers. The only other noteworthy thing, as the whole map is basically loaded with ballistas more or less, is stairs that lead to a roof where around 14 units will chase after you on this tiny platform to dogpile you. There's also three archers with a skill that'll basically heal off almost any damage.

Then there's the boss. It's Takumi and you can probably guess how a throne Takumi would go. He basically can hit any unit, and unless you have a freaking high luck stat, there's a chance he'll crit. Top that off with Heaven's Rend and Vengence. And you could be losing a couple units to him. He has a ballista so I don't believe he normally counters but my god did he almost one shot one of my team members when Heaven's Rend activated. Like 1HP almost dead. I still don't know how Xander killed him with that 68% accuracy otherwise I would've had to restart the chapter. I'm seriously surprised they didn't give him Vantage though.

It's a really good chapter...compared to an annoying chapter that follows which I'll have to beat. Luckily I have the perfect army for this situation.

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Alright so I finally beat chapter 20 on Lunatic and my god I made this much harder than it needed to be. Thoughts here:

So this chapter is honestly really cool. You can either finish it really quickly if you abuse the wind or really really slowly and strategically if you camp and use the dragon veins right. I played slowly because I really wanted to get those damn chests and they were all worth it tbh. My biggest gripe with this map is not the wind or the chests or the hefty amount of debuffs, oh no much worse. FUCKING KINSHI KNIGHTS. I cannot stand how fucking annoying those damn birds are as they basically make it so that you can't do jack shit with your fliers. Luckily if you know when they approach and have some good archers or hard hitters, you can deal with them as they come, and the reinforcements on this map pose no threat once you know where they come from and when they spawn.

Something that certainly made this map more difficult was Hayato or whatever. That kid is a god damn machine, hitting everything with his hexing rod and doing massive magic damage in a super awkward spot. My first couple attempts I kept losing because I just kept rushing into his range and was unaware of how the 6 turn wind cycle worked. As soon as I figured out what I was doing wrong, I went spaghetti to the max and just abused the wind. This is not a hard chapter at all so long as you focus and play your cards right.

I also used this opportunity to level up Shigure, Sophie, Percy, Midori and Niles and boy did that pay off. Percy is honestly the MVP due to movement and super high defense, but Midori also gets points for being the best archer and Shigure the best damn flyer to ever grace the sky. What a level this was.

Can't wait for chapter 21 :P

Edit: So I just beat chapter 21 and it's probably one of the easiest missions if you do it the ez mode way. Here's how I did it.

Make sure you only bring two units, the avatar and their S-ranker. Next, buff the shit out of your avatar until you can double the faceless and hit them for 22 damage so that you kill them before they hit you with their skills. That's it. I got my avatar from level 9-14 and got really sad because the reinforcements didn't give exp >> Either way this is a really easy chapter if you have a godly avatar. If you don't well have fun. I guess my biggest tip would be to not let yourself get ganged up on by enemies if you bring all units along. If you're trapped in one space and those faceless keep hitting you with savage blow, someone is dying. GG chapter 21 is ez.


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Alright so I finally beat chapter 20 on Lunatic and my god I made this much harder than it needed to be. Thoughts here:

>Next, buff the shit out of your avatar

Xander works as a substitute due to not taking damage after enough buffing (44 is the key, as it allows you to ignore all the northern Stoneborn) (in the case of a -Str/Mag Avatar). Is it even possible to charge up the "normal" way (full party, etc) without losing anyone?

...I still don't know how you guys are able to play this on lunatic, but chapter 23's boss scarred the living hell out of me.

IS kinda gives you everything you need to break Lunatic before even chapter 17. it's really only 7-17 that counts for building your team (P-6 being stolen from all but you :P), though the first few missions can (subjectively) be taken slowly. I guess it's harder without DLC or just waiting around for exp/gold or supports. 17-24 has some scares, and the mechanics can bite you (some quite hard, as Pyrr has made clear) if caught underprepared. After 24, the fights get a bit more real.

If you find it really hard, always remember you could grind Azura up to 18 in about 180 turns on Ch5. Makes her able to attack stuff on Ch9, and a viable attacker on Ch10.

Or you could be me and make terrible life decisions, causing severe walling on Ch25 after blitzing through 20-24.

Pyrr, you'll know why I am struggling, but I think you'll have a field day on it. :P

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Getting really excited to see chapters 23 and 25 now. Anyway, I've been grinding supports and doing more paralogues again and will soon update this post on chapter 22 and maybe paralogue 17/18, but first an intermission of sorts with my thoughts on some paralogues and some of the units I have.

So first off, there is not enough females in my army to marry everyone as Flora can only marry the avatar and my avatar happens to be a guy. So I had to decide between Forrest and Dwyer and I ultimately chose Dwyer as he'd be easier to get and another healer would be nice to have. Not to mention Jakob and Nyx already had the skills needed. I didn't get Forrest because I have not been using Leo at all. If you don't use him after getting him he falls off the deep end and is pretty useless. Dwyer is nice to have though as he's got some decent magic, resistance and speed.

Next we have good old Soleil. I fucking love Soleil she's just so damn adorable. Not to mention she got lethality and swordfaire from her parents and immediately got Sol due to her offspring seal. She's got really good Strength, Skill, Defense and Speed with some good luck and sub par resistance.

Other children are doing well too. Ophelia is probably one of the hardest hitting units I have magic-wise and has a high crit rate to boot. Shigure makes for one mean falcon knight due to his mobility, good strength, good skill, speed, defense and resistance. Plus he heals so that's also really great. Nina has some really high stats as a bow knight, but just has some awful defense, sitting at 15. I don't like that, but she does have Bowfaire and Lifetaker so that's good. Midori isn't the best, but she's got very good strength, speed, skill and luck. Her defenses could be a lot better as a Mechanist. Finally Percy. Percy is easily my favorite of the child characters so far because I didn't even get good skills on him and he's still upstaging everyone as the best tank in the army. He's got a rocking 32 defense only made better by Arthurs Axe, 26 strength, 25 skill, 24 speed and 23 luck. Resistance is his only bad stat, but that's what you should expect from Percy. I feel like I'm forgetting someone... Oh yeah Kana. Yeah she's awful unfortunately. I picked her up at a point where she didn't have any offspring seals and she just could not for the life of her pull her weight in any chapter so I had to drop her in favor of units that did her job better. Sorry dragon daughter :[

Finally my thoughts on the remaining paralogues. Hidden Bravery is just so god-damn awful. There's trees every where, dragon veins you have to use, 35 killer units on the map and reinforcements galore. I absolutely hate it, which stinks because Siegbert has some nice stats and skills on him too. Two Defenders, Benny's paralogue, is pretty awful imo. You have to bumrush the village Ignatius is at if you even want a chance to complete the map and Ignatius cannot take a hit to save his life or the villages. However, I'd take on this one before Siegberts and... Oh boy.

Nutty Family is honestly really easy as you can just seal off the enemies magic whenever you please. The real catch is the physical units and saving Velouria. She is put into a very awkward position and can't do much about it when she spawns and the faceless on this map are brutal. They will seal your stats and then take all of your HP if they so please. Again, this one is pretty easy, but I just don't like it.

Edit: How on earth did I forget Sophie? She's doing alright as a great knight. She's got good speed, strength, skill and defense as expected and aptitude only makes her better tbh.

Thoughts on Chapter 22 will be up when I beat it tonight.

Edit: Chapter 22 beat, thoughts inside:

So before chapter 22, I went and got Velouria and she's just as useful as her father so that's good. Back on track. Chapter 22 is an easy one... if you know when the reinforcements are coming. To start, the map is split in two, and I've found the best way to go about it is to put some tankier sword users on the left and some high resistance units and archers on the right. Using the dragon veins will allow you to get rid of some walls and this in turn lets you kill a lot of units instead of having to move through dangerous choke points. Now onto the good stuff.

Those mechanists with the launchers can go die. I hate those things. Hana is super freaking dodgy and really fast to boot, if you don't kill her on the turn you first hit her, you're likely going to lose someone or take lots of damage. Subaki is not hard to beat at all however. Like most sky knights he's fast, but doesn't have much else going for him. The real catch to this map is Sakura. All the way through she's going to be healing up enemies you don't kill, weakening you with her staffs and finally rebuilding all the walls once you get close to Yukimura. What also doesn't help is as soon as Yukimura is in danger of being attacked, about 12 reinforcements spawn, 6 on the left, 6 on the right. It only gets worse from there as if you stay to try and pick them off, 4 mechanists will spawn and so will 4 sky knights along with some mages and oni cheiftains near Sakura. I didn't stay around any longer than that out of fear. Killing Yukimura is really easy, I'd say Sakura is much harder to kill as she can be pretty dodgy and is in a weird location. Not to mention she does a huge amount of damage with her bow.

GG chapter 22. Nina and Soleil made you super easy.

Also chapter 23 has me like: "rip"

Edit 2: tfw you beat chapter 23

Fuck this map. Notable things first. Changed Camilla to a Wyvern lord just for extra strength, speed and more skills, she's level 18 now ty heart seals. Corrin is now level 15 and got Nohrian Trust so I'll be changing him to one of his available heart seal classes. Felicia is nearing level 35, Keaton 15, Midori is level 11, Nina is 14, Shigure is 13, Soleil is 12, Xander hit 15 so hello heart seal, Sophie is only level 9 and everyone else is level 8-10 promoted. Now onto the mission itself.

Fuck archers with counter. I realized the initial 8 wouldn't move at first, so I attacked the 7 near the wall first with new Wyvern Lord Camilla by crossing the ravine. The reinforcements triggered by that spawned earlier than they usually do so I waited and killed all of them too, then proceeded as normal. Corrin was able to solo the top 4 archers by using a Fire +1 tome on them for 2 turns while everyone else took the two spear masters, two basara's and the 4 reinforcements. From there it was all about taking down Hinata and his other 7 troops. I built a wall consisting of Xander+Peri, Keaton+Charlotte and Dragonstone+ Corrin+Felecia. This weakened them all to the point where I could take them down the turn after. Next came the real challenge. Oboro and the wall.

Now normally, there are 4 ways for you to get up this wall, however two of those ways are blocked by new Basaras. However if you're a god like me and planned ahead for this, you brought a Wyvern Lord with rally defense (Camilla) and a Falcon Knight with Rally Speed (Shigure). This allowed Xander to go up one set of stairs just out of Oboros groups range and it allowed him to double the Basaras and kill them while also taking no damage from the archers and spear masters. This meant he was able to pick off each and every single unit up on the wall on his own. From there, I snagged the two chests with Midori and then set up my forces as Oboros group came to them. I took out her and her other 6 goons in one turn and then beat the shit out of Takumi using Xander, Keaton and Corrin, then seized with Sophie. GG WP.

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As for chapter 23 it was salt to the wound when Elise learned Rally Resistance down the line. REALLY COULD'VE USED THAT. 25 definitely is a pain to deal with and I've never seen Xander go down that fast before...of course nobody could take on 20 or so attacks like that and live. And pyrr, you should be glad you didn't take on Forrest's Paraloge because...

You have to more or less take on an entire army in nine turns or...I think 8 if there all promoted as a fighter pops up with the goal to kill Forrest. On chapter 15, this was easily the hardest paralogue because the enemies bombard you with knights and mages. And the capturable boss is a throne boss who does quite the amount of damage and has some really good abilities (just like that one spear fighter who also is pretty good.

As for Leo, mine fell behind, but seeing as a certain maid couldn't keep herself from being critted, I said screw it and put Leo back on the team and he caught up. I finished Conquest...and people make the story sound much worse than it was. I wouldn't say it's the greatest, but it definitely fit the role of being tied into Revelations. As for Revelations...oh boy where do I go with this one. I'll keep it in the spoilers to avoid spoiling anything.

I honestly don't know what to say about this. I'm at chapter 13 and I feel like IS is forcing exclusive characters for each side when there isn't a point. I mean I get why Yukimara didn't join when he did, but he doesn't even join as a playable character later...though I wished he did. Then there's the whole chapter 10 moment...I didn't like how Izana died. As for the actual death...it was pretty well done though...other than for what was gained out of it. Zola was also only done well in Birthright. Quite a waste in this chapter...and he was also the easiest in this version sadly.

I suppose the maps have made me have mixed feelings. This may change down the line, but it bothered me a bit that they reused maps and even objectives in a couple chapters. Chapter 11 is more or less Birthright chapter 10 except you can get rid of the spikes...and a couple of master ninjas on the map. The maps aren't too bad though I wish they stepped it up a little bit in difficulty by giving them abilities. It felt more like they added difficulty by adding promo units to the map (I felt like there are more in this one earlier than conquest). I also learned Saizo has an epic line if he kills Kotaro. The maps feel a bit too gimmicky imo though unlike Conquest which most of them gave me the FE vibe.

It doesn't help that they really don't give you any good characters to start. Well to be frank, they give you Hoshido units, but remove the good ones. You literally have to go through three chapters with more or less 4 characters before you get a healer, which Felicia does the job better already, Subaki (who isn't that bad imo), Hana aka not Ryoma (seriously, how did IS think having a swordfight with 2 def was a good idea) and Kaze...and Rinkah I suppose. At least they give you Hyato at a decent level this time...and Orochi is underleveled. Probably not going to use her this time.

I won't talk about the story as it is definitely interesting so far and really is a bit interesting seeing how neutrality makes you feel a bit powerless at the start (I also feel like I'm weaker compared to both sides). My team right now is Kamui who is 15, Felicia at 14, Azura at 15, Subaki at 15, Oboro at 12, Takumi at 17 (he shot up 6 levels in one chapter pretty much), Hayato at 15 and I'm thinking about challenging myself by not using the royals...except Takumi right now because I need him.

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