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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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I think i agree with Eorza that house looks very similar to a place in spain visited years ago


I think im starting to get on board with the idea that this is a region associated with Kalos

dare i say we get 16 gyms this time around :o

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There's apparently a "leaked" list of new Pokémon with their Japanese names and types included. Assuming it isn't fake (which it probably is), the most interesting thing about it is that it doesn't have the classic 3-stage fire/water/grass type evolutions which would usually signify a new generation. So unless the starters were omitted from the list for some reason Gen 6.5 seems more likely than Gen 7.

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the most interesting thing about it is that it doesn't have the classic 3-stage fire/water/grass type evolutions

Usually this is a dead giveaway that a list of "leaked" Pokemon is indeed fake. New game with no new starters? Preposterous and unheard of.

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Well it appears to be true after all. Can't say I'm impressed so far.

Yes it's a milestone and all that, but they could have a better marketing campaign.

What we know is that it's featured somewhere around France, and the architecture points towards Italy, and Rome in particular.

The design appears to be a horned flying type, hinting towards Normal/Dark/Dragon/Steel types. It may be the Zubat of the region or just a random one.

Since a Gen6 legendary pokemon was announced a few days ago, we still need to get the full picture on what SM is and how they relate to Kalos.

I believe it's highly probable our Gen7 is complimentary to Gen6. No concrete proof about this, but given the gaps in Kalos, the shortage of new pokemon, the lackluster story, and the fact that these new games appear out of the blue, I'd say we don't strike this possibility out. Also, better address the issues concerning Z (another copyrighted name in multiple languages).

You may ignore the spoiler. It's meant for our new friend, AiedailEclipsed , who appears to be confident on their sarcasm, yet not so much on their arguments.

I don't mean to burst any bubbles, but... (you do know we are being skeptical here, don't you?)

Pokken isn't developed or published by Nintendo/Game Freak. Yes it is. For proof check the wikipedia page and especially the category under "series". Then their first trailer. The production does not work under Nintendo or Gamefreak, but Bandai Namco, but this inconsequential, as they both have rights on the product, give permission and oversee the product.

Also, comparing the release of a game like this to a main series release is a bit of a skewed comparison. That's like comparing PMD: Gates to Infinity and B2W2, which both launched in the same year within months of each other. The games are niche enough that their release wouldn't impact each other, unlike if two main series games did that.

If that's the case, then I'd advise not to answer with speculation when trying to rebut it.

Further, I do agree that the likelihood of seeing Gen VII announced tomorrow is pretty low. Ok, we agree here. The 3DS (which is coming up on five years old, so it's definitely not a "new" console by any stretch of the imagination) still has a bit of life left in it, not to mention that there is precedence to see a title launch on an older console to take advantage of install-base, push last minute sales, etc. I'm talking about Gen V and the 3DS. The 3DS was announced in early 2010, released a year or so later, but we didn't get any main series 3DS games until 2013 with XY -- meanwhile B2W2 launched on the DS in 2012. Keep in mind, we don't even have that much information on whatever the new platform will be. Also keep in mind that there has never been a cross platform generation (ie main series games on two different platforms -- all of Gen III was on GBA, all of Gen IV was on DS, etc). I highly doubt they'd launch Gen VII and tether themselves to the 3DS for another few years. What I've been saying is that 3DS is a new platform compared to others when the pokemon games were released in each case. Therefore, a new generation traditionally means jumping over to a new console. That's not what people want, since many good Nintendo games were released in the past couple of years and there are even plans for some in 2016. Therefore, people would be against having to buy a new one to be able to play a new pokemon generation. A company works for the people, hence listens to their demands. I would understand if they made new games that compliment the older ones, but not a new gen. Now that the new games are official, we will see new pokemon. It's just a bad idea.

Continuing, because I'm on a roll at this point... have you ever actually taken a look at the development cycles for these games? "Too much work." Multiple teams work on multiple games simultaneously. Masuda (whose tweet about the moon is a bit too suspicious for me to ignore given that he's teased new games with "innocuous" content before) develops all the main series core games (eg: RS, DP, BW, XY) and the "third versions" but hardly ever the "remakes." Guess what Masuda didn't direct? If you guessed ORAS, please send me a message and I'll ensure your cookies are delivered. I will note that he didn't direct B2W2, but to be fair, he needed to concentrate on XY for the 3DS given it was a completely new platform. Which brings us to our next point: "too little time." In terms of coherence, nothing brought you here. You just addressed a point you took too literally. Moving on... Tying into the development cycle is that of their timing. Do you know how many years in the 20 year time span that we've had that haven't seen a main line game release? Seven (1997, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011, and now 2015). The general trend between the main series core games and their third versions is two years. XY were released in 2013, ORAS in 2014. We're looking at 3 years now between the core and the hypothetical third versions. If we don't get any kind of game at all this year, which would be two years in a row that we don't get a game... then I'm a duck. The only reason people took the tweets seriously was the 20-year landmark. So, yeah. The "third version" theory is probably the most likely, with the 3 year gap being due to a clever marketing decision to leverage the 20th anniversary or because we're going to get a really freaking special game out of the deal.

Tl;dr -

  • Gen VII probably not happening
  • The odds of us not getting a new game this year are astronomical.
  • I explain about how the development of Pokémon games works.

I might have been a little harsh with you here and there. Go introduce yourself, as I see this is your first post. A little less sarcasm would be nice too.

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I am almost sure that OHKO moves are specifically coded to be unaffected by any accuracy modification of any sort. I dunno if that includes No Guard but...

No guard affects it because it makes it so every move hits as long as their base conditions e.g. same level or higher are met.

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I mean yea, it probably gen 7, i dont really doubt that. But they could just be throwing us for a loop with words like that. Theyre all about the surprises. Who knows. Idk, its all just silly thoughts.

Edited by Myst
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