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Happy Valentine's Day???


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LOL, jk. This is another birthday thread, and I know the guy that it's for can take a bit of a fake out. So, without further ado...

Happy birthday Sparky!

Sparks, you're one of the guys that I interacted with back when I first came onto the server, starting with Apophyll Nation and later the Vermillion Alliance. I appreciate that I can talk WWE with you, and that you're a really chill guy. One of the most aggravating (yet fond) memories I have of you is when you decided to ship yourself with me during the 'everyone ship Rose lel' ordeal. I'll admit now that I said no because I didn't know you that well. I don't regret getting to know you better though. Thank you for being a wonderful friend~

Here's hoping you have a fantastic day, you most definitely deserve it!

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Well, Sparky, I met you probably about 6 or so months ago, and I'm happy to say that I consider you one of the closer friends I've made in Reborn. Happy Birthday, Sparky, and hope that this year treats you well!

What happens when a machine meets their soul mate? Sparks fly.

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Wow, your birthday is on Valentines? Never knew that.

You're probably among the only people from here that knows half of what I'm talking about when it comes to pro wrasslin' related nonsense. I admit I wasn't very fond of you originally back in 2014, but I think I've grown to appreciate you for what you do bring to the table, even if I might not be as close of a friend as others here are or something to that effect.

Enjoy your birthday!

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I almost made a duplicate birthday thread for Sparky because I didn't realise that the Valentines day thread was for Sparky's birthday. Oops...

Happy Birthday Sparky! Getting to know you through the redemption league has been great! You're a great person and a lot of fun to be around.

I don't get the wrestling stuff, but to each their own :D

Have an amazing day!

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Hey Sparky.

I hope you have a fantastic date of birth.

What I will always grow to appreciate about you is that you were willing to learn. I still consider your growth in Pokemon battling and more importantly, your faith in yourself and willingness to be resilient even when the ball didn't bounce your way one of my greatest achievements on this server. To call you a pupil is an absolute honor.

As a person, you've been nothing but respectful to other people and someone who rose above the faults of others. For a majority of you reading I can say the same - and I'm indebted to those here who give me the light of day.

What I'll always remember about you is staring our modest Reborn Competitive Battling Association season by getting beat, and getting beat, and getting beat, and getting beat...only for you to turn it around mid-season by upsetting an undefeated opponent and going on a tear all the way to the championship tournament.

You understand what 'determination' is all about. Share that with others and never stop reaching for your goals.

Again, Happy Birthday.

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