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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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BTW I'm watching Nappy's video about Tapu Koko news and I just realized I never mentioned my theory.

So here it is:

Tapu Koko is a guardian deity of the beginning island and since there are 4 natural islands, I'm thinking this will be the first appearance of a quadra set of legendaries instead of a trio if each island has a deity/guardian present.

That would be so amazing and at least something new happening since we never have had a quadra set before. :) I'm excited for Tapu Koko and what lore and other pokemon are related to it (hopefully more legends)

Let me know if you think my theory is a possibility in your opinion. I appreciate any comments about it. :D

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  On 7/1/2016 at 12:46 AM, pbood2 said:

That would be so amazing and at least something new happening since we never have had a quadra set before. :) I'm excited for Tapu Koko and what lore and other pokemon are related to it (hopefully more legends)

There's Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigigigigigas. And also Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.

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  On 7/1/2016 at 12:49 AM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

There's Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigigigigigas. And also Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.

i'll give you the justice quadra but not the regis since they were not revealed same gen.

Also regigigas is more of a master of them because you need the three of them to get him. I'm thinking quadra like 4 separate but connected individuals like the unova quadra. :)

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Everyone theorizes that the new trio of this region would probably have terrain-inducing abilities at the time being.

I am so excited to know how they would look like.

(probably nearly identical to Tapu Koko but Green and Pink respectively)

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Here's to hoping I don't get ninjae'd for this, but I happen to have a theory of my own.

So here's the situation... People have been going around, saying that Drampa might actually be the long-deserved evolution of Dunsparce. I've been analyzing the two Pokemon, and it seems that more and more, I find the chance of an evolution chain for Dunsparce being very likely for Sun and Moon.

First of all, take a look at their appearances.


They both have the same color scheme. They're both yellow, white, and green. They are also both serpentine and supposed to be based on dragons (Drampa is literally one, even). Their eyes both don't have pupils either (Well, Dunsparce's only have horizontal slits). However, what makes them similar even more is their wing structure. Look at the tiny wings that Dunsparce has, and then look at the big, majestic wings on Drampa. They almost look like the same, similar structure.

Second, their names. Dunsparce and Drampa have almost the same similar name system as other Pokemon. Kinda like Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, or Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur, etc. They both start with the letter D, and also have a "pa" part in their names. But let's take a look at their name origins.

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However, while we do not know very much about Drampa, it is said that it may be based on the Chinese Dragon. Two very different dragons, yes, but when we get more details, this part will be much easier to analyze the two.

Third, their typings. People have noted that Dunsparce would likely become a Normal/Dragon type. Now that there IS a Normal/Dragon type that looks similar to it, that possibility has expanded exponentially.

Finally, let's take a look at the ANIME. For quite some time now, an evasive Dunsparce always escapes Ash's reach. What if, this is only one Dunsparce, and not two different ones? What if in the Alola region, Ash finds it again, and this time, actually catches it? Or better yet, what if it evolves into Drampa and actually fights Ash, rather than running away? These are all just possible scenarios, but IF Drampa is Dunsparce's evolution, then that would give a good reason for Ash to continue onward to the Alola region (Even though he really doesn't need to). And if Ash DID catch this Dunsparce, he would actually probably evolve it into Drampa. With Ash slightly becoming more of a badass each and every day, I would think Dunsparce/Drampa would make an excellent addition to Ash's team for the Sun and Moon series.

However, if Drampa is Dunsparce's evolution, then Drampa wouldn't really be a candidate for Psuedo Legendary, but it would make a nice Noivern-like equivalent for 7th gen. Hell, we may actually get the Luvdisc-Alomola treatment again, but with Eevee evolving into Sylveon in 6th gen? We have been overdue several past gen evolutions (I'm looking at you, Jynx and Luvdisc!).

SPEAKING of Luvdisc... What if Gamefreak actually decides to answer our prayers by making a pathway evolution, much like Snorunt and Kirlia? (Then again, since both Alomola and Bruxish look feminine, I wouldn't count on that. If they did, I'd be surprised.)


Looking closely, you can see the heart-shape fin at the end of Bruxish. Anyways, just take a look at those five (We're still talking about Dunsparce and Drampa, don't worry), and tell me what you think. Who knows, maybe Gamefreak might be nice and actually connect Luvdisc and Alomola at least, but who's to say for sure?

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  On 7/1/2016 at 1:19 AM, Alchemia Chan said:

Everyone theorizes that the new trio of this region would probably have terrain-inducing abilities at the time being.

I am so excited to know how they would look like.

(probably nearly identical to Tapu Koko but Green and Pink respectively)

So far we have only electric, misty, and grassy terrains right? I kinda hope we get more terrains. Like an icy one. Either that or gamefreak fixes the atrocity that is the hail weather affect. (Literally all it does is give blizzard 100% accuracy. There isn't even an ice move damage buff...)

Dunspace could totally be the pre-evo to Drampa. It's about time that they added new evos and pre-evos in. That was supposed to be LAST generation. Hey, maybe we'll get a dragon eevee, finally.

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Hail gives an increase to freeze percentage too I think. Or maybe it doesn't.

Also I disagree about the dunsparce/drampa connection. The similarities are superficial at most and it they're not even as apparent as the supporters of that theory are making them to be. Not to mention drampa loses all of dunsparce's major design themes save for the wings, which aren't even all that similar.

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It wouldn't be the first time an evolution is completely different from the previous forms. Looking at Dragonite, you wouldn't think it's Dratini's evolution. Only the "Dra" for dragon in their name is similar. Now I wait for the French name of Drampa. If there's a similarity with Insolourdo (Dunsparce's French name) it could confirm this theory

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If you go to the en-us site of pokemon S&M, the 7 new mons leaked yesterday are officially there now, so you can read their descriptions (some are very cool, imo), the abilities they have, and their species name and such. Also, nekkoala and iwanko are there now as well, with their official western names. All the new abilities' effects and official western names have also been uploaded.

All I'll say is, if charjabug ends up as a decent eviolite user, with THAT ability, it might be interesting in doubles. Like, REALLY interesting. So much in fact that Vikavolt's description directly hints at this possibility in battle.

PS: Also, by now, we know 18 pokémon of gen 7. Out of these, 9 have what currently are signature abilities, which I'd say surpases what is normal in terms of giving signature abilities from previous gens. I mean gen 6 had flabebe, aegislash, aromatisse, slurpuff, but they're really going overboard in gen 7. Basically half of everything known thus far has a new ability, which is crazy. I like them all tho, they are pretty creative abilities and some of them have been long-awaited by fans, but I wonder how many signature abilities and moves we'll end up with when this gen is fully released.

EDIT: further thoughts and other info I just read in the spoiler. The masquerain person, that iirc was disappointed if you could not play as zygarde dog alone without being a form change into perfect zygarde, you'd maybe like to read this.

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Spoiler for Komala (Nekkoala):

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Spoiler for Charjabug:

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And finally, for Drampa:

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So. I think they all look really good except for the fish. (yeah popular opinion bite me) I honestly don't think that Drampa is gonna be Dunsparce evo. I can kinda see the resemblance, but I don't think it's enough. It would be cool, and I'm all for it, but I don't think it'll turn out that way. Feel free to point me out if it does, though.

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I like how on the German site the Pokemon are not selectable but you have to klick on Magearna (or on of the first 3 others) and then klick through thie "slideshow"...


German names and stuff... ugh...

Zygardes Power Construct is called: "Scharwandel"

(Schar = a word for Swarm, wandel = change -> Swarm Change - hey look a direct translation from jap.)

Bruxish is called: "Knirfisch"

'Knir' from 'knirschen' = to crunch [the move 'Crunch' is 'Knirscher' respektiveley^^] and Fisch ... is fish... so it is called "Crunfish" [Cruncher-fish]

it's "Dazzle" ability is called "Buntkörper"

Bunt = multicolored; Körper = Body -----> Dazzle = multicolored Body??? wut? ugh translators, why you do this?

Cutiefly is called "Wommel" (it sounds sooooo cute^^)

it is mostlikely derived from Wolle = Wool; and "Hummel" = Bumble bee

so it is a Wooly BumbleBee :D

Drampa is called "Sen-Long"

WOOOOOO!!! This is actually cool!!

Sen from Senior and Long from the japanese Dragon ... and is is almost SHEN-Long :P

his Berserk ability is called "Wutausbruch" = fit of rage ... ok, it's fitting.

Togedemaru is... Togedemaru

Tapu Koko is called "Kapu-Riki"

Riki i can see from "Kikeriki" which is german "coockadoodeldoo" (or whatever... you know the morning call of a Cock... *sigh*) - since it is based on one (hell it's shield is an Egg-Shell)

it's ability is "Elektro-Erzeuger" which mean Electric Maker ... sooo no big suprise here...

aaaaaaaand... I cannot access Grubbits evolutions because the site is dumb... (Grubbit is called "Mabula" by the way)

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  On 7/1/2016 at 3:37 PM, Cepheus said:

you know the morning call of a Cock...

This is also known as Morning Sudowoodo.

That's good and all, but what people wish to know are the starter's types.

Also, would you kindly put any stat reveals or deductions inside spoilers? It's ruining the fun.

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Vikavolt aka the Bug/Electric got Levitate as an ability and i'm loving the design! It already has a place on my team.

Also Pikipeck (is that his name?) the bird thingy seems like it could evolve into something cool and i think it also gets Skill Link

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Knowing how fast and powerful it's gonna be, Vikavolt might not have great defensive stats in order to compensate for having fast speed and Levitate. However, Vikavolt MIGHT actually be on my team regardless, because it's still pretty cool.

But what's DEFINITELY gonna be on my team is DRAMPA. Like Yungoos is to Trump, Drampa is to Snoop Doggy Dogg. Not to mention, 420 is lit with Litten, man.

First we gonna get Lit with LITTEN, then we gonna Trump with YUNGOOS, then we gonna pimp like Snoop with DRAMPA. Hell, I already half of my team MADE.

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really hating bruxish. Its name is based off of bruxism a condition where the jaw can violently grind teeth together at night something ive had to deal with thank goodness for mouthgaurds.

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  On 7/7/2016 at 12:00 PM, pyrromanis said:

So we got a new pokemon with a new typing and a new OP ability? Today was a good day...

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I think its design is kinda... idk

The idea is great, it's cool to see another lizard pokémon.

The fire/poison combination is a long-awaited type matchup, finally Ken did it.

Looks like Corrosion allows you to poison all Pokémon types (?)

Anyway, I'm hoping to see its evolutions.

Edited by Jade
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Oh my fucking arceus the new pokemon man. I kinda like its desing, but its GODDAMN ABILITY? have you seen that shit? spoiler for those who haven't:

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EDIT: tfw you putting a spoiler is automatically made pointless by the guy above you xD

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  On 7/7/2016 at 12:04 PM, zimvader42 said:

Oh my fucking arceus the new pokemon man. I kinda like its desing, but its GODDAMN ABILITY? have you seen that shit? spoiler for those who haven't:

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