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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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Ok wellp..... I guess I'm gonna be the only one that's quite disappointed by what I saw

1st. I pray to Arceus that there's character customization because the female trainer looks terrible to me... not to mention it seems like they reverted back to being 10year olds as opposed to the older 15-16 year olds... Your rival seems like another boring Brawly-type of character

2nd. The region is without a shred of a doubt- Hawaii. To me it just looks like another Hoenn with nothing but water and grass in it, bar a few cities.. I'm quite disappointed with that, but there's always hope there's more than meets the eye. The region map looks pretty small and I don't see that hotel thing anywhere so maybe it's not the whole region... (I'm just grasping at straws here)

3rd. Starters... I haven't debated with myself which starter I dislike the least since Sinnoh... Before seeing their evos, they all look bad to me, but I'd consider the owl or the cat... I hope they evolve into something cool.

4th. Legendaries.... Both look disappointing to me, I guess it was really as simple as translating the trademarks for legends AND starters... meh. I still prefer the moon..bat? Thing? Whatever it is

5th- Well the only positive thing I saw in all this is the advanced battling mechanics and the overall world graphics. We are going from sprites to actual models fulltime now. That's the best thing in that trailer

Final thoughts- this is where I'm gonna stop spoiling myself with leaks and pray to the higher powers that I somehow by some miracle get pleasantly surprised with something that won't be as bad as it looks at first glance, such as a story more epic than BW/2.. But yeah, hope dies last, ne? Dual region hopes are also shattered at this point but never stop believing until it's set in stone. All in all, from this trailer alone, while it's premature to judge it, it feels like they seriously delivered a mediocre thing considering we had a full empty year before its announcement

Party pooper out

Edited by Masquerain
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i find the starters pretty ... horrible. I don't know which one I dislike least.

The water one looks like a stupid version of Samurott. I really hope their final evolutions don't disappoint.

That said my guesses for types for the final evos would be grass/ flying(seems confirmed anyway) fire/dark (the cat kind of looks like purloin and is quite dark looking) and finally water/ no idea (it looks like Samurott but with a lot less IQ points and following the history of pokemon games there seems to be a trend of sticking to monotype water bar Mudkip and Frokie)

As for the legendaries - the sun one looks an awful lot like a Pyroar so not much originality there, but it looks pretty cool. As for dark - I have no idea what I am looking at Perhaps Nooibat and Mega Salamence got it on and created this ... thing.

Otherwise it looks decent - having never played any of the 3ds pokemon games I will mostly be interested to see how the new pokemon mix up competitive play

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I don't know if this matters at all, but the Moon/Sun box art shows the PEGI 7 rating, while all other Pokemon games, IIRC, are rated "everyone" or 3+. Does this hint at the possibility of getting a more mature story?

If so, I'm definitely interested.

I don't have a DS though >.<

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:14 PM, Nova said:

I don't know if this matters at all, but the Moon/Sun box art shows the PEGI 7 rating, while all other Pokemon games, IIRC, are rated "everyone" or 3+. Does this hint at the possibility of getting a more mature story?

If so, I'm definitely interested.

I don't have a DS though >.<

How the hell did you spot that in the video? You have some pretty good eyes... Or did you find an official pic of the box art online?

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:19 PM, Catherine Cook said:

How the hell did you spot that in the video? You have some pretty good eyes... Or did you find an official pic of the box art online?

The box art on Serebii shows 7+.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:24 PM, Hiss13 said:

The new region actually looks pretty small compared to other regions...


That's why I hope it's not the entire thing we'll play through. This one looks like it can at most hold like 3 gyms... Maybe we get to play on ALL the hawaiian islands? Or some of them

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:23 PM, Nova said:

The box art on Serebii shows 7+.

I see. And there I thought you had some kind of super sight <.<

  On 5/10/2016 at 1:24 PM, Hiss13 said:

The new region actually looks pretty small compared to other regions...


There is no chance in hell this is the full region. There must be more over that foggy area to the north.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:41 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Now the real question is, with CoroCoro probably leaking this week, will it just be a repeat of this trailer?

Perhaps. Maybe it will also showcase the player and some features like trainer customization.

Also, I think it's unique (or strange) that Magearna is originated from such..a primitive region. I'm looking forward for the lore behind the legendaries but I guess we'll get them after we play the game...(i can't play sun and moon either cause i can't getting a 3ds....)

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:58 PM, Captain Breakfast said:

I'm assuming we'll be heading to other islands via boat from that town you can see on the left. Wouldn't exactly be the first time we've travelled between towns that way. Although, I have to wonder if there are water routes between the islands we can surf through, or if it's another thing like the Sevii islands where we have to take a boat(until we can fly between them, at least), because the tides are too strong.

Also, I love how they tend to include the inexplicable rock barriers in their art of the regions.

Just because the first island seems primitive-looking doesn't mean the entire region is primitive. It's entirely possible one of the islands would have a city that looks like it came straight out of a sci-fi movie.

I'm assuming it will be both since I'm expecting multiple islands so there are water routes between the islands that we can surf (or dive) and harbors to take a boat.

Ah, I see that's makes sense. That said, curious about the rest of the map but sooner or later we'll get it anyway.

Also now that the trademark turn out to be true, what kind of pokemon Marshadow will be. I guess it's the third legendary but..anyone can speculate what's the relation between lion and....bat? I have no idea what kind of trio it will be. I mean when XY comes out it's easy to guess that the trio will be deer, wyvern (or eagle), and snakes but...now?

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Also, I don't think those Rock barriers are inexplicable. They could be a coral reef or coral chain of attols/islands. Those are explaianable as forming around an island in rings like that, depending on the topography.

But yes, the graphics are awesome, I am glad we have a first person-ish camera view, actual human proportions in the overworld instead of chibi forms, and of course, the tropics are paradise.

The Professor, if the fat guy in the blue vest and yellow flowered shirt thingy is indeed the Professor, is badass. Looks like a retired Samurai on vacation, which he probably is. I mean come on, a Professor who doesn't wear a labcoat or suit is awesome by default!

Also to be noted is that we are introduced to the Hawaii-ish region by a cousin. Not Mom, or even Dad, but Cousin. This is huge. Unexplained orphan much? Or is Mom the E4 and Dad the villain?

My views on the starters:

Rowlet is adorable and has a leaf bowtie. +30 appeal. Unfortunately it has a bad typing, but we'll see how it turns out.

Popplio is even more adorable, and it goes "BWARK". Enough said. I hope the sea lion gets all the circus moves, like Belly Drum, Acrobatics, Encore, Rollout, etc.

Litten is unremarkable. If it ends up as another Dark/Fire like it looks I shall have pleasure in destroying it with my Mega Houndoom. Too many damn cats.

Speaking of too many cats, the Sun legend is just Mega Pyroar. Awesome, but already done as a concept. Moon bat is just so....confusing. It is overdetailed in my view and doesn't really look that good. I hope it's Dark/Fairy with Levitate, because that'd be awesome, despite it looking like a legless Mega Salamence gone wrong with a Yveltal and a Golbat.

I'm hoping for a Dolphin Pokemon, above all else. If we don't get one now we are never likely to get it.

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I absolutely love the starters. Like it took me a bit to get used to them aside from Rowlet but I like pretty much all of them now. Litten is cute and Fire/Dark is epic. Fire/Poison sounds cool too though. Popplio is smugleaf 2.0 confirmed XD. Rowlet is a god.

Sun legend is sick, Moon bat is alright...though VERY overdesigned.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 1:14 PM, Nova said:

I don't know if this matters at all, but the Moon/Sun box art shows the PEGI 7 rating, while all other Pokemon games, IIRC, are rated "everyone" or 3+. Does this hint at the possibility of getting a more mature story?

If so, I'm definitely interested.

I don't have a DS though >.<

I really hope you're right about the higher level of maturity (or dare I hope for higher difficulty options?) rather than reflecting the world getting more sensitive than before.

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In ORAS, it was explicitly said by Archie/Maxie that in order to revert the world back to where it was, Primal Kyogre/Groudon "brings death to every life form on the planet". Granted, Lavender Town/Pokemon Tower was even darker than that and so are some Pokedex entries.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 3:38 PM, Spineblade said:

Bear in mind that ORAS was PEGI 7, for reasons of which I'm not certain.

So were X and Y, apparently. Just looked at my Pokemon Y box and it has a pegi 7, even though I see Pegi 3 box images on google.. though if you think about it.. Kalos is dealing with mass murder, child abandonment, divorce, implied kidnapping, orphans and such, even if most of that is from random or not-so-random npcs

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Also, I just realized this is the second gen where the Grass starter has a dual typing while the other two don't. It happened in Gen 1 with Bulbasaur being Grass/Poison. Bulbasaur and Rowlet are also the only two starters to be dual-typed in their first stage.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 12:08 PM, Hiss13 said:

And people said the announcement would be worthless. *smugface*

Wow, must be one of the few times I actually would pick the fire type, though I guess the Grass type looks great as well. Not the water type, though.

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