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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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  On 5/10/2016 at 11:49 PM, Godot said:

Oh hey, the cat has something cool about it, it references fire breathing and fire dancing found in Hawaii and India.


the cat turns into a fire dancer

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  On 5/10/2016 at 11:57 PM, YinYang9705 said:

so we should expect fire fighting is what you're saying

No im saying we are gonna get a cat that can dance on fire *cool shades*

personally i think its still fire/dark

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To all of you guys that said Litten was going to be an OX or a RAM.

You all owe me a soda.

I don't really like any of the starters...but I might go Litten just because if it turns into a Tiger and proves me right I owe it the honors.

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  On 5/11/2016 at 12:13 AM, pyrromanis said:

I'm calling it now!

Some of the gym leaders names are going to be Caitlin, Pablo, Hoku and Ed!


I don't think there'll be a Caitlin because that name's already taken and they seem to try to avoid reusing names (Proton's Japanese name is Lance and it was changed to avoid confusion with the dragon E4/Champ)

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  On 5/11/2016 at 12:17 AM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

I don't think there'll be a Caitlin because that name's already taken and they seem to try to avoid reusing names (Proton's Japanese name is Lance and it was changed to avoid confusion with the dragon E4/Champ)

Yeah I know it is used already in an E4, but I'm still rolling with the other names :P

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  On 5/11/2016 at 12:17 AM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

I don't think there'll be a Caitlin because that name's already taken and they seem to try to avoid reusing names (Proton's Japanese name is Lance and it was changed to avoid confusion with the dragon E4/Champ)

whats lance's jap name?

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Leafage will probably just be vine whip with a defferent animation. Because it is a bit odd to think of an owl shooting vines from...an orifice? None of the other Grass starters are avian, either, and all have some kind of plant or plant-like appendage visible on them, save for Rowlet, which only has a bowtie. They could have made it a James Bond bowtie which extends into whips for vine whip, bit instead they were creative and gave it the cooler gimmick of shooting leaf-edged feathers from its wings, so there's that.

I want to see the villainous team now.

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It actually states that Rowlet can both kick and attack from a distance, my money is on a mixed attacker with its main redeeming factor being access to several of the kicking moves. HJK Owl anyone?

Edited by DJWongTong
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  On 5/11/2016 at 1:43 AM, Viridescent said:

Leafage will probably just be vine whip with a defferent animation. Because it is a bit odd to think of an owl shooting vines from...an orifice? None of the other Grass starters are avian, either, and all have some kind of plant or plant-like appendage visible on them, save for Rowlet, which only has a bowtie. They could have made it a James Bond bowtie which extends into whips for vine whip, bit instead they were creative and gave it the cooler gimmick of shooting leaf-edged feathers from its wings, so there's that.

I want to see the villainous team now.

well Leafage will just be a Grass-type copy of Ember and Water Gun, with 40BP, 100% accuracy and 25PP

since Grass doesn't have that kind of move.

Vine whip comes close but is a bit stronger with 45BP, and Mega Drain (which has 40BP) only has 15PP, and also absorbs HP - which would be a bit too powerful in the beginning.

and since Ember and Water Gun are special-attacks - my guess is that this will also become special, where as vine whip is physical move.

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I've been covered as far as Leafage is concerned. However, you are all describing Razor Leaf, which also is leafs being shot at the opponent. Here Owl can easily turn the feathers into leafs and throw them (also Featherdance confirmed).

I'll be laughing if "attacking from a distance" means Bolt/Beam coverage.

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To them folks saying those names in the jap video will be gym leader names, the hawaiian kid's name is Hoku and thus he's likely to be your rival. Doubt there will be a Caitlin either..or a Pedro

Anyways, Leafage looked like absorb to me before I read that it's a new move..so is it special? Time to watch that GameXplain vid

EDIT: 'Twas an interesting note that we don't see tall grass anywhere around the shown locations, also leaving the possibility of our house being bottom right. If that's the case, then this island just became even smaller and there's seriously no way in hell that's all we're exploring.. Everything else was already pretty much caught and heard

Edited by Masquerain
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This may be the first time the Pikaclone is actually competitively useful. not really

The fossils are what most people expect, since Hawaii doesn't inspire for strong terrestrial monster-mammals. Most probably we're getting an avian and a marine creature. Perhaps even a Ghost/Rock in the form of a tiki.

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We need more Water/Rock and Rock/Flying fossils anyway. NOT.

Tiki would be fun, although Nosepass and Nigel Thornberry sort of take up that spot (not really, since they're based on the Moai, but still.) However, it's not like GF doesn't repeat things, and it'd be cool to have a Rock/Ghost fossil.

I'm hoping we get a Rock/Fire lava lizard, with the whole volcano motif. It's actually a good offensive type, so if it is fast and has decent power and movepool it'd be fine (just that defensively that typing is horrendous; look at poor Magcargo.)

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