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Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon


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  On 8/20/2016 at 3:24 AM, Sheep said:

For anyone wondering why Crabrawler isn't Water/Fighting, it's based on the Coconut Crab, a species of giant hermit crab that is fully terrestrial and drowns in water. I think it has potential to evolve into something pretty cool, but I'm not a fan of it at the moment, nor do I like the other three pokemon that were just revealed.

This has potential for a split evolution. One line going full terrestrial, while the other reverting back to its aquatic origins. I think it would make more sense if the hermit crab ended up being Fighting/Rock since they inhabit already abandonded shells.

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In Greninja related news, Ash's Greninja used what's pretty clearly a Z move in the most recent episode and... It did jack shit. Alan's Charizard completley no selled it with the power of writers-needing-Ash-to-lose-every-league.

Way to hype up your new game idiots.

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  On 8/22/2016 at 4:52 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

They said the anime would end when Ash won the league. That means if Ash won the Kalos league, there wouldn't be an Alola season.

yet, he has won the Orange League... :P

but even then, Ash's goal is becoming Pokemon MASTER - who, in the Pokemon world, said that a Pokemon Master is someone who won ONE(!) League? - It is only ever stated that they are the League CHAMPION!

Champion =/= Master

By MY OWN(!!) definition, a Pokemon Master would be someone who would have won several different Regional-Leagues at least once, and has deep knowledge of Pokemon, how to care for them, advanced battle-tactics, and so much more that is to know about Pokemon...

So Ash will NEVER be a MASTER - since he is only focusing on battling. (and the occasional catch to fill up his team)

I mean really... someone who has to ask what Pokemon it is before him, that totally told it's name 10 times in his face... and THEN has to ask the Pokedex about it's name... just cannot be a Master...

A League-Champion, yes... but not a Master.

Gary, despite not having won any League [to our knowledge] is by far, way mor classified to be a MASTER then Ash, even though he has given up on challanging Gyms and Leagues, to become a Pokemon Professor...

In the Original Kanto-Arc Gary had caught, and trained(!) way more Pokemon than Ash in the same amount of time.. Later he still shows more knowledge about Pokemon and advanced battle tactics, than Ash, while traveling alone! (and therefore caring for his Pokemon alone, where Ash always had Brock and his other Companions)

yeah I know Off-Topic, but... eh...

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  On 8/22/2016 at 3:44 PM, Eorza said:

I do wonder if Turtonator will be able to evolve.

My guess is it will have a pre-evolution. But you never know! It could evolve even further. More than likely, I hate to say, is that it's probably a single-stage Pokemon like Heatmor and Tauros...which is one of my huge annoyances in the games. I just really hate it when they don't give Pokemon at LEAST two stages...

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  On 8/22/2016 at 5:07 PM, Cepheus said:

yet, he has won the Orange League... :P

but even then, Ash's goal is becoming Pokemon MASTER - who, in the Pokemon world, said that a Pokemon Master is someone who won ONE(!) League? - It is only ever stated that they are the League CHAMPION!

Champion =/= Master

By MY OWN(!!) definition, a Pokemon Master would be someone who would have won several different Regional-Leagues at least once, and has deep knowledge of Pokemon, how to care for them, advanced battle-tactics, and so much more that is to know about Pokemon...

So Ash will NEVER be a MASTER - since he is only focusing on battling. (and the occasional catch to fill up his team)

I mean really... someone who has to ask what Pokemon it is before him, that totally told it's name 10 times in his face... and THEN has to ask the Pokedex about it's name... just cannot be a Master...

A League-Champion, yes... but not a Master.

Gary, despite not having won any League [to our knowledge] is by far, way mor classified to be a MASTER then Ash, even though he has given up on challanging Gyms and Leagues, to become a Pokemon Professor...

In the Original Kanto-Arc Gary had caught, and trained(!) way more Pokemon than Ash in the same amount of time.. Later he still shows more knowledge about Pokemon and advanced battle tactics, than Ash, while traveling alone! (and therefore caring for his Pokemon alone, where Ash always had Brock and his other Companions)

yeah I know Off-Topic, but... eh...

Gary is also the grandson of Professor Oak who's a renowned Pokemon Professor and is theorized depending on continuity and debatably in the anime to have once been the champion of Kanto. Him being extremely accomplished isn't even unusual. After all, it's common for the rival to be the big thing you strive to overcome. IIRC a lot of those 200 pokemon Gary captured were duplicates too...

But that's besides the point. From a narrative standpoint, Ash losing makes sense: the tv broadcast from Lysandre. Imagine the badass boast; The league champion was working for them all along and the ONLY person to have given him a challenge, the runner up, has been captured and is essentially being crucified. Would be p hope crushing.

Also Turtonator is dope as fuck. Give me more.

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There is an anime pokemon bible based on the anime that explains a lot of stuff not seen in the show. Oak was never champ though, in fact Pallet town had like only one really good trainer and that was 100 years ago, although Oak and Gary are related to him. Somebody on FAQs had a thread about it, it was very interesting although certainly cements as the game's canon and anime's canon as different things. Also ash's dad and grandpa both disappeared on their journey to become trainers. A lot of guys do this, and many end up failing to make something of themselves. It's partly why so many workers on the show are women.

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It's that time of the month again! One more day, and we'll get more Sun and Moon news! BUT WAIT! This upcoming news is actually going to come from an official Nintendo Direct that will focus on 3DS games! Is it possible that we will be getting a HUGE scoop of Sun and Moon news, such as the long-awaited starter evolutions? What do you hope for in the upcoming news?

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well I hope we DON'T get to see anymore completeley new Pokemon!


Easy - In my opinion, we've seen enough... There needs to be a bit of a mystery regarding other pokemon - the thrill of the unknown!

With each new Pokemon we get to see I always fear "What if that's it... the last new [basic] Pokemon..."

Alolan-Forms would be fine for me, although I don't want to see all of them either

They could show of more of the world, or more of Pokeride... other new or returning old features

- like the return of the friendship-checker,

- finally be able to see the Type Hidden Power will have on your Pokemon (oh god I want THIS so bad) - without having some NPC in LATE-game to tell you... so that you can forget its typing within 2 days without playing... (god that's why I despise Hidden Power)

- hell, give us the Fangames EV/IV Screen if we already get the IV-Boost-Training thing!

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What I wish for has little chance of actually getting implemented

  • Visible IVs/EVs
  • New Mega Evolutions
  • I hope that the Z-moves are a 'campaign' thing only, or that they are related to the type gems (and thus just do 1.5X damage)
  • Starter middle evolutions (keep the final evos a mystery till release day)
  • NO MORE ALOLA FORMS ok maybe 2-3 from johto
  • Difficulty modes
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Infernape Mega-Evolution.

And for them to be explain what Team Skull's plan is.

Because seeing as every gang's plans bar Team Rocket involves the cover legendary, I want to know their plan for Solgaleo.

And I want to hear their idiot explanation for why eating the sun is a totally good idea and can't posssibly backfire

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  On 8/31/2016 at 7:49 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Infernape Mega-Evolution.

And for them to be explain what Team Skull's plan is.

Because seeing as every gang's plans bar Team Rocket involves the cover legendary, I want to know their plan for Solgaleo.

And I want to hear their idiot explanation for why eating the sun is a totally good idea and can't posssibly backfire

Team Skull wants to ... become archaeologists, so they'd have a normal job unlike common gangs. That rocks much more, ya dig?

Jokes aside, we'll probably have a split story. In one faction they'd long for eternal day, thus trying to capture the sun pokemon, whereas the other would attempt to bring total darkness (for some reason) and hunt vampire bats.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 8:19 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

It was said Solgaleo and Lunala are tied to the story in a special way not done before. So I doubt it's just "enemy team wants legendary because of reasons" like it was from Gens 3-6.

I'd take that with a grain of salt, because it's normal to hype their games a bit more than they actually deserve. However I'm willing to give a little bit of credibility to that statement because of the abolishment of the traditional gym system, as they seem connected.

What I wish for is that the evil team does not consist of a bunch of incompetents with Route1 fodder as their main threats.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 7:05 PM, NickCrash said:

What I wish for has little chance of actually getting implemented

  • Visible IVs/EVs

Did you miss the whole thing about hyper training? You can max out your IV's this way. As part of this, I'm sure IV's are visible for the first time. Super training is probably still a thing, and so EV's are visible, even if it's more of a gauge than a strict number count. As long as you keep track of what you do in super training, you'll know exactly how many IV's a 'mon has.

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