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Need Team Help with beating Dittoceus - DID IT!!!


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Oh my gosh thank you everyone so, so much! I took the advice you guys gave, got a few sturdy graveler, raised up my Murkrow to a Honchkrow, gave it the Focus Sash, and I beat Dittoceus to the ground!!!

I wouldn't have been able to do it if not for you all who helped! Thank you guys so very much! \QuQ/


Okay so I'm struggling to beat the snot out of Dittoceus. He's a jerk. A big fat jerk! >C

My team so far:

Feraligatr (Feral) - female

Lv. 59

Ice Fang


Aqua Tail

Rock Smash

Emolga (Neo) - male




Volt Switch

Air Slash

Mawile (jjJJJJAJjjjj ..... don't ask I didn't plan that) - female


Play Rough


Iron Head

Sucker Punch

Camerupt (Rupture) - female



Earth Power


Iron Head

Banette (GraveRobber) - male


Sucker Punch


Shadow Ball

Destiny Bond

Pangoro (Bamboo) - male


Work Up


Hammer Arm

Sky Uppercut


Noivern (Boomer) - male


Air Slash

Wing Attack



Sylveon (Remy) - male


Psych Up


Draining Kiss


Cofagrigus (Pharoah) - male




Ominous Wind

Shadow Ball

Scolipede (Skolly) - female




Rock Climb


Stoutland (Roni) - male


Work Up


Giga Impact

Fire Fang

Ampharos (Zepher) - male




Confuse Ray

Power Gem

Butterfree (Quip) - male


Bug Buzz

Silver Wind

Sleep Powder


Ariados (Gintin) - male


Struggle Bug

Sucker Punch

Shadow Sneak

Night Shade

Are there other Pokemon I should catch and raise? Moves I should edit? I'm not sure where I stand on the whole... hey you have a good team thing there but whatever.

Edited by FeralGator
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  On 2/3/2016 at 11:29 PM, Hyuu said:

If you have any focus sash, give it to Banette and use destiny bond.

Or catch the event murkrow which has perish song and prankster, that is another option :)


Oh my gosh I must find it. Even if it doesn't help my team, I need me my Honchkrow baby. Also I don't think I have the focus sash. I'll need to research how to get it if I don't have it. I'm thinking though it's at the dojo place.

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  On 2/3/2016 at 11:48 PM, Chubb said:

Murkrow is in the Aqua Alley on a Windy Night.

Focus Sash can be found below the Grand Stairway hidden on a Rock if you go a certain path where the ledges divide into four paths (iirc the most eastern). There's also one in the Byxbysion Grotto.

Awesome thank you! I'm going to try to get that Murkrow as well as check out where the sash would be. Lookout you deviously beautiful burb I'm coming for you! >3


Caught Murkrow but he knows only Wing Attack, Night Shade, Assurance and Brave Bird.

Edited by FeralGator
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  On 2/3/2016 at 11:52 PM, FeralGator said:

Awesome thank you! I'm going to try to get that Murkrow as well as check out where the sash would be. Lookout you deviously beautiful burb I'm coming for you! >3


Caught Murkrow but he knows only Wing Attack, Night Shade, Assurance and Brave Bird.

Murkrow gets Perish Song by breeding with Altaria. If you don't wanna bother with that, go catch a Magnemite and train it up, Sturdy+Mirror Coat oughta kill the Arceus in one shot.

EDIT: Right, forgot Reborn event mons can randomly have egg moves. Yeah, I think you can just keep resetting for Perish Song, but if that doesn't work out, Magnemite exists.

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  On 2/4/2016 at 12:13 AM, Hyuu said:

You can soft-reset and catch it again. But it is up to you.

Ahhh okay. Cool. Yeah Ima do that. As good as Brave Bird is, I really want to have some sort of chance against Dittoceus. lawl

  On 2/4/2016 at 12:19 AM, Etesian said:

Murkrow gets Perish Song by breeding with Altaria. If you don't wanna bother with that, go catch a Magnemite and train it up, Sturdy+Mirror Coat oughta kill the Arceus in one shot.

That's a good idea as well! Thank you. ouo

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donphan and Golem can EQ the field 2 times to make it collapse. Basically any 2 pokemon with EQ+sturdy can help you if you do not want to use gimmick pokemon like murkrow/Magneton/sturdy+metal burst pokemon(Bastiodon/Aggron).

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  On 2/4/2016 at 2:29 AM, Luna said:

donphan and Golem can EQ the field 2 times to make it collapse. Basically any 2 pokemon with EQ+sturdy can help you if you do not want to use gimmick pokemon like murkrow/Magneton/sturdy+metal burst pokemon(Bastiodon/Aggron).

I honestly never think any Pokemon is a gimmick Pokemon. I mean, if I have to actually work my ass off to raise them up then I deserve to use the moves that they have. 8/

My Camerupt has EQ as well but can get one shot easily by Arceus. I don't EV train, so I don't really think a Golem will be any better. My Donphan most likely wouldn't be any better either on that regard.

  On 2/4/2016 at 2:36 AM, Lucky1998 said:

You could side with El and just progress in the story if you want to. Of course that is only if you dont mind not beating it

Of course I will never side with El. He's a prick. l'D

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Sturdy will help you wont get blown up with 1 move since sturdy= focus sash. Reason why any two pokemon with EQ+ Sturdy should net you a win. you dont need to even bother bout the lvls of the EQ+sturdy pokemon they will get off a EQ every time due to sturdy making them not die with 1 move. EV why even bother Ev training the EQ+Sturdy pokemons when they are gonna die after doing their EQ.

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  On 2/4/2016 at 5:08 AM, Luna said:

Sturdy will help you wont get blown up with 1 move since sturdy= focus sash. Reason why any two pokemon with EQ+ Sturdy should net you a win. you dont need to even bother bout the lvls of the EQ+sturdy pokemon they will get off a EQ every time due to sturdy making them not die with 1 move. EV why even bother Ev training the EQ+Sturdy pokemons when they are gonna die after doing their EQ.

Pfft oh yeah I forgot you had mentioned sturdy. Okay now see that will be useful. I'll need to look into Pokemon that have that. Thank you!

  On 2/4/2016 at 6:35 AM, Rcmsnake said:

you can just use one ghost, one normal pokemon, swap between the two until he can only use recover/struggle,

then you put your power mons out and wipe.. its worked twice for me.

It knows Shadow Ball though? My Banette even now is one shot from that. How'd you get that to work for you?

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You seem to already got tons of ideas how to beat Arceus, but the thing that got my attention is your current team.

Emolga at this part of the game is outclassed by pretty much everything. Why not use Ampharos? Or you could go back and get Galvantula or even further to get Magnezone (even Magneton is much better than Emolga)

With Magnezone you could also get rid of Mawile and put Sylveon in the team.

Edited by Jimmy
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  On 2/4/2016 at 3:37 PM, Jimmy said:

You seem to already got tons of ideas how to beat Arceus, but the thing that got my attention is your current team.

Emolga at this part of the game is outclassed by pretty much everything. Why not use Ampharos? Or you could go back and get Galvantula or even further to get Magnezone (even Magneton is much better than Emolga)

With Magnezone you could also get rid of Mawile and put Sylveon in the team.

I do have my little Zepher I can raise. I've kept Emolga in my team for so long because he's actually gotten me out of a ton of scrapes because of his speed. But I'm not against trying new team set ups. I've never raised a Magnezone so that will certainly be an interesting experience. Thank you for the suggestions! ouo/

I freaking love Galvantula by the by, but I really don't want to go through all the hassle of beating all the bulls and bugs to get the event to happen. At least not right now. lol

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