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A silly mistake in team making...


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Just finished E15 but I have now realised (too slow!!!) that my team are all special attackers...and lacks coverage moves of significant types (like fire).

My team consists of:







Pretty silly of me D:<

I would be happy with this team on any ol' game but I'm pretty sure I'll get walled soon. Don't have much time to breed too :(

Not really sure what to do. I'll double check rotation options tomorrow though.

I just wanted to ask if anyone knew any uncommon physical attackers or event pokemon that I can find that may help me later on. I haven't really collected many event pokemon as the ones I seem to have are special attackers.

Many thanks for even reading this! :D

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If you have a helix fossil you can trigger the event in 7th street to get the jaw fossil for a Tyrantrum. Tyrantum is quite physically bulky and has immense attack power with only his typing letting him down really. If you use some heartscales on a male Arbok you can then breed thunder, fire and ice fang into a tyrantum which when combined with the strong jaw ability and access to earthquake and stab rock slide makes him a versatile physical attacker. You can also get a conkledurr from the agate circus who as fewer weakness's than Tyrantrum but lacks any fire moves. You could go for an Arcanine as long as you have a fire stone, having an intimidate pokemon is always useful aswell.Access to outrage, flare blitz, thunder fang, extremespeed, crunch and close combat make him a sold addition to any team.

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There's quite a few physical types that really surprised me when I tested out their prowess. The beauty of the game is that it'll strong arm you out of your comfort zone Pokemon and make you adapt. Since the end of Episode 14, I've been testing out some different teams. These are the physical attackers I'd recommend to you for adjustments to your team.

Bisharp: Dark/Steel type. Great move pool with STAB Iron Head and Night Slash learned through levelling. Dark/Steel typing will be dropped by almost any Fighting pokemon, but fortunately for you, we've beaten the fighting gym twice now. If you're feeling extra ambitious, you could breed Sucker Punch onto it for priority with Toxicroak. Speaking of which...

Toxicroak: Poison/Fighting type. Though a low base stat total, it has access to crucial physical Poison attacks that will likely come in handy later on. Brick Break is a TM that's been acquired in the game thus far, so that with Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, and Mud Bomb gives you some excellent type coverage.

Aggron: Rock/Steel type. Not the best physical attcker, but one hell of a defensive wall. The rock typing doesn't do Aggron any favours, but it's slow speed can be used to your advantage when fighting physical types with moves like Heavy Slam and Metal Burst. Set up with Autotomize and Iron Head teams into dust. Great Pokemon, and great to have in the back should Mega Evolution become available.

Drapion: Poison/Dark type. Access to a great movepool and set up hazards on the opponents field can become crucial in the end game. Setting up layers of Toxic Spikes can give you the edge, and Drapion's natural bulk will allow you to do that. The real beauty of Drapion, though? It has acess to Knock Off. This can literally turn a battle around in your favour, getting rid of Life Orbs or Focus Sash's.

Mamoswine: Ice/Ground type. Solid physical attacker with decent typing. Learn's Earthquake by levelling and has STAB Ice Shard for priority. Its movepool isn't spectacular, but keeping it around for decent TM's can make it a great addition to your team.

Sharpedo: Dark/Water type. Of course, this would involve you going with the Aqua gang in the story, but Sharpedo can be a huge benefit as well. It can be considered a glass cannon, however it's Speed Boost ability can let you significantly set up with it. Access to moves like Crunch, Ice Fang, and Waterfall give it excellent typing coverage.

Torterra: Grass/Ground type. If it weren't for this Pokemon's abysmal speed, it would have a place on my team. Earthquake and Wood Hammer attacks can make for a lovely combination of heavy hitting. Keeping Synthesis on is can allow you to recouperate lost health, while Leech Seed drains the enemy. Great stall/wallbreaker.

Crawdaunt: Dark/Water type. My personal favourite. Knock Off access, Waterfall/Crabhammer for big physical damage, and overall utility make this Pokemon my most pleasant surprise. Once again, if you're feeling ambitious, you can breed Aqua Jet onto it for STAB priority, making it a very lethal team member.

Others have already mentioned the prowess of Gallade and Excadrill. If I could be bold enough to make a recommendation though. I strongly suggest benching Glaceon. It pains me to say it, as it's probably my favourite Eeveelution, but it's Ice-typing gives it little utility and leaves it vulernable to many popular types of Pokemon. It's not viable to sacrifice a slot for your team for a pure Ice-type.

Edited by Antilegend
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Man, that seems like a lot of options for my team :D

I have forgotten that the game was about having the ability to adapt to different situations and as in my team's current state, I will be walled by spe. tanks and stalls.

Glaceon's typing has put it in a lot of bad situations though it did save me with a lot of freeze hax ^^ Might consider switching it for Mamo (Should be able to breed SR for some team support?)

I might switch Ninetales out for another pokemon like Medicham (since that helps me a lot in my Rejuvenation run so far) and the drought kinda dries up Vaporeon and Greninja.

Hmm... this is tougher than I thought ;-;

Btw. Are they any flying types that I should try out? Flying's coverage is nice to look into.

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Man, that seems like a lot of options for my team :D

I have forgotten that the game was about having the ability to adapt to different situations and as in my team's current state, I will be walled by spe. tanks and stalls.

Glaceon's typing has put it in a lot of bad situations though it did save me with a lot of freeze hax ^^ Might consider switching it for Mamo (Should be able to breed SR for some team support?)

I might switch Ninetales out for another pokemon like Medicham (since that helps me a lot in my Rejuvenation run so far) and the drought kinda dries up Vaporeon and Greninja.

Hmm... this is tougher than I thought ;-;

Btw. Are they any flying types that I should try out? Flying's coverage is nice to look into.

Honchcrow, Braviary, and Hawlucha are all available and are great physical flying types. If you're in the market for another special attacker, and are very patient, Noivern would make a great addition to the team. Not so much for it's overall power, but for access to moves like Tailwind.

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Even though Archeops has a significantly higher base attack stat than other flying types he gets the ability defiatist which halves his attack and spe.Att stats when hp drop's below 50% which nerfs him considerably once hit. You could still use him as a revenge killer or go for a timid/jolly nature with full speed ev investment and just hope to outspeed and sweep then use U-turn on anything that walls him out but just know if you don't ohko your opponent archeops is probably going down. Rock flying is also a pretty poor typing with 5 2x weakness's which are are all fairly common and 5 uncommon resistances plus 1 immunity.

I suggest this set:

Jolly nature 252 attack 252 speed 4 hp item(none)



Rock slide

Double team/Dragon claw/Crunch

Acrobatics power doubles to 110 when archeops uses no hold item meaning you get a very powerful stab flying move plus stab rock slide aswell. He does also get access to head smash (base 150+stab) but that comes at the price of 1/2 recoil, and half recoil+defiatist = insta nerf. Flying rock coverage hits everything neutral or super effective except steel and pure rock types so archeops should get a few ohkos.

If you don't like the sound of defiatist, aerodactyl is a more reliable choice but lacks any serious stab flying moves other than Fly and sky drop and comes with some fairly useless choices of abilities. Rock head is a strong ability but aerodactyl lacks the move pool to take advantage of the no recoil with only take down available in game currently.

Personally I'd go without introducing a flying type as flying is only super effective against bug, grass and fighting which are all fairly uncommon types and types your team currently has no problem dealing with. I'd focus more on team balance, currently you have 5 special attackers and potentially 1 physical attacker, 0 def and spe.def tanks and 0 status/hazard setters (arguably vileplume depending on movepool). I take it you want to keep the core of Drought ninetales + chlophyll vileplume solar beam abuse? If so ninetales, greninja and vileplume all offer solid type coverage. But I'd bring in a physical sweeper like arcanine who's fire moves would get boosted in the sun aswell.

Move set:


Adamant nature 252 Att 252 Speed 4 hp intimidate or flash fire

Close combat

Extreme speed


Flare blitz

Solid coverage plus extreme speed has high priority turning most potential outspeed 2hkos in your favour.

I'd probably stick a rain dish pokemon your team to absorb any water types aimed at your ninetales and arcanine, blastoise is a fairly reliable rain dish poke and has access to some fairly solid physical moves aswell but ludiocolo has better coverage and access to teeter dance so should be worth considering. Squirtle can breed with eevee aswell btw so if you have a 5-6iv eevee already breed away :)

As for the 6th slot you can keep jolteon but his movepool is too limited for a glass cannon, I'd go for a magnezone to offer steel +electric coverage aswell as being physically bulky.

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Even though Archeops has a significantly higher base attack stat than other flying types he gets the ability defiatist which halves his attack and spe.Att stats when hp drop's below 50% which nerfs him considerably once hit. You could still use him as a revenge killer or go for a timid/jolly nature with full speed ev investment and just hope to outspeed and sweep then use U-turn on anything that walls him out but just know if you don't ohko your opponent archeops is probably going down. Rock flying is also a pretty poor typing with 5 2x weakness's which are are all fairly common and 5 uncommon resistances plus 1 immunity.

I suggest this set:

Jolly nature 252 attack 252 speed 4 hp item(none)



Rock slide

Double team/Dragon claw/Crunch

Acrobatics power doubles to 110 when archeops uses no hold item meaning you get a very powerful stab flying move plus stab rock slide aswell. He does also get access to head smash (base 150+stab) but that comes at the price of 1/2 recoil, and half recoil+defiatist = insta nerf. Flying rock coverage hits everything neutral or super effective except steel and pure rock types so archeops should get a few ohkos.

I've used an archeops pretty extensively in one of my runs and defeatist really isn't that big of a deal. Archeop's speed means it doesn't take many hits, and with good ev and ivs it picks up a ton of ohkos. And if you do drop below 50% its pretty easy to heal back up with potions. It also gets earthquake via breeding with corsola to deal with steel types which gives it an advantage over aerodactyl.

I do agree on that arcanine set though, I use the same set and it's been really effective for me.

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I've used an archeops pretty extensively in one of my runs and defeatist really isn't that big of a deal. Archeop's speed means it doesn't take many hits, and with good ev and ivs it picks up a ton of ohkos. And if you do drop below 50% its pretty easy to heal back up with potions. It also gets earthquake via breeding with corsola to deal with steel types which gives it an advantage over aerodactyl.

I do agree on that arcanine set though, I use the same set and it's been really effective for me.

Funnily enough I was looking at using him myself a few days ago but talked myself out of it once i saw his ability but during that post it actually made me reconsider, you can just outspeed your opponent most of the time and hit harder and faster than they can hit you so I think your right that defiatist probably wouldn't be too much of a negative. What moveset are you running on him? Arcanine is a beast imo, so much love for that guy.

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Same I'm currently running Umbreon, glaceon, sylveon and Jolteon all bred to perfection :)Two of which are actually shiny. Glaceons actually been fairly reliable for me its just his poor coverage and typing that holds him back, I had to put shadow ball on him just to make him viable. But if your looking for balance just rotate him around, I personally have around 18 pokemon in rotation who are all perfectly IV bred but sylveon and umbreon seem to be the most reliable of the eevee line.

Here's my umbreon set:

Brave nature 180 HP 148 ATT 180 Sp.def Synchronise




Confuse Ray

Just confuse the opponent whilst setting up curse which boosts Def and attack whilst reducing speed, use moonight for recovery. Payback power doubles if you move after the opponent which is pretty much guarnteed under curse so your getting a +6 stab 100 base power move. He does get walled by taunt users and poke's who resist dark type but against most hes the ultimate tank.

Btw Bepe how did you get earthquake on Archeops? it's not an egg move, its a tm and as of 6th gen tm moves do not get passed down.

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I hope it works too or else my Archeops will not end up as good as I want it to be ^^

The info is pretty outdated so all we can do is hope it works ;-;

Edit: Doesn't seem to work for me. EQ doesn't appear to pass onto Corsola so I don't think I'll be able to breed EQ onto Archen then...

Edited by Pandalex12
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