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Save File Troubleshooting


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I'm heading to confront Geara at Wispy Tower, I'm headed down the path, a truck speeds down the road and my character moves out of the way in a cutscene... And now I can't move. I've tried hard and soft resetting, saving in the spot and reloading, and I'm still stuck. :(

EDIT: Tried reloading an earlier save, it didn't work. Stupid truck.

EDIT (again): Aaand it seems to have fixed itself. Weird.

Game.rxdataFetching info...

Edited by shinymogwai
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Not sure if this is an issue with my save or a bug but

I can't Surf or use Key Items because "it can't be used when someone is with you" yet I don't have followers

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I know I posted something like this before but I figured if I updated to the newest version the problem would be fixed except, well, its still happening.

Game.rxdataFetching info...

Edited by Lambda
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  On 7/19/2016 at 9:39 PM, 5hift said:

Can't seem to return to Gearen City from Terajuma Island since the captain doesn't seem to want to take me back

you've posted wrong save file

  On 7/20/2016 at 10:59 AM, Awesomus maximus said:

New here... i love this game so much but it wont start up anymore not matter how many times i try something about a script missing.

try re downloading the game
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  On 7/22/2016 at 12:54 PM, TroubleInTexas said:

Can't get to the lift on Carotos F3. The pillars in the west and north dropped stones after you use rock smash but the one I'm at now doesn't seem to drop any no matter how many times I mash the space bar so now I'm stuck not being able to get to the lift.



  On 7/22/2016 at 6:03 PM, ZerXix' World said:

somehow managed to break my game. It wont start up without a whole bunch of error messages popping up

save file



sorry have no idea how to put spoilers on

your save file got corrupted to fix this use your back up save files -> you should have save backups in here C:\users\username\saved games\pokemon rejuvenation to make them work just rename one of the file to Game.rxdata

sometimes you have to use multiple backups to make it work

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Alright, before actually reading where not to load up, I had saved on Ambers battlefield against Saki and Venam and thus when trying to switch over I of course got a error. Now today when I actually saved in one of the places that I was supposed to, I loaded the save correctly and upon revisiting-the now lovely-Telia town and Tesla's villa to resume the battle, Saki was in the lobby and I could go to Krystilline-can't spell it for the life of me-and went to the gym/church to see Venam and Melia-of whom I could walk through.

Tl:Dr- I believe I may have messed up my save upon transition and may need to start over. I uploaded the two files since I'm kinda paranoid about the actual game data being different from the Mimi file itself.

Game.rxdataFetching info...

302 - Mimi - 16h 44m - 6 badges.rxdataFetching info...

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Need help with this file.


The last time I played on this file was back in March, so I don't remember exactly where I saved. It was most likely on the shores of Terajuma Island (prior to fighting the Water gym leader), which would have been overhauled with Version 8. I have a new computer now as well, so I no longer have the older versions available to jump back to correct this myself.

Many thanks to whoever puts me back on the right path.

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  On 7/23/2016 at 12:40 AM, Kannato_Asakura said:

Alright, before actually reading where not to load up, I had saved on Ambers battlefield against Saki and Venam and thus when trying to switch over I of course got a error. Now today when I actually saved in one of the places that I was supposed to, I loaded the save correctly and upon revisiting-the now lovely-Telia town and Tesla's villa to resume the battle, Saki was in the lobby and I could go to Krystilline-can't spell it for the life of me-and went to the gym/church to see Venam and Melia-of whom I could walk through.

Tl:Dr- I believe I may have messed up my save upon transition and may need to start over. I uploaded the two files since I'm kinda paranoid about the actual game data being different from the Mimi file itself.

load up the save file in v7 before you tried to transit to v8 (you will have to use backups) then go to the safe area which are mentioned in the v8 thread and save there before trying to play v8 - this will be the easiest fix for your problem

  On 7/23/2016 at 9:06 AM, Alilatias said:

Need help with this file.


The last time I played on this file was back in March, so I don't remember exactly where I saved. It was most likely on the shores of Terajuma Island (prior to fighting the Water gym leader), which would have been overhauled with Version 8. I have a new computer now as well, so I no longer have the older versions available to jump back to correct this myself.

Many thanks to whoever puts me back on the right path.

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Nope, tried going to every safe zone and pretty much none of them worked. I cleared the battle on V7 and then transferred in which there was a bit of progress in which Melia and Venam weren't phantoms in the church but in return no one was there and pretty much it was still messed up :/

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  On 7/23/2016 at 9:23 PM, TRHStatement said:

"Augustus, we need to head to Sheridan immediately!"

"Oh don't worry, we'll be docking at Oceana Pier quite soon."

"But Augustus, the ship is already docked..."

"Oh don't worry, we'll be docking at Oceana Pier quite soon."


this will be fixed in v8.1

  On 7/23/2016 at 9:44 PM, Kannato_Asakura said:

Nope, tried going to every safe zone and pretty much none of them worked. I cleared the battle on V7 and then transferred in which there was a bit of progress in which Melia and Venam weren't phantoms in the church but in return no one was there and pretty much it was still messed up :/

ok try loading up this save file in v8 - you will have to redo that battle Edited by Njab
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  On 7/24/2016 at 11:02 PM, superbutt199 said:

Can i get to a state before i battled the guy in the power plant because i rly want a magnezone

I've decided to go for a easier "fix" here, enjoy

  On 7/25/2016 at 4:55 AM, Kannato_Asakura said:

Tysvm, sorry to trouble you with this.

No need to be sorry! I'm glad I was able to help you out.
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