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Pokemon 20th anniversary vids


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So this channel on Youtube is uploading some rather awesome flash vids for the 20th anniversary with each vid covering a different type. The cool thing is that each vid uses different artsyles for different pokemon as well as music fitting each type. It's very well done and should be checked out by any fan.










Water Part 1 and Part 2








Normal pt2


The End

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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Kay, finished watching them all:

Normal was nostalgic, I liked how the idea was to see every Pokemon in the Pokedex. I also like how they show Zangoose cutting down a tree when it can't learn Cut lol

Fairy, obviously, was cute~ <3

Fighting was epic, loved how it like had an actual plot.

Poison's music was really nice, and I loved the ending of it. I do question Swalot eating Gulpin and Roserade pulling out a thorny whip, though...

Dark's pictures were a little disturbing, but the music was amazing.

Ghost... Why do you do this to me ;_; I liked Rotom, though. The rest... *shivers*

Psychic was even worse, believe it or not. Sabrina's Abra, Espurr, Spoink, Reuniclus, Gothorita, JYNX (where I had to pause the video and skip), and Gothitelle were so creepy T-T Please don't ever do that to me again.

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I love when pokemon gets creepy(they are pocket monsters after all), so psychic and ghost vids were right up my alley. Fighting is my favorite overall since I'm a big fan of fighting games and fighting is my favorite type, with psychic vid following and ghost right after. That megabanette part was so well done and needs to be made into a GIF.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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I love how they make references to movies like the Shining and Anabelle.

So far I believe Ghost and Psychic are the ones they put most thought into.

I was disappointed by Poison. I was expecting hordes of Zubat and a majestic Moth.

Normal was the worst one yet.

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It was nice to see, but it does not make an impact as we've seen this psychological power-up fueled by the power of friendship one too many times.

At that point I wanted a fighting/dark type to sucker punch Mewtwo, just for the plot twist, but of course that would ruin the build up they made for Keldeo.

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  On 2/16/2016 at 12:04 PM, NickCrash said:

It was nice to see, but it does not make an impact as we've seen this psychological power-up fueled by the power of friendship one too many times.

At that point I wanted a fighting/dark type to sucker punch Mewtwo, just for the plot twist, but of course that would ruin the build up they made for Keldeo.

honestly the fighting build up was great specially the final cliffhanger a dark type sucker punch would've more or less disturbed that and still mewtwo X has the bulk and and takes neutral damge to take a sucker punch easy

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  On 2/16/2016 at 12:04 PM, NickCrash said:

It was nice to see, but it does not make an impact as we've seen this psychological power-up fueled by the power of friendship one too many times.

At that point I wanted a fighting/dark type to sucker punch Mewtwo, just for the plot twist, but of course that would ruin the build up they made for Keldeo.

But I have never seen it done THAT way, with the swords of justice and Mewtwo as the villain. IMO it was done very well: if anything, it lacked a bit of "punch", so to speak, in that every Pokemon fan knows that Resolute Form isn't actually a power up for Keldeo, so yeah, they made it look like the transformation gave the pony a chance, but a genre savy watcher knows this is not the case. But this is more of Game Freak's fault if you ask me: why the hell isn't Resolute Form a power up anyway?

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Wow! All the vids were so well made that I can't believe are fanmade! Especially that Mega Bannete is going to hunt me in my dreams for the rest of my life.

On a side note, are all the pokemon of each type included in their respective videos? Cause I didn't see the Venonat line in Poison types, or did I miss them?

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Bug is next so Venonat/moth will probably be in there.

I think dark was actually my least favorite especially with the unnecessary team rocket addition towards the end(they use more poison types than anything else). Felt really out of place plus the imagery wasn't as interesting as the others.

The poison song is a DOGARS dubstep remix. I didn't realize it at first but it's why Koffing and Roxie sing along at certain points.

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These videos are pretty nice though I'm surprised that Arceus wasn't in the normal video and how creepy the psychic video was. The only nick picks I would have be the Fairy video needed more fighting scenes with them going against dragon and dark pokemon and the Anime characters appearances in a otherwise game focused video series. Can't wait to see the water one when it comes out.

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Bug is here guys! Updated the OP so make sure to check it out. It's really cute.

Fire is due next,which I'm sure a lot of people are looking forward too since fire is a very popular type.

EDIT: The same uploader has a vid on the making of the Megabanette doll, it's in JP but it's still fascinating to watch. This person is mad creative.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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  On 2/16/2016 at 10:21 PM, The Swordsman said:

These videos are pretty nice though I'm surprised that Arceus wasn't in the normal video and how creepy the psychic video was. The only nick picks I would have be the Fairy video needed more fighting scenes with them going against dragon and dark pokemon and the Anime characters appearances in a otherwise game focused video series. Can't wait to see the water one when it comes out.

There should be a part of the video in which all cutesy fairies suddenly see a dragon type and develop fangs or bulk to chase it away.

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  • 2 months later...

I gotta say, the electric one was too full of pikachus and pikaclones for me to like...

Ground one, though. That was nice

I guess only rather "boring" types are left (at least for me) Ghost and fighting will still be my favorites

Edited by Masquerain
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