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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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Yeah, they're keeping it holes up very frustratingly. We know next to nothing nothing about these games other than the names.

Let's hope it shows some promise in the next few days. Until then, let's try and theorize about the new professor and their name.

I call Professor Mango.

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I reread serebii's statement earlier this morning, it only promises that in this issue, we'd get information about the new games..or rather we will START getting info in special features slowly.. But that suggests getting more than the games' existence I hope.. technically they alrdy said the games exist in the last issue so it should be more xD I have trust issues, idk anymore

I hope we get another lady professor personally, in 6 gens we've only had 1 and she was cool. She even had a dad !

If I'd have to name a female prof, it'd probably be something like Laurel .. Females seem to be named after shrubs and bushes rather than trees..tho laurels are...kinda treeish..and are trees too..wellp.. Maybe Hawthorn then

Edited by Masquerain
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  • Global Mods

Ok, this whole "Stay tuned for more news coming soon!" is actually starting to get annoying.

This is basically the opposite of XY and ORAS where they pretty much revealed 80-85% of everything before the games came out. But this kind of constant teasing is almost as bad as telling us everything.

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The hell? ... Didn't they say that last month? :| From this issue they'll start actually bringing info about the damn games.. oh well.... -.- I'm getting sick of being disappointed, it's gonna get to a point where I'll bring my expectations of this game down to the lowest lvls

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Magearna is comfirmed to be a steel fairy type, more sun&moon news soon to follow

Yeah more scan came out already!

"In the movie section of CoroCoro, it has confirmed that the Mythical Pokémon, Magearna, is to be a Steel/Fairy-type Pokémon

In addition to this, a new arcade game has been announced, seemingly following on from Pokémon Battrio and Tretta called Pokémon Ga-Olé"

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They promise news every month and that news turns out to be white boxes or "hey guize these games exist" :mellow:

I guess I'll put my last hopes on them announcing some show or direct for actual info... like I said, it's never corocoro that reveals info first anyway...

P.S. Magiana's type.. wow.. shock/10 ... :Kappa:

Edited by Masquerain
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Wtf, Corocoro... I guess Nintendo and Gamefreak are REALLY trying to make an effort to keep everything hidden from us about stuff for Sun and Moon. Not sure if it's the element of surprise, but at least show us SOMETHING related to Sun and Moon other than just Magearna!

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I remember someone on tumblr guessing that CoroCoro wouldn't release any info until May, and they were right.

I'm soooo excited for next CoroCoro, I want to see the starters and the legendaries!

I'm kind of happy with lack of info, I mean leaks sometimes ruin the surprise and the fun. I hope Sun and Moon aren't "released" early like X and Y were, and by that I mean people pay gamestop employees a certain sum and get the game early and release info. Speaking of, I wonder if the games are going to come out in Japan first, or be a global release like X and Y.

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It was said already that it will be a global release "holiday 2016" ..by that I understand winter 2016

And there can still be a different random announcement like a direct or a pokemon show that might showcase..something... I don't see the big deal of already at least giving us the box legendaries

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  • Developers

They promise news every month and that news turns out to be white boxes or "hey guize these games exist" :mellow:

I guess I'll put my last hopes on them announcing some show or direct for actual info... like I said, it's never corocoro that reveals info first anyway...

P.S. Magiana's type.. wow.. shock/10 ... :Kappa:

They never promised info this month. They just said they were going to start Sun and Moon coverage. Anyway, they said they'll have huge news next issue. When they say that, they usually deliver. That's something to look forward to.

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Well, covering sun and moon means some form of info too... Unless in some universe white boxes count

And to coro coro, "big news" is even a bad movie so yeah, I'm gonna bet that whatever coro coro has will not be the first place we see/hear that info

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Remember the guy who gave out the entire Gen 5 Pokedex months before Black and White came out? And more recently, gave away the reveal of Fairy type a weeks before the official reveal? Apparently he's gonna strike again soon.

Just because everything else he's leaked turned out to be true in the past though, doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be true this time. So believe whatever he says at your own risk. Or maybe just don't listen at all, it would be a pretty big hype killer if he did something as big as with gen 5.

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