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Pokemon Snakewood Nuzlocke - Log #7 : Roughly Seven Deadly Sins


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The story gets weirder with each episode first zombies then demons what will it be next time? Aliens? Oh that's already in vanilla Pokemon then...then mutants!

Nookington in now officially a Dreadnought from Warhammer 40K (even in death he still serves)

I hope you take the time to train that Magikarp, Gyarados would be handy against those weird fakemons.

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if i DO remember well, Magicarp can learn Surf in Snakewood.

Also yeh, it is a stupid hack, but i kinda liked it... dunno why exactly. Maybe cuz im a masochist. Then again that masochism brought me here. Fair trade i guess!

Edited by DemICE
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Ah...it was Dragons not Aliens but hey there are more episodes so we'll probably see those too.

Two more deaths, well at least they're not very good Pokemon (unless some fake evolution).

Giving Luxray a Dark type is the only good thing the author of this game did for now.

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Oh god this is hilarious.

The only thing more hilarious than the game is your reactions and writing. Salute to you, sir.

I'm new to your Nuzlockes, but let's just say you go a fan hm?

as a side note, kingmadio is fuckin shit thank god you have the no fakemon rule or you might end up with it :l

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Still loving the Zigzagoon boat. Re-purposing corpses is totally legit in a zombie apocalypse right?

Shame the death toll is rising... but I hope Hitmontree sticks around for a while :)

Oh, and don't worry, the stupidity level in this game will continue to climb... Have fun!

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ah man between this and season 4 of reborn I am having an over-exposure to awesomeness. After such a high waiting a week for episodes is slowly gonna kill me.

While I don't think I will ever play this hack due to its uhhhh storyline...yeah story line. but with your narrations you seem to be able to even make a pile of feces interesing

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And here we go. Now the true face of Snakewood made it's appear. This game is just a ridiculous reference bag! Try to spot as many as you can!

Also, it would be best, if Hitmontree survives as long as possible. A breloom was a member of my final team in this game, and it's super useful.

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Wow this game gets better every episode. Zombie dragons led by meteor fighting a dragon slayer with no memory and his sattelite hacking professor... Wait. That sounded a lot better in my head.

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Haaaa...this game is just...i don't even know what to say....secret underwater ocean? chef shaped hole in a person? Really? I wonder how old is the writer of this game...like 10 maybe? Too bad people didn't choose a better game (i voted Blaze Black)

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