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DC TV series timeline


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Okay, so I've watched The Arrow and The Flash, as far as they go on Netflix- season 3 and season 1 respectively. Then I got tired of waiting for the next seasons to show up on netflix.

I've started Legends of Tomorrow, the separate arc that deals with Vandal Savage. That had some things that weren't revealed yet. I had no idea it even existed as a thing but some link brought me to it. Which brings to my main concern.

How should I watch these series? In what order?

spoiler from Legends of Tomorrow

Sarah Lance is resurrected. I've no idea how that happened. Also, they changed the young firestorm guy for some new black dude. Why would they change actors after all that stuff to do with him in Flash season 1?

So I stopped watching after ep 2 and looked to start Arrow season 4. But that had spoilers too.

spoilers are spoilers

Ray is dead somehow and Felicity inherited the company. After watching the first two episodes of the future legends stuff... well I can only assume he died in the line of duty the way Hawkman did. They were all chosen for their lack of impact on history. Presumably because they died saving the world.

So I get the feeling that I'm watching them completely out of order

Sarah died, but did things after reviving, but does not appear in arrow s4. Ray also appears in legends but that means he dies before this new season of arrow. I know flash had his own season come out around the same time. But he has little to nothing to do with sarah and her being the black canary, so wtf is with this timeline?

Does Flash season 2 come before these other two series? Help me out because these are actually pretty great but I hate having spoilers like this pop up.

Okay so I watched Arrow s4, ep2 and the end of it revealed my suspicions but...

So how does Ray Palmer's apparent death fit into the timeline?

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ok first u need to watch Season 4 of arrow and the flash season 2 side by side flash goes first and arrow after that after the half season break u watch legends thats how it goes

Edited by xellon
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Yeah arrow and flash run side by side now. Legends starts after a certain event in both flash and arrow, its villain should drop you a hint on when that is.

Supergirl exists as well but I have no clue if/when that falls in the time line, so good luck on that.

DC isn't pulling any punches with these shows. I'm pretty happy with what they're doing.

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Supergirl exists as well but I have no clue if/when that falls in the time line, so good luck on that.

Yeah she is not part of the Flarrow universe she will have a crossover with the flash but she is from a different earth (the new Harrison Wells is from earth-2 shes from someplace else)

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