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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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  • Veterans

It looks like it is going to be happening in that same world, or at least a similar one.

It's gunna have multiple perspectives probably. Such as those from Blue, N, Looker and maybe even Cyrus. if they do one from cyrus.

im honestly gunna die.

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:blink: Are we getting a Pokemon Origins spinoff and is that N and BW2 Gheitsis I see in the poster?!


Will we get an animated Old Team Plasma vs.Neo Team Plasma? Either way this is awesome! :D

Also more Dayruff hype with it getting a signature move!

Edited by The Swordsman
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It appears Dayruff is Normal/Rock and Nightruff is either Dark/Rock or Ghost/Rock. Either way they both look awesome, but for me Dayruff is a little bit nicer.

Also hyped for the generations one even though this should be a completely different thread and will become at some point

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  • Veterans

It appears Dayruff is Normal/Rock and Nightruff is either Dark/Rock or Ghost/Rock. Either way they both look awesome, but for me Dayruff is a little bit nicer.

Also hyped for the generations one even though this should be a completely different thread and will become at some point

There already is one made.

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  • Global Mods

If they have types like traditional Pokemon, I think UB-02 Absorption would be Bug/Steel and UB-02 Beauty would be at least part Bug type. UB-01 might be Water and/or Psychic. Not sure about Water since it doesn't actually live in water, and Inkay and Malamar are land-dwelling squids that aren't Water.

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So not much new info today, I hope the UBs aren't Pokemon. Someone on Game Faqs made a interesting case for Nightruff being rock/fairy as it would give him a 4x weakness to Steel (representing silver) and the fairy type having a strong association with the moon. If this is true it would make me like Nightruff better but I'm hoping Dayruff gets the fairy typing instead.

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From what I heard, the Rockruff evolution's forms are also version exclusive. If that is the case, then RIP choosing starter evolution's forms.

Corocoro wasn't exactly clear when talking about this. I believe it said something along the lines of Midday being obtained when exposed to the radiance of the sun and Mignight form being obtained in the radiance of the moon. Some news sources have taken this to mean the time of day affects the evolution and others say the game version affects the evolution. We won't really know for sure until they update the official site (which looks like it might be next Tuesday)

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Idk if this has been said, but what if instead of the mascot legendaries being the objective of the evil team(Skull or otherwise), but the Ultra Beasts? It would at least make sense for Aether to possibly be trying to obtain them, as with beings of such power they could "protect" pokemon right? Perhaps whoever is opposing the evil team will actually be trying to get the legendaries in hopes of being able to use their power to defeat the ultra beasts.

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