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Hi! (Yeah, I couldn't think of anything better)


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Hi, my name is Kortz, I'm not from an english speaking country so sorry if my english is a bit bad sometimes. I'm 18 and pretty much a professional procrastinator by now hahaha. I like to play video games (strategy, adventure, fighting) and lately I've been stuck playing Total War: Attila, although I think now I'm back to playing lots of Pokemon Reborn which is why I decided to make an account (I started playing it some months ago then left it for a while, probably because of exams haha :P). I also like listening and playing music, and I guess that some of my favourites genres would be Sludge, Experimental rock/metal, Post-metal/rock/hardcore, Emo, Punk, and Grunge although I'm probably forgetting about some (or maybe even listing some that aren't actually how I think they are, idk music genres tend to be quite stupid when it comes to separate them, better ask me about bands haha). I also like to read although during the last years I've been doing it less, idk why, and idk what I can tell you about reading prefferences, I guess that Lovecraft, Tolkien, Riordan and Stephen King are some. I also like to gather unnecesary knowledge and eating. I'm usually sort of awkward when it comes to talk to people so yeah sorry if I sound mean or something, I don't actually mean to sound like it haha :P And idk what else to write in here so yeah thats it I guess haha. If you have any questions or anything just ask :)

Edit: I forgot to add that I also like watching series/anime, currently watching Get Backers, Planet Survival and Blood + and I can't wait for Game Of Thrones this year hahaha

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Yeah the first time I saw that picture I couldn't believe how much I could relate to it hahaha plus snorlax has always been one of my favourites (partially because of his lazyness hahaha). Thanks for the welcome and alright I'll try not to eat the cake but I promise nothing hahaha

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The highest scoring 7-letter Scrabble word is "MUZJIKS".

Add that to your compendium of unnecessary knowledge.

That said, welcome to Reborn!

Don't worry about your English, anybody who reads has amazing English.

Especially if you read Lovecraft. Good taste.

Hope you enjoy your stay ; )

Edited by Despair Syndrome
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Welcome to Reborn Kortz!

I can't say I share a taste in music with you but I know a lot of people love the stuff you like. If you find a song you love, you could post it in the What are you Listening to thread.

We also have a subforum for anime!

Don't worry about being socially awkward. You'll get to know people here better and fit right in. If you want to chat to people check out our showdown server where you can talk to people. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself there when you first go there!

Hope to see you around!

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Well met Kortz.

Welcome to Reborn!

I was once a professional procrastinator, but then Life kicked my ass. I had to abandon the job.

Also, let me second mde saying that you should tots join the server. You'll feel like home because everybody is crazy.

Well, I hope you enjoy your permanent stay in Reborn in blue. Blue as in WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

I'll see you around o/

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or the rest of the staff~

Professional procrastinator...

I hope they payed me for that. Where do I have to sign?

You don't sign. A real procrastinator can't be bothered to do it ;]

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Well, I hope you enjoy your permanent stay in Reborn in blue. Blue as in WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

no, a priest!!! kill it before ahhh!!! All hail the blue civilization!!!


Thanks for the advice! I'll try not to confuse those two bars, if you happen to see any weird status from me you know what happened hahaha

Thanks everybody for the welcome! :D

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