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Pokemon Snakewood Nuzlocke - Log #7 : Roughly Seven Deadly Sins


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How's it going?

Some of you might know me already.

Some may not.

But fuck those guys am I right?

Here's my Nuzlocke of Pokemon Snakewood

I'm not sure where to put this but I think here might be okay?

I'm sure a moderator will crucify notify me anyway

Anyway I held a vote a while ago on which game to Nuzlocke while my Reborn one is well...on the slow path.

Welcome to Pokemon SnakeWood then.

A bad idea if I ever saw one.


Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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Don't be so hard on yourself, mate, you only said it three times... ;P

Well this was hilarious as always. Can't wait to see more ^^ I really do hope you survive this one, I've watched at least 3 different playthroughs of it and none of them have ever seen the end. That's how ridiculous this game is.

...sorry not sorry

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So this is Snakewood eh? Never played it because some people said it's really bad and from what I've seen they are probably right, like really a zombie apocalypse in Pokemon? Where every person (little kids included) have several living weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves with...the zombies would not stand a chance. Well at least the protagonist is not too bad (for now).

My favorite part:

Dero: brother give your words of wisdom and advice!

Brother: ...press B to run

I was laughing for several minutes

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I feel like you and Dero connect on a spiritual level when talking to Birch...

I've seen only one successful Nuzlocke of this all the way to the true ending...

They had 2 Pokemon on the team and 4 untrained in the box when all was said and done...

Edited by Drymus
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Welp, this is off to a good start!

Looking forward to the rest of this, hopefully you'll get farther through this than the last LP I saw.

Also, your reactions to some of the characters in this are going to be absolutely priceless. :)

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Nookington is a godsend in this game. Try to level him up as high as you can.

Won't happen. He already said he won't be using Fakemon, Which is a shame, because Dimandix is nigh unkillable and hits like a truck at the cost of always moving last.

Unless for whatever reason he decides not to count fakevolutions of canon Pokemon.

Oh shoot. Going back and remembering how some of the battles go down made me remember one coming up very soon with a key Pokemon...

...maybe a little bit sorry?

Edited by BreezyPonie
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Presenting Dero, the only character to question the professor's insanity. Also good luck with damo and tom nook. I don't want you to lose your sanity like reborn but its entertaining so I'm not making any wishes.

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I guess imma have to start watching for this thread now. You're starving me for Reborn quips.

I love how you throw Baltoy to do damage. If only Magikarp training was that easy.

"I probably would have killed you anyway had you evolved." - Especially after naming his kindred Slave in Reborn.

I think this best sums up the game so far


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First death...well it's a Zigzagoon so it's probably ok? Hitmontree was a beast i thought the Sneasel would kill him but no. Are you really going to keep the strange egg Pokemon?...Wait why i'm asking all this? Voldemort came to visit you so you won't be able to respond for a veeery long time


*knok knok*...who is it this late...oh i said the name too...gg

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You are so lucky this Eye-Eye din't use Powder Snow. It killed almost all my pokemon. Also, there are more zombies inside that building next to the severed head. Make sure you kill them after you've leveled up a bit in the woods.

Just in case you didn't know, the last starter was a Paras.

Since the egg can evolve to a canon pokemon only after lvl45, I suggest you don't use it.

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And here we go with the demon part of the...let's just call it plot. If you think this is bad, don't It will be much worse. God, how I love the absurdity of this game.

Rest in peace Nookington. We will never see your beautiful serpentine body in all it's glory.

Keep the Egg. With enough levels and evolutionary stones, you can get something nifty.

And boy, you got lucku with the Dirtcrow. That damned thing wiped me few times in my playthrough. Always OHKOing my Shroomish before he could land a stun spore. Sigh. Good times

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I rather enjoy this game. Sure it goes the extra mile to be edgy, but it's alri-... ok I can stop pretending. Some parts are really stupid. And when I say some, I mean about 99% of them.

Birtch is actually decent now. He may have no idea how pokemon breed, train, level-up, battle, but he can hack a military satelite and that makes everything ok.

Perhaps that's why there were no zombies in Oldale. That place is a huge underground military base. You heard machinery when you started but couldn't see a truck, right? You never guessed.

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