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I'm back, with a new challenge


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Hey guys, do you remember me? Well, sorry for dissappearing, real life kicked in an after that I finally bought a 3DS (Pokémon OR, Smash 3DS and FE: Awakening destroyed all my free time left) anyways, I'm back and I still want to find the hardest way to beat Reborn or Hardcore.

So yeah guys, here you can decide what do you want me to tackle next:

  • Continue your NFE Hardcore suicidal, it is hard as hell but if you guys want me to continue it...
  • Do your NFE stuff... on normal Reborn, so it's a bit easier and less or a grind festa.
  • A Monogen or Monotype on Hardcore?
  • A Nuzlocke on normal Reborn?
  • Something else.

So yeah guys, you tell me what you want and I fulfill your wishes... I hope.

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Welcome back!

Anyway, if ya don't want to suffer in Reborn... Monogens aren't very common, plus you haven't done one yet, so maybe do one of those? Regardless, looking forward to see whatever you do!

Right now I'm playing grinding fest, or also known as the NFE Hardcore, yeah, it's pure grinding at this point, breeding, EV's and then wishing for winning the boss battles in less than 10 tries.

For a Monogen, which generation would you like? Also, in normal Reborn or Hardcore?

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Why dont you do a monogen (on hardcore of course) but add a twist to it like you have to have the 3 starters of that generation on your team and they are irreplaceable once you obtain them , so like if you did 4th gen you'd start with chimchar , and then once you can obtain piplup and turtwig you use them and their evolutions with a permanent spot on your 6 man roster , same with say like 6th gen , starting with froakie and using chespin and fennekin permanently ? i dont know , sounds pretty interesting to me (:

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Why dont you do a monogen (on hardcore of course) but add a twist to it like you have to have the 3 starters of that generation on your team and they are irreplaceable once you obtain them , so like if you did 4th gen you'd start with chimchar , and then once you can obtain piplup and turtwig you use them and their evolutions with a permanent spot on your 6 man roster , same with say like 6th gen , starting with froakie and using chespin and fennekin permanently ? i dont know , sounds pretty interesting to me (:

This one sounds interesting, shame that if no one edit my save file I would have to use 4th or 6th gen, which one is OP (4th gen with all those evolutions from previous generation's pokémon) and the other one being quite weak (Only like, 60 pokémon to use, and Fennekin comes just before Ciel with Lv15, that means that I have to EV grind and train 60 Lv a mediocre pokémon, not exactly worth it).

But yeah, if you guys want it then I will do it.

I'd like to see the continuation of NFE Hardcore honestly lol

For you it was a deep torture but from my pov it was great to watch

Actually, I started playing that save again (Since November 14th that I didn't touch it), and I'm not that far from Shade (Need to EV Magnemite, Porygon, Sniwub and Duskull and then grind everyone to Lv39), if I'm lucky I will update it today.

Also guys, can someone give me the link to Hardcore 2.0, my version is 1.9 and I think Commander did update it.

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Welcome back to Reborn!

I don't really follow any runs so I can't really comment on what you should do, but it appears you've made a decision there anyway.

Hope to see you around.

Thanks, I was out like, 3 or 4 months, but it's nice to be welcomed back (I'm sure that what I just wrote wasn't proper english, but I don't care lol).

My last run (Also known as death and pain, as I suffer in Hardcore) is in my signature, also you can read "Let the RNG guide my actions: a Random Pokémon Generator run." if you want.

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