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6 Pokemon vs the Zombie Apocoplypse


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So i know that a zombie apocolypse is pretty far fetched, but hear me out. You get to pick 6 pokemon (1 mega if you want) to survive in a zombie apocolypse ("Left 4 Dead 2" type of zombies), and the only rules are :

_ No legendaries (of course. You're just a normal human)
_ 2 of your chosen pokemon must be starters.

Post the list of the pokemon that you would choose, and explain your reason for choosing them. Also, since this is a "real life" situation, your pokemon won't have the 4 move limit or the PP limit, so go wild.

Me first.

Steelix : for a barrier around my base (it can circle around and keep the zombies out) and a tank when i need to deal with hordes.

Skarmory : for scouting, transportation, and also because it can dive into the zombies and chop their heads off with its sharp wings

Delphox : for giving fire, and psychic power always helps, from building stuff or clearing the way to picking highly hanging fruit and catching fish.

Sceptile (my mega) : it can scavenge for supplies thanks to its amazing speed. Also it can provide some vegetables thanks to Leech Seed

Lanturn : for water, electricity, ice (to keep the zombies away), and transportation.

Blissey : the doctor of the team. It will help with my wounds/diseases and also keep my pokemon up (especially Steelix and Skarmory since they're the front line of this team) as long as possible.

So i wanted some balance between survival, utility, and combat. Steelix and Skarmory, as mentioned above, will be the tank line. While they're diving into the zombies; Lanturn + Sceptile + Delphox will help from the back line. Blissey will do its job as a doctor/healer of the team.

Edited by biboo195
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Ok here goes

Blaziken : Fire type moves, notably heat wave for mass destruction of zombies. Speedy scout on ground. Great at close range combat if needed. (Blaziken is pretty much obligatory on any team of mine :P)

Greninja : Water type. Needed for emergency water supply. Speedy and stealthy. Brilliant for scouting ahead. Wide range of moves.

Salamence : Can cause a load of havoc from the skies. In case of emergencies, comes handy for a quick aerial getaway. Also useful for scouting from the skies.

Alakazam : Psychic powers to keep zombies at bay. Intelligence is off the charts. Brilliant as a strategist.

Bisharp : Steel type, i think zombies wouldn't be able to even hurt it much. And have you looked at those blades? It can slice through zombies with ease. Definitely a mon i would keep close to myself at all times.

Clefable : Healer for the team. Fairy powers and flamethrower for zombie damage.

Edited by Dhanush D Bhatt
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ok... what KIND of 'Zombies' are we speaking of?

slow Zombies that are only there for "Braaaaaiiiiinsssss", which are actually dead-people risen back to life?

or somekind of Resident Evil 4 Parasitic controlled 'Zombie'??

Blastoise (Mega) - Water -> it's a big water type... I use it to swim out in the ocean... Zombies are terrible swimmers, also HEAVY artillery with it's cannons! - also emergency water-supply

Skarmory - Steel/Flying -> for Flying back to a City to get supplies, while cutting through any Zombie with it's sharp bladed wings during landing

Bisharp - Steel/Dark -> Steel blades cutting thorugh Zombie hordes... also to cut food-supplies and other obstacles

Charizard - Fire/Flying -> For when there are just to many Zombies for Skarmory and you have to PURGE a city block for your supply run (remember to extinguish the fire with Blastoise after everything is dead-dead!)... also it's fire keeps you warm

Tropius - Grass/Flying -> it GROWS FRUIT on it's neck... for times I can't go on supply runs or I already raided everything and I am on the move to another place

Blissey - Normal -> Healer... yeah just that...

Basic strategy:

keep near a coast line, use Blastoise to swim out for a resting (maybe a small island)-> use Skarmory and/Charizard to fly to a near City for supplies -> while on the ground have Skarmory and Bisharp act as my guards -> fly back to coast hop on Blastoise and swim out for safety

Blissey to heal if anything happens, Tropius for emergency supplies and emergency evac should anything happen Charizard/Skarmory.

IF NOT near a coast:

Stay on highground (like Roof of a big apartment building), use Skarmory and Charizard to fly up and down for supply runs. Supply runs with Skarmory and Bisharp as guards. Blastoise as a roof guardian (maybe destroy the stairs so Zombies can't even come up).

Blissey for healing and Tropius for emergency supplies and emergency evac should anything happen Charizard/Skarmory.

DONE! I survive! I win! case closed!

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I would run a team consisting only of ghost and steel types. Why? well, steel mons are immunes to poisoning, so a zombie's bite wouldn't do shit to them. Plus they're sturdy and steel is extremely durable, so they would last long. Ghost types "are already dead", so zombies can't really hurt them. I'll think of a definite ream later.

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So let's make the zombies like in World War Z, aka fast + smart but no special power. But they don't have the "fatal disease" blind spot like in the movie.

Edited by biboo195
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No regular human stands a chance against a Pokemon in a fight. So if we assume WWZ-like zombies, that are basically regular humans who just happen to be undead, any Pokemon will do to fight them off. Even if they have strength in numbers, all you need is an AoE move like I dunno, Eruption or EQ or stuff like that.

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No regular human stands a chance against a Pokemon in a fight. So if we assume WWZ-like zombies, that are basically regular humans who just happen to be undead, any Pokemon will do to fight them off. Even if they have strength in numbers, all you need is an AoE move like I dunno, Eruption or EQ or stuff like that.

True, i should make it like L4D zombies then.

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1: Typhlosion: Why?: Eruption is controlled AOE that doesn't hit allies. If there is no PP zombies will die like flies. Can be used to cook.

2: Feraligatr: Why? Surf. If this is L4D zombies, they all die in the water so it would be useful. I'm a sound swimmer myself, but a water type Pokemon would be much better. Can also put out fires Typhlosion causes.

3: Alakazam: Why?: Telekinetic powers throws zombies away, and dual screens if needed to keep them at bay. Also Teleport would be broken.

4: Braviary: Why?: Strong flying type. Easy getaways if needed.

5: Nidoking: Why?: Earthquakes to ruin the zombies paths. Would make a nice combination with Braviary.

6: Tropius: Why?: Can get fruit in a pinch, and is also a flier.

Edited by Personthing
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Absol - well, since it is a disaster pokemon, sure it will alarm me when zombie herds approach, and it happens to be one of my favourite dark types

Mismagius - i am just gonna be uncreative and go with the flow and reserve a slot for ghost type and Mismagius is my favourite ghost

Florges - I am going to go out on a limb and assume fairy type is super-effective against zombies, and Florges is my go-to fairy plus it can revitalize land that has been ravaged by zombies

Rapidash - arson of my choice will be Rapidash, why? it can serve as a ride and a fire source at the same time

Chesnaught - spiky shield acts as a weapon as well as barrier from zombies

Aerodatyl - my aviation of choice

Edited by TimTim
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Chesnaught: Spiky Shield = No zombie can get to me. Plus Chesnaught is pretty strong with things like Seed Bomb and Hammer Arm.

Blastoise: It has cannons. RIP zombies. Also used for water transport (and maybe flying too because Green did it)

Phanpy: I read the chapter of the manga in which Emerald used Phanpy for Pickup. Pickup would be a handy Ability to have, and Phanpy is my favorite of the Pokemon that get it. Plus Earthquake spam can be a thing, ya know.

Blissey: One of best clerics there is AND free eggs. I'll never starve.

Talonflame: Let all the zombies burn. And I can fly.

Tropius: Fruit in case Blissey for some reason faints and can't give anymore eggs. Also, Tropius is sometimes used as an HM Slave, so there's that utility too.

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Here's my team ;D

First Line of Defense:

Goodra: Bulky and strong, can use it to sweep everything away with Muddy Water, Draco Meteor, Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, and Blizzard if we get trapped.

Aggron: Can be used to be my guard while on supply runs and can also slice the zombie's heads off with Metal Claw.

Emergency Defense/scouts:

Greninja: For stealth/scout missions and emergency water. Also, for fighting in case Goodra can no longer fight.

Infernape: Powerful fighter, can Flare Blitz, Overheat, Mach Punch, and Close Combat everything in sight. It can be used to heat me and the crew up and also, fighting in case Aggron can no longer fight.


Audino: basically the healer of the group and possibly battler if I teach it Flamethrower.

Metagross: Excellent fighter/strategist and a pretty awesome tank.

I REALLY wanted to add goomy in here but he will only slow us down :[

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This seems fun. Here's my contribution:

1. Infernape: Versatile, good for burning and beating up zombies, fast and nimble enough to act as a scout. An extra pair of hands to help is also appreciated. Access to Slack Off allows it to be self-reliant to an extent.

2. Starmie: Fast, Intelligent, can't be crippled by poison or paralysis, acts as fast transport for a getaway and as a device for mass flooding to sweep away zombies. Provides water supply and can use Psychic to manipulate objects. Access to Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Scald and Recover are also good.

3. Clefable: Healer and Cleric that can eat hits and maintain health for self and crew, even though most of this team can use Recover variants themselves. Softboiled also means a supply of food (eggs) for self, in case other sources fail. Also good with other fairy-ish stuff, I guess.

4. Chesnaught: Spiky Shield allows it to protect self and crew from attack. Chesnaught is also very tough and rugged, weathering hits and hitting back hard while recovering itself with its myriad healing moves.

5. Magnezone: You really can't expect me to not have a Magnezone. Apart from being superior, it serves as a means of aviation, a supply of electricity for appliances and can zap zombie hordes. Steel types are good against infectious zombies. Also useful for sending signals, I suppose.

6. Rotom: I really don't need anything else, so Rotom is just a utility member. It can assume various forms to make a post-apocalyptic life easier, with the ability to wash my clothes, cook and store my food, fan me for comfort and even mow a zombie's face off in a pinch. Ghost typing in its regular form also ensures ability to monitor in stealth and be invulnerable to tangible attacks. Makes good use of status moves and technically acts as a backup for other members with a variety of elemental attacks.

That's the lot. Oh yeah, they can all also use Protect, and if there's a need for a mega, I'll have myself a Mega Magnezone.

Edited by Viridescent
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Jigglypuff - Cause it puts all the zombies to sleep so we're good.

Swampart - Can go through swamp or water areas, plus can use EQ to keep the zombies away.

Meganium - Might suck in game but would be a good utility pokemon for building crap.

Aegislash - Go all Titania rawr!

Snorlax - Classic Kanto blockade

Tropius - Forager of food when I'm in a bad area.

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To fend of zombies you are going to need a lot of firepower, but some diversity as well.

-Charizard: A flying fire-breathing dragon that can reduce the hordes to ashes.

-Magnezone: A power house electric type and steel type (which I would assume would be immune to infection). Could come in handy for power generation.

-Florges: Like in the game she is my white-mage, so I would assume that would transfer over.

-Greninja: A speedy water-type that can help with stealth missions to nab supplies.

-Garchomp: The ace in the hole, quite literally. Burying hordes with a single earthquake. Also it can dig me out of dangerous situations.

-Gengar (Mega): Another pokemon that could be used for covert operations. Since it is a ghost I would assume it would be immune to the zombie bites.

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No regular human stands a chance against a Pokemon in a fight. So if we assume WWZ-like zombies, that are basically regular humans who just happen to be undead, any Pokemon will do to fight them off. Even if they have strength in numbers, all you need is an AoE move like I dunno, Eruption or EQ or stuff like that.

Not true, Ash and Team rocket have shown multiple times that it is actually quite easy to stand up to most pokemon attacks. Team rocket in particular are pretty great at being blown off the face of the Earth and still surviving...

Though we know that physics in Pokemon does not equal real life. But then if we are to apply pokemon to real world we would have to apply their mechanics as well.

For my team:

Pretty Much any pokemon that knows eruption/ water spout or fissure would decimate hordes of zombies in a single shot. Rhydon/ Rhyperior would be a beast here

Scizor could be used as a body guard for close combat thanks to its typing and speed. It could also help with other survival tasks.

Anything with Hyper Beam for extra oomph.

Blissey/ Audino for emergency healing/ Maybe even shuckle/ Miltank

Charizard for flight and fire as 1 starter and Blastoise as the second for emergency water and more zombie decimation

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