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Chain Egg Breeding for Shineys


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I know in ordinary Pokemon games if you chain 40 of the same Pokemon the 40th one is guaranteed to be shiny if you haven't already encountered one, does that hold true in this game? If so, what about chaining egg hatching? Since the shiny rate is up, is it even a chain of 40, or is it smaller?

Thanks guys :)

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Never even heard if this, but the first comment on that topic says that this is well-known stuff, so whaddaya know. No clue if this is actually in reborn, but either way, in reborn, everything has a 1.07% chance to be shiny (triple that with the Shiny Charm) and unlike the main games, you can use cheat engine to hatch an egg in like 3 steps (check the Team Showcase section's pinned breeding guide to see how), so I think you're good to go regardless.

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probably not there in the story yet then its a city on top of the mountain after you face the pulse in amrterine mountain you will find a blue haired guy there named blake in his apartment he willl ask you for ruby ring say so keep saying no this will activate the event for the shiny charm

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No Ive already gotten all the way through Ch15 a long time ago, I just forgot how to get to the city since it's been like 6 months since I've even done anything XD

Edit: Nevermind I found Calcenon, is it in the house where the girl's father doesn't believe she is dead? He won't let me into her room :/

Edited by Shadolance
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