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[Spoiler] New pokemon


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I used to be on the pretty big "It's Gen 7" crowd following ORAS because it seemed so whole and complete and whatnot.

Boy, was I wrong.

I do believe it's going to be the finale of Gen 6 - and I also believe there are two major things that have yet to be discovered.

  • Where on earth does the Train Station in Couriway Town connect to?
  • What region is the Backpacker who gives the player a "Strange Souvenir" from?

Perhaps Magiana and Volcanion aren't just local Kalosian legends. The train station in Couriway (which is loosely based from "carry away" or "railway") ends in the town and continues off east, which is the opposite direction from the rest of Kalos. That stands to reason that the station may cross over the Kalosian border into a new region.

The unique thing about Kalos is that it's based on the country of France, which is different from Japan and the United States in that it borders several neighboring countries, such as Belgium, Germany, and Spain. Those countries are largely land-locking France from the south and east - which so happens to be the direction the railway from Couriway Town leads.

I wouldn't be surprised if this next "Generation VI" game expands Kalos' roaming distance - and if we have to go out of the region to discover these new Pokemon and their secrets.

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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:08 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

It's cute. I'm guessing it's typing is Steel/Fairy? It was apparently manmade 500 years ago, so that means Porygon wasn't the first manmade Pokemon.

Don't forget Golett/Golurk. They were apparently made by some 'ancient and mysterious civilization'. Golett has also been active for a thousand years so...that's something.

Of course, this has no ties with Magiana or Volcanion...Since this is all about Hoenn, Azoth and Kalos and not Dragonspiral and Unova...I just think it's worth mentioning~

I'm not gonna share my theories...for now.

This is all very interesting though! And I'm loving Magiana's design. Like everyone else, I'm super curious...my main question is what generation this pokemon belongs to. It's either 6.5 or 7. >>;

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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:08 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

It's cute. I'm guessing it's typing is Steel/Fairy? It was apparently manmade 500 years ago, so that means Porygon wasn't the first manmade Pokemon.

There have been Pokemon from the next gen revealed before games from that gen were announced before, so it doesn't necessarily mean Gen 7 is next or that Z is being skipped.

Actually, technicalities. Porygon was the first scientifically engineered Pokmon; Magiana is the first mechanically engineered Pokemon.

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  On 2/11/2016 at 6:27 PM, Sinnamon said:

Don't forget Golett/Golurk. They were apparently made by some 'ancient and mysterious civilization'. Golett has also been active for a thousand years so...that's something.

And interestingly enough, AZ used a golurk. I wonder if that has any significance.

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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:06 PM, Jericho said:

This doesn't even necessarily mean Gen 7. Zygarde and co are still going to play key factors. It -could- be that Gen 6 is going to be broken into two halves. There were only about 60??? new pokemon in XY. Could get considerably more in this next game but still have it running on Gen 6. Also could just be an additional one pokemon. I'm still not sold this is 'Gen 7'. Maybe it is though. Maybe they're going the route of Gen 2 this time.

Counter argument to this.


Hoenn had very very VERY few new Pokemon. About as many as XY. Plus it would make absolutely no sense that part to Kalos would be so blocked off that they would have an entire 60+ new Pokemon for us to discover (or any number really). I highly doubt that's going to be a possibility, HOWEVER, I do think that this new cutie could just be an add on like others are saying. Just a new DLC for gen 6.

It could however be a hint to Gen 7 as well. Seeing as this is an all new Pokemon and Gen 7 debate is very high right now, it could be a hint alluding to what we're all trying to figure out. If gen 7 will become a thing this year, or at all. Granted this one is farfetched at best, but regardless.

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I had an idea last night when I was trying to sleep. Volcanion is the only one who knows Magiana's secret. Maybe in order to activate an event with the "No, you're not the one" girl, who could be Magiana, you need some kind of special event Volcanion in your party . o .

  On 2/12/2016 at 11:16 AM, FeralGator said:

Counter argument to this.


Hoenn had very very VERY few new Pokemon. About as many as XY. Plus it would make absolutely no sense that part to Kalos would be so blocked off that they would have an entire 60+ new Pokemon for us to discover (or any number really). I highly doubt that's going to be a possibility, HOWEVER, I do think that this new cutie could just be an add on like others are saying. Just a new DLC for gen 6.

It could however be a hint to Gen 7 as well. Seeing as this is an all new Pokemon and Gen 7 debate is very high right now, it could be a hint alluding to what we're all trying to figure out. If gen 7 will become a thing this year, or at all. Granted this one is farfetched at best, but regardless.

Hoenn: Number went from 251 -> 386 = 135 new Pokemon

Kalos: Number went from 649 -> 721 = 72 Pokemon

Number introduced from most to least:

1: Unova (156)

2: Kanto (151)

3: Hoenn (135)

4: Sinnoh (108)

5: Johto (100)

7: Kalos (72)

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I just hope this Magiana will have good stats and a nice ability. Especially since Volcanion is just a Heatran clone with worse overall bulk and a slightly poorer defensive typing, having only Super Scald as a distinction, albiet a significant one.

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i really dont get the hate for volcanion really it can be worked quite well thanks to its bulk and unique typing it may be week to 3 common types but is blessed with having 3 x4 resistance to ice steel and fire as well as that immunity to water and dont forget the x2 resistance to bug and fairy which more than balance out its defenses specially given the 80 120 90 defenses which are not to be underestimated both pretty use able offensive stats of 110 and 130 respectively with the moveset to support them also steam eruption is a great move a more accurate hydro pump with a chance to burn yes please as for his design i actually quite like it though its speed is very lacking and combine that with lack of viable recovery outside of water absorb make him fall short of becoming a top tier threat but his positives save him just enough to stay relevant as well as one of the very few it not the only pokemon that can make use out of both Sun and Rain with enough coverage attacks to be a threat to both the pokemon that rely solely on weather.

and one more positive the standard kyogre set cant to squat to him outside of thunder making him a great partner for primal groudon which will wall teams so good together

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Volcanion is not meant to be a Heatran clone. In fact, it has an awesome offensive typing with Fire/Water/Poison/Ground coverage and lots of support moves. Therefore it can be used to crash weather teams and the most common set will be so highly versatile that few things will be able to take it on. You suggest it will get little use in the metagame, but I believe it will force a higher usage of Chansey.

About Magearna, most has been said. It looks like a Bug and a Fairy type, and since we can only have 2 types in a pokemon, it's most likely a Steel/Fairy. I know that those ancient civilizations were probably idiots who had the chance to make a pokemon and chose to create a Fairy type, but as most of you have noticed, the pokeball on its body is certain to hold a secret. This secret is no mere information, because more people would know if that were the case. It keeps something inside. The design, as most new designs since gen5, is needlessly overcomplicated.

It looks like a beetle, but we already have Heracross and M-Pinsir resembling beetles. Pinsir even has the trait of the exoskeleton opening up and letting the wings come out. If that were the case for Magearna, I would be very disappointed. I believe those are similar to bunny ears on her head instead of thick antenaes.

This is the only time I wanted KlinKlang and Diancie to be able to breed, just to see this thing come out of the egg.

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Things that I and a friend have noted:

- her arms can actually detach at the shoulders, and float slightly above her "collarbone".

- the two "beetle wings" above her head can come together and complete the Pokeball shape that her dress forms. Perhaps she can fold herself into a Pokeball with her head and torso inside it? If so, clearly she doesn't suffer vertigo by having her head upside-down for long periods of time.

- She is actually roughly the same size as Volcanion is in the Pokedex, if you don't account for the giant arm things and only measure from the ground to the tip of his triangular steam-storage organ thing.

- It's hard to tell from the picture, but the triangular portion that is "cut out" from the Pokeball dress (and that is filled in by her "beetle wings") actually is a very similar angle as the tip of Volcanion's steam organ. Plus the fact that the bottom half of her Pokeball dress appears to be able to be opened farther, as if whoever created her wasn't 100% certain they got the angle right and didn't want to hurt Volcanion by having her kneel on his organ.

That's right - Magearna kneels on Volcanion's steam-organ, he wraps his arms around her Pokeball dress, plugs them into the slots left behind when she detaches her shoulders, and suddenly the two are parts of a single whole. There's nothing to suggest this yet, but I'm willing to bet that the center of her Pokeball dress can open up to allow the pair to eject a single, powerful burst of steam.

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  On 2/15/2016 at 7:57 PM, Rot8er_ConeX said:

That's right - Magearna kneels on Volcanion's steam-organ, he wraps his arms around her Pokeball dress, plugs them into the slots left behind when she detaches her shoulders, and suddenly the two are parts of a single whole. There's nothing to suggest this yet, but I'm willing to bet that the center of her Pokeball dress can open up to allow the pair to eject a single, powerful burst of steam.

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...

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  • 3 weeks later...

As soon as I saw this thing, I thought of a mecha diancie :| I am really not a fan of it but ugh, I never cared much for legends in general...apart the really cool stuff like Yveltal and Lugia :ph34r:

Also, about Rot8er_Conex's post.. Iirc there was a picture somewhere of what you just described.. the volcanion 's steam engine arms did indeed plug to the sides of magiana and they formed a complete one, so I do believe you're right

Edited by Masquerain
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I just hope there aren't any more "new" form pokemon, I am getting sick and tired of those! I want to play pokemon moon and not pokéball Z.

Anyway I hope the whole "complete form" is just an anime/movie thing because if we get both a Perfect Cell Zygard and a perfect Magiana form it would be too overkill, we all know how it ended with the kyurem forms and frankly I am not looking for a repeat of that.

Edited by mwijsman
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