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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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Eh. So long as they announce the starters, and some new mechanic, whatever it may be, I will be satisfied. Honestly, I just hope they don't rush it and make a subpar game as a result of the backlash from Youkai Watch beating out Pokemon in Japan.

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The next image from CoroCoro has leaked showcasing the limit of what is in CoroCoro for Sun & Moon. In this small bit of information, it promises that from next month, special features on Sun & Moon will begin. This will begin in the issue that is released on April 15th 2016. We'll bring more as it comes.

From Serebii's next corocoro image leaks ^ So wellp... April guys

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Was I the only one that in the end of the video revealing the games, when they were going through the games from the beginning till today and then said "and it all comes together in an all new pokémon adventure" was I the only one who thought "OOOOOH CRAAAAAAP!! Traveling to the previous regions?!?!?!?"? o:

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  On 3/12/2016 at 2:59 PM, Tsunayoshi said:

Was I the only one that in the end of the video revealing the games, when they were going through the games from the beginning till today and then said "and it all comes together in an all new pokémon adventure" was I the only one who thought "OOOOOH CRAAAAAAP!! Traveling to the previous regions?!?!?!?"? o:

You're not alone for sure. I personally didn't think so because it'd never happen and be an actually good game due to a lv100 cap but yea. Many people had your thoughts. I wouldn't give that phrase too much meaning though. I take it more as a "all of our progress culminates in these new games"

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  On 3/12/2016 at 3:07 PM, Masquerain said:

You're not alone for sure. I personally didn't think so because it'd never happen and be an actually good game due to a lv100 cap but yea. Many people had your thoughts. I wouldn't give that phrase too much meaning though. I take it more as a "all of our progress culminates in these new games"

Yeah, your analysis does make more sense. Besides a pokémon game where you can revisit all previous regions would probably take quite a while to produce and since it's something so big, if it ever does happen it should probably be Pokémon's last masterpiece(unless they somehow manage to milk this cow till the end of days which is very unlikely).

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To me, a game with all regions would not be good for the simple reason that in order to stuff 6..7?regions in one game, they'd have to deprive them of a meaningful plot and just give them some side thing like gsc's kanto. Then as mentioned, you have a level cap of 100.. Most pokemon learn all their moves by level 6x or 7x.. anything further just seems... yeah , just for the sake of achievement. I don't see how they could ever make a game with all the places... Well, they actually could, just not in your traditional way. IF one day Pokemon stops being popular and profitable, they could finally connect the web of timelines they're weaving..and have been apparently weaving, and make this one single plot that revolves around the timelines, connecting all the worlds and giving you a mission to visit every place, be it briefly, and non-traditionally. As I see it, that's the only way they could ever make a good all-regions game

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I think i would like to see a game that maybe connected one or 2 regions like they did with G/S/C, you wouldn't have to jam so much in one card but with many regions have connecting features you could at least have plot related reason to visit the other.

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About the 100 level cap, I could see them pulling it off if they had you start over with a new team in each region, where you can only use a Pokemon in the region you caught it in. But yeah there probably wouldn't be much plot beyond the first region.

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Only using a Pokemon in the region you caught it in? Might as well have it for all of the regions. However, I could see the badge thing happening so it would prevent you from using really powerful Pokemon until you get all the badges in said region until you start over in the next one. By the time you get all the badges in each region, you'll be free to use whatever Pokemon you want.

If only we could truly explore every region in one game...

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Technically speaking, they can fit 2 regions in one game, and it's something I'm looking forward to. A connected (open-world) map is needless, since it hints you will end the franchise there. There is no reason to stop pokemon at their 7th gen, since it's so popular worldwide. Sure they lose in Japan to the Pokemon lookalike Youkai Watch, and they aim to outperform it. The way to do so is to provide us with a pokemon game so great it can surpass the early sales of R/B/Y. Hence, we expect higher detail in the 3D models, better story and interconnected plot, as well as a map wide enough to include mini-stories that somewhat blend into the main part of the story, taking example of what Reborn does.

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All i want from this game is an evil organization that isn't missing a few chromosomes ( i'm looking at you gens 3 and 6 ) followed by fully voice acted characters with the professor being voiced by Morgan Freeman and the rival being voiced by the guy who voice acts killua from hunter x hunter and thats about it

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Hopefully it's a coincidence and the symbol is actually for something else. I wouldn't want anime, manga, or card game logic to leak over into the games since I consider the games the "true" canon, being the original material. Plus the concept to begin with seems like it'd be really awkward.

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