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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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I actually think the time shift thing is really neat - and here's why.

Some of us can't play the game at certain hours during the day. For example. School. Work. Sleep.

I know that's not too much of a gamebreaker - but for a filthy casual like myself who has better things to do than no-life Pokemon - I would like to be able to get the daytime events I miss at night without getting penalized for resetting my DS time (which will happen more likely than not in this game - as ORAS was very finicky about it too)

...I may have to get Moon. Especially because Solgaleo isn't a fire type.

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I actually think the time shift thing is really neat - and here's why.

Some of us can't play the game at certain hours during the day. For example. School. Work. Sleep.

I know that's not too much of a gamebreaker - but for a filthy casual like myself who has better things to do than no-life Pokemon - I would like to be able to get the daytime events I miss at night without getting penalized for resetting my DS time (which will happen more likely than not in this game - as ORAS was very finicky about it too)

...I may have to get Moon. Especially because Solgaleo isn't a fire type.

But then you miss the events at day and if you are casual I doubt you would buy the game twice.

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-I- at least have weekends (and I would miss out on night events during most days)

Jangmo-o though.

Dragon. Nice. Bulletproof. Nice. SOUNDPROOF. NIOCE.

Whatcha gon do now Sylveon...MegaVoir.....whatcha gon do.


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Daaaaaamn, son. Look at all the NEWS! Here are my thoughts:

-I love how a Pokemon's name is actually Type: Null. Really makes you wonder if there are going to be even more Pokemon just like it. After seeing Team Skull's new enforcer Gladion use it, it makes me think that Team Skull will use these a lot.

-Jangmo-o is an interesting one. Like several other Pokemon introduced, it has unique characters in its name. Because of the first part in its name, I'm naming it Jan. There is no other way. I can definitely see it as another psuedo-legendary, but honestly, we have enough Dragon psuedos as it is, and I feel like Tyranitar and Metagross can get more love with another psuedo that is NOT another Dragon type. Pyukumuku has some potential, as it is said to have come from greatness. I gotta say, it DOES look like a fan-made psuedo-legendary though.

-For a mafia-themed Pokemon, Alolan Raticate actually fits more than you think. Some Dons are actually fatter than others. For example, in the new TMNT series, there is a certain mafia Don who has not been mutated yet who works for Shredder. Plus, Alolan Raticate is intelligent in terms of looking for food and ingredients. My only concern is its lack of a mustache, but whiskers? I couldn't care less. Honestly, I'm really liking Alolan Raticate regardless of its buttface.

-As a fellow Pokemon player who mostly plays during the night-time (Including games like Reborn, although I usually like to play during the daytime. However, night-time is best for certain situations, if you notice in some of my chapters...although I'm not sure if I described them like that), I'm liking the whole 12-hours apart thing. I bet it's probably going to screw me over when I want to play during the day, though. But other than that, it looks pretty great. It's also interesting to see the differences in Totem Pokemon, and it really makes me wonder if Lurantis will get a day counterpart like how Gumshoos gets Alolan Raticate as a nocturnal counterpart.

-Aether Foundation? GREEEAAAAAT.... AETHEEEEEEER!!!! Putting my inner Ike aside, let's talk about Aether. Aether is all about caring for hurt Pokemon. Hell, they even have their own island for this cause... although that's what Pokemon Centers are for. Are you telling me that Pokemon Centers are irrelevant now? Plus, this basically just SCREAMS Lillie connection. Lusamine is obviously Lillie's mother, and it is very interesting to see that the leader of Aether Foundation is a woman, although she necessarily isn't a villain. For months, people have speculated that Lillie's father would be the leader of the villainous group, and Aether Paradise (As the artificial island is now called) would be the hideout. Now it isn't necessarily ruled out that Guzma isn't Lillie's father, but after seeing today's trailer, it DOES give us another theory for Lillie, which I will get to later. I do have to say Aether still seems mysterious to me. Faba, their Branch Chief, seems to be like Xerosic in a way. Especially since he seems to have a Zygarde kind of look to him. The shades, the coat, everything. And Wicke? I'll give Shia props, because WICKE? Wicke is THICCE, and all of the employees love her. We can only wonder what she does in her spare time... The fact that the employees also follow a grunt-like system (The male and female grunts, or employees in this case) as the villain teams do, it really makes me wonder if Aether has a few dark secrets of its own like how Altru Inc. did, as Altru was none other than Team Dim Sun. Hell, if you look at it really closely, they have an A as their logo, much like the villain groups have their own letter, like G for Galactic, R for Rocket, A for Aqua, M for Magma, and P for Plasma. Hell, now there's S for Skull. And yes, I spelled out GRAMPS. However, this new villain theory is interesting especially since they seem to have a mysterious entity with them in one of the trailers... which I will also get to.

-Let's talk more about Team Skull. They seem to care less about the legendaries than the other groups (Excluding Team Rocket, other than Mewtwo) do, and focus a lot more on fucking shit up, like how Team Rocket did back in the old days. Instead of some of the more darker things like chopping off Slowpoke tails, they actually seem to sell Pokemon themselves...which is also bad. If we vote for Trumpshoos, we can end Pokemon trafficking. Fuck Aether and Team Skull. Make Alola Great Again! Talking more about Gladion, he ALSO seems to resemble Lillie in more ways than one, and I will talk more on THAT part later. Unlike Lillie who doesn't battle, it seems like Gladion would likely be another candidate for the stronger rival, as well as a stronger version of Cain. Look at the resemblance. Punk-rock, hair over the one eye, yup, Nintendo liked Cain so much, they made him an admin of Team Skull. Jokes aside, he doesn't have the typical Team Skull logo on him like the other grunts do. Hell, he doesn't even have his own tattoo or necklace like Guzma and Plumeria do, either. In a way, he almost resembles Silver and Hugh in terms of darker-looking. To me, he's kinda like Melia and Zetta in a few ways, except Gladion isn't really a clone, and would most likely be a rival, considering his ideals are focused on getting stronger. As for Gladion and Lillie's relation, I will get to that later, like I said.

-Oh look, it's Dexio and Sina! Remember how leaks said some people were coming back for Sun and Moon? Well, it looks like these two are the first to come back. This doesn't necessarily rule out the Champions, Looker, etc. but it does give us hope for even more confirmation of the Chinese Leaks. I didn't think they would be the ones to be involved with Zygarde, but after how Zygarde was in X and Y, it is fitting. Although Dexio and Sina are kind of assholes and makes you do their fucking job. Ya had ONE JOB, you two! ONE. FUCKING. JOB. And they're having us do it. I do have to say, they look a lot more happier in Alola, because in X and Y, they looked pretty bland and stoic. But they're pretty much doing what Team Flare did in XYZ and suck up all the Zygarde Cells into this box. What's next, are they going to have us gather the Cores? Oh wait, they are. However, there are a lot more than just two Cores, which means that there might be five Cores like people thought. Is this a NEO Team Flare? I'm liking their new designs, though, tropics suit them.

-The PokeFinder seems to be a LOT like Pokemon Snap. IS POKEMON SNAP COMING BACK?! I remember when I was a kid and played Snap all the time, and now I can do that again with MORE Pokemon. Although it does show Dragonite, so that means there will be no Alolan Dragonite. Unfortunately, if we're looking at the Japanese site, this could also mean that there will be no Alolan Arcanine, much to the dismay of many people, including myself. Would have loved Water-type Dragonite and Arcanine...

-And finally, WHAT THE HELL ARE ULTRA BEASTS?! Are they Pokemon, legendaries, or are they something entirely different? All we know is that these things don't fuck around, and they are THREATS to both humans AND Pokemon. These are pretty much PULSE Pokemon, except... they're not. They are each labeled UB-##. UB-01, for example, resembles a familiar somebody we know. Now, I know that there's the theory of Lillie being an Ultra Beast, but there's a much larger part in this theory. All I'm hoping is that we get to catch these Ultra Beasts, but it's very doubtful.

Now, I will add my theory about this whole thing later, because this post can only have so much thought. I'm sure it might be familiar to Shofu's theory, but I'll give my thoughts on it later.

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Make Soundproof great again!

Seriously though, Type:Null? Couldn't they think of a more inspired name for their chimera pokemon? Look at it. It has a gladiator's helmet for a head, Arceus's protrusions from its neck, an awesome looking fish tail, dog paws for hindlegs, and Skarmory-like clawed feet for frontlegs. I can't see how this is Normal and not Dark type. I understand they tried to make a copy of Arceus with no weakness, so they aimed at removing any type the creature would have, but failed in doing so by making it Normal. However what I do not understand is how a lowly grunt from a street gang managed to get a pokemon like this in their posession.

Btw the 12 hour split effectively means that there is not going to be a 3rd installment in this generation, so even if it's too early to hype about this, it's more likely we get Sinnoh remakes.

One thing is certain: The Alolan pokemon hate direct damage and critical hits.

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Make Soundproof great again!

Seriously though, Type:Null? Couldn't they think of a more inspired name for their chimera pokemon? Look at it. It has a gladiator's helmet for a head, Arceus's protrusions from its neck, an awesome looking fish tail, dog paws for hindlegs, and Skarmory-like clawed feet for frontlegs. I can't see how this is Normal and not Dark type. I understand they tried to make a copy of Arceus with no weakness, so they aimed at removing any type the creature would have, but failed in doing so by making it Normal. However what I do not understand is how a lowly grunt from a street gang managed to get a pokemon like this in their posession.

Btw the 12 hour split effectively means that there is not going to be a 3rd installment in this generation, so even if it's too early to hype about this, it's more likely we get Sinnoh remakes.

One thing is certain: The Alolan pokemon hate direct damage and critical hits.

The name is eh, but it's design is fucking dope as all hell. Gladion is definitely not a mere grunt though. He's an 'enforcer'. Makes me think of something around Admin level and since Type: Null was seemingly implied to have been created by or is related to the Aether Foundation, he has some links to them. ESPECIALLY since he, Lillie and Lusamine look so similar. It's a very interesting concept, and I like it.

Also Gladion is literally Cain+Hugh. LMFAO.

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Remember when they made that tweet about Dragonite and said to stay tuned to learn more about him? Is this REALLY it? That you can take pictures of him in a minigame? If so then that's the biggest letdown since three weeks ago when Ash lost the league again.

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Just saying, I really don't hate Alolan Raticate at all. It's just different, and is basically filling it's role as the ugly boss of the Alolan Rattata very well imo. Also Jangmo-o and Type: Null look sick! Really hoping the Jangmo-o line is an Ankylosaurus! Plus we basically get a Pokémon Snap minigame. All in all I'm pleased with this trailer.

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People have said most of the things i have thought but one thing i havent seen is how Type:Null's tail (the weird fishy looking one) does very strongly resemble that of a picture of a water type Alolan Arcanine that was floating around a while back, so that could mean something.

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I feel like it has some sort of involvement with the story. Its literally and an artificial pokemon created from many parts of other pokemon. Magerna was also created in the alola region as the first artificial pokemon. so somethings behind type:null

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On the official website it is said that Gladion LENDS his strengh to Team Skull. This plus the fact he doesn't have a skull on his clothes makes me think he's not a real member of team Skull, rather an ally or a mercenary.

I also remember reading somewhere that Guzmo is Lillie's father. Can't remember if it was just a theory of a leak but if it's true they could be an entire family. Guzmo, Gladion, Lillie, Lusamine. I just noticed the similarity of the names

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Here's a wild one from ShadyPenguinn....that I think kinda is in the realm of possibility.

Lillie is UB-01.

Don't know if that's been mentioned before here - but the appearance of the person and the Ultra Beast is uncanny - and it's the first time we're really DEALING with things that are not human -OR- Pokemon in nature.

Finally, UB-01 is known to change shape often.

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I also remember reading somewhere that Guzmo is Lillie's father. Can't remember if it was just a theory of a leak but if it's true they could be an entire family. Guzmo, Gladion, Lillie, Lysandre. I just noticed the similarity of the names

I don't think this was stated by any official source.

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It says those are just rumors, and the wording of them makes it sound like the leaker isn't very confident.

"they are different or may have a different mechanic than what we’ve seen"

"More Pokémon in the “Tapu” series will be released, probably all of the islands have guardian"

"Lillie’s father is involved with the evil team and is either high ranking or its boss"

I think the theory about Lillie being UB-01 is most likely. If it's true I don't think she'd have biological parents unless there's a UB-00.

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I been away too long. Hopefully Aether is our first (second if you count old Team Plasma) "good" team, it would be about time a team was founded to protect Pokemon from the evil teams. Type Null looks interesting and I wonder if it figures into Gnoggin's Alchemy theory somehow and UB-01 is interesting as well, I wonder if its going to be a reference to HP Lovecraft's work. However if it really is a transformed girl thats horrifying.

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I been away too long. Hopefully Aether is our first (second if you count old Team Plasma) "good" team, it would be about time a team was founded to protect Pokemon from the evil teams. Type Null looks interesting and I wonder if it figures into Gnoggin's Alchemy theory somehow and UB-01 is interesting as well, I wonder if its going to be a reference to HP Lovecraft's work. However if it really is a transformed girl thats horrifying.

Plasma was never a good team! - only N had good intentions - Plasma were total hypocrites to their cause (that a grunt, who didn't know about their superior goals, never questioned them is beyon my understanding)

- so no... we don't count Team Plasma

but, well... we always got the Pokemon Rangers, who have yet to appear in a main-series game... if you don't count the Trainer-Class, that is...

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Everyone believes Lillie is the UB-01 experiment. I hope no more exist because I don't want pokemon to become YuGiOh cards.

If the "enforcer" is an outsider, it would make sense that he was testing a prototype of Type:Null or even stole it from Aether.

Those people appear noble in their intentions, so a scientific experiment going wrong (again) or being used for the wrong goals is possible.

It is also possible that Team Skull is a front; a gang created by Aether to throw suspicion onto them whenever something terrible is happening in the region. While attention is brought to the street gangs, the real criminals erase their tracks. I don't understand the enforcer's position in a street gang, as they commonly lack proper rankings and specific roles for their members. They cause trouble here and there, serving Aether by distracting the people, and Aether provide protection in one form or another. Having an artificial island for themselves where they treat pokemon on the surface always rises the suspicion of what kinds of experiments happen beneath it.

So far we have the following artificial pokemon: Porygon, Mewtwo, Genesect, Type: Null, Magearna. Did I miss anything?

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