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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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I know Corocoro didn't say anything whatsoever, I just meant last month's "scoop" mention was probably the news we got recently. It is lame that Corocoro didn't have anything at all, though. I was thinking they'd tell us what we already got along with giving the names of the legendaries (and maybe types) and player characters.

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Types will remain a secret for a while, since nothing is obvious. I mean, at first sight you see Fire and Dark respectively, but there is absolutely no guarantee. What I can speculate is that the Lion is Physical and the Bat is Special, but that's almost a given.

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CoroCoro be like

We begin Sun and Moon coverage next month ---> Huge scoop next month ---> Exclusive scoop next month ---> Premium scoop next month ---> Ultra scoop next month ---> Hyper scoop next month ---> Mega scoop next month ---> Ultimate scoop next month ---> The game's already out, just go buy it

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If not in Hawaii, where else do you hope to meet Dolphins?

If not in a Moon version, where else do you expect to see a Werewolf?

The future prospects make me skeptical. The pokemon company and gamefreak came up with fusions of normal animals, real legends and inanimate objects with certain personality traits depicted in their appearance, as the first pokemon. They had quite a lot of material to work with, reaching as far as Six, now Seven generations. A question that enters my mind more often now than ever before is "What's next?". Say we receive the dolphin and werewolf and ram, chubacabra, trout, cloud, gem beetle etc pokemon we look forward to. They can only fill 1-2 more gens. While I would be content with Pokemon ending up at a point where they provide us with a nice balanced metagame we could continue to play in the years to come after the campaign shots are finished, this may not be the case due to how they opt to change their games with every new installation to make them more interesting, or feed the old followers something to chew on. Discussions about type changes, moveset add-ons and stat alterations far overshadow those of new original pokemon creations. The fans' imagination is starting to run dry, only grasping at the few ideas not implemented yet. Chances are, the developers are also humans, so they find themselves in the same position. The strategy of "rehashing the same concept under another perspective" won't last long and certainly not appease the fans' frustration after a while. This wasn't meant to be a "the end is nigh" comment, and Nintendo keeps milking the few franchises they have made a success on, but every bubble will burst at some point, and I'm wondering if I'll still be playing when I see it pop.

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Nintendo has made enough money to buy a small country if they wished just from rehashing Pokémon and Mario. Even when they exhaust the idea, they can happily hang up their boots and say well done.

As for what they can do, eventually they can simply stop adding new pokes and Megas and simply rerelease an old game with better graphics and story, and still make a Mont out of it for the nostalgia factor. Would you not buy a Red and Blue re-remake with only the original 151, but with SM graphics and a patched up yet original story?

There are also innovations like pokken that mushroom all the time. The poketraon is far from spent, I think.

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They can actually start producing mature plotlines when they exhaust the same thing everytime. As for pokemon species, there are so many different animals, objects, plants that can bear pokemon designs, it's not like they're gonna run out after they've introduced every missing "main" animal

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Indeed. Considering we have a staggering number of cats, dogs, bovids, butterflies, birds and even slugs and jellyfish, I think it's a very long way off to worry about the number or quality of designs, or if our love for pitting monsters versus each other for Shiny metal tokens while we supress a villain with a grandiose plan of world destruction.

Or, perhaps one day they'll make a mature game, as Daze suggests.

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Pokémon remains to this day, at heart, a franchise mainly aimed at children. For that reason, I'm sceptical about seeing a story more mature than what they've already done. It would be nice for the older fans, but we must remember Nintendo is a company, and companies are usually driven by profit. That's not to say Nintendo has a particularly bad reputation for its customers, per se, especially compared to others, but they still will want to try to ensure the best sales for their games, especially since there have been close calls in the past like with the 3DS sales. For this reason, they won't want to limit their target audience with an overly mature story.

Edited by Spineblade
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Pokémon remains to this day, at heart, a franchise mainly aimed at children. For that reason, I'm sceptical about seeing a story more mature than what they've already done. It would be nice for the older fans, but we must remember Nintendo is a company, and companies are usually driven by profit. That's not to say Nintendo has a particularly bad reputation for its customers, per se, especially compared to others, but they still will want to try to ensure the best sales for their games, especially since there have been close calls in the past like with the 3DS sales. For this reason, they won't want to limit their target audience with an overly mature story.

Was meant for when they have gone to a point where their immature stories will lose sales because there's nothing left undone .. they can then explore the option of moving to a broader audience

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  • Developers

I'm calling it now this is the generation that will introduce a poison legendary. so far we have a lion and a bat. The next one might be a scorpion 3 animals that have ties have one thing in common all make up a manticore. I know its a stretch because most legendaries are based on separate mythological creatures, but this might happen.

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I'm calling it now this is the generation that will introduce a poison legendary. so far we have a lion and a bat. The next one might be a scorpion 3 animals that have ties have one thing in common all make up a manticore. I know its a stretch because most legendaries are based on separate mythological creatures, but this might happen.

Well from the copyright we already know that the third legendary is named Marshadow (in Japan at least), and since Shadow is always used in ghost type moves, it's a pretty safe bet to say it's gonna be part ghost type. So what you're saying is, you expect the third legendary to be a poison/ghost Scorpion from Mars?

That might actually be true. You see, it doesn't take a genius to see that Sogaleo and Lunalaa are based off of constellations. Well there's a scorpion constellation called Scorpius, and guess what? One of the stars in it is Antares, also known as "Rival of Mars" for its distinct red hue.

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Well from the copyright we already know that the third legendary is named Marshadow (in Japan at least), and since Shadow is always used in ghost type moves, it's a pretty safe bet to say it's gonna be part ghost type. So what you're saying is, you expect the third legendary to be a poison/ghost Scorpion from Mars?

That might actually be true. You see, it doesn't take a genius to see that Sogaleo and Lunalaa are based off of constellations. Well there's a scorpion constellation called Scorpius, and guess what? One of the stars in it is Antares, also known as "Rival of Mars" for its distinct red hue.

What constellation is Lunaala based on? Is Solgaleo based on Regulus if that's a constellation?

I'm excited to learn about Marshadow later on though.

I don't think we are getting a poison legendary this gen because it seems GF is neglecting poison if possible because all other types have a legend correct so why haven't they done a Poison one yet hmmm. Obviously we don't know and there could be a poison legend this gen and if so that's awesome. :)

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So guys, Serebii just updated that corocoro released a trailer apparently. It's the same as what we saw, but we can see a pokemon in the overworld

Seems like a glimpse of a gen 7 pokemon to me (unless I'm forgetting an obvious already existing mon)


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