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Amalgam Squad 1- A Mix-and-Mega RMT

Lord Chespin

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So, I've decided to dabble in Mix-and-Mega, with the hopes of making a team that takes some not-so-viable Pokemon and making them more viable. This is my first time making a team of them, so here's hoping it holds up. So, without further ado...




And here they are in more detail:


USS Moider (Lapras) (F) @ Aggronite
Ability: Water Absorb
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Waterfall
- Curse
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Eggshells (Blissey) @ Slowbronite
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Hyper Voice
- Dazzling Gleam
- Soft-Boiled


Yellow Beetle (Electivire) (M) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Cross Chop
- Wild Charge
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge
SC1-Z0R (Klinklang) @ Scizorite
Ability: Clear Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gear Grind
- Shift Gear
- Return
- Substitute


Vesuvius (Nidoqueen) @ Cameruptite
Ability: Poison Point
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
BFG F-Class (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Heracronite
Ability: Iron Barbs
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Bullet Seed
- Pin Missile
- Gyro Ball
- Leech Seed

So, what do you guys think? Let me know what I can do to improve the squad!

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To judge those teams better, take a look at this

Atk +20, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +40, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 2 kg

Atk +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Pixilate

Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, gain secondary Fairy typing and Pixilate.

Atk +20, Def +40, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Technician, increase weight by 7 kg

+40 Atk, +30 Def, +40 Sp. Atk, +20 Sp. Def, -30 Speed, gain Snow Warning, increase weight by 49.5 kg

Def +40, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Solar Power, increase weight by 14.5 kg

Atk +30, Def +50, Sp. Def +20, lose secondary typing, gain Filter, increase weight by 35 kg

Attack +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Tough Claws, increase weight by 20 kg

Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +30, gain Trace

+20 Atk, +20 Def, +50 Sp. Atk, +20 Sp. Def, -10 Speed, gain Dragon secondary type and Mold Breaker

+40 Def, +20 Sp. Atk, +40 Sp. Def, gain secondary Fairy typing and Healer, increase weight by 1 kg

Atk +50, Def +10, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Prankster, increase weight by .5 kg

Beedrillite (Beedrill Line Only):
Atk +60, Sp. Atk -30, Speed +70, gain Adaptability

Atk +20, Def +20, Sp. Atk +50, Sp. Def +10, gain Mega Launcher, increase weight by 15.6 kg

Blazikenite (RESTRICTED):
Atk +40, Def +10, Sp Atk +20, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Speed Boost

Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +30, Speed -20, gain Sheer Force, increase weight by 100.5 kg

Charizardite X:
Atk +46, Def +33, Sp. Atk +21, gain secondary Dragon typing and Tough Claws, increase weight by 20 kg

Charizardite Y:
Atk +20, Sp. Atk +50, Sp. Def +30, gain Drought, increase weight by 10 kg

Atk +60, Def -40, Sp. Atk +60, Sp. Def -40, Speed +60, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 19 kg

Atk +40, Def +30, Speed +30, gain Inner Focus, increase weight by 4.4 kg

Atk +40, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +20, gain Refrigerate, increase weight by 93.7 kg

Atk +30, Def +30, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +30, gain secondary Dark typing and Mold Breaker, increase weight by 70 kg

Atk +60, Def +40, Sp. Def +10, Speed -10, gain Skill Link, increase weight by 8.5 kg

Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +20, gain Levitate, increase weight by 12 kg

Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +10, gain Levitate, increase weight by 10 kg

Atk +60, Def +10, Speed +30, gain secondary Fighting typing and Scrappy, decrease weight by 5 kg

Mawilite (RESTRICTED):
Atk +20, Def +40, Sp. Def + 40, gain Huge Power, increase weight by 12 kg

Def +20, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +20, Speed +30, gain Intimidate, increase weight by 3.8 kg

Atk +10, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +40, gain Tough Claws, increase weight by 392.9 kg

Mewtwonite X (SUSPECT):
Atk +80, Def +10, Sp. Def +10, gain secondary Fighting typing and Steadfast, increase weight by 5 kg

Mewtwonite Y:
Atk +40, Def -20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +30, Speed +10, gain Insomnia, decrease weight by 89 kg

Def +5, Sp. Atk +65, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain No Guard, increase weight by 11 kg

Atk +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain secondary Flying type and Aerilate, increase weight by 4 kg

Atk +10, Def +50, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +50, Speed -30, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 150 kg

Atk +10, Def +50, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Aerilate, increase weight by 10 kg

Atk +25, Def +10, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +25, gain secondary Dragon typing and Lightning Rod, increase weight by 3 kg

Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +15, Sp. Def +25, Speed +10, gain Strong Jaw, increase weight by 41.5 kg

Def +70, Sp. Atk +30, gain Shell Armor, increase weight by 31.5 kg

Atk +40, Def +30, Sp. Def +30, gain Sand Force, increase weight by 340 kg

Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Swift Swim, increase weight by 20.1 kg

Atk +30, Def +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Sand Stream, increase weight by 53 kg

Atk +18, Def +40, Sp. Atk +22, Sp. Def +20, gain Thick Fat, increase weight by 55.5 kg

Atk +35, Def +18, Sp. Atk +25, Speed +22, gain Adaptability, increase weight by 3.5 kg

Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +10, Speed -10, gain Sand Force

Gengarite (RESTRICTED):
Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Shadow Tag

Kangaskhanite (Kangaskhan Only):
Atk +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Parental Bond

Medichamite (RESTRICTED):
Atk +40, Def +10, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Pure Power

Dragon Ascent: Atk +30, Def +10, SpA +30, SpD +10, Spe +20, gain Delta Stream, increase weight by 185.5 kg, overridden by Mega Stone/Orb

Blue Orb: Atk +50, SpA +30, SpD +20, gain Primordial Sea, increase weight by 78 kg, activates immediately on switch-in

Red Orb: Atk +30, Def +20, SpA +50, gain secondary Fire typing and Desolate Land, increase weight by 49.7 kg, activates immediately on switch-in

I do not play this tier but my thoughts on your team are:

1) why not use Lopunnite on Electivire and STAB boost that Cross Chop?

2) Blissey is still hindered by Toxic. Is Sableyenite not better on it? That HP must not pose a problem even without the huge boost from Slowbronite

3) I would try Venusaurite on Klinklang to see how it fares with the fire and ice spam in this MnM

4) I like that Ferrothorn but better give it blue orb

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My main issue with this team is that Lopunnite Lando-T (or Lopunnite anything, really) utterly destroys it. To my count, you have 4 Fighting weaknesses and two resistances which, however, are weak to EQ and Stone Edge, moves that Lando-T (and most other Lopunnite users) carry as coverage.

Altarianite Entei is also very problematic, as you have no Fire resistances and the burn chance of Sacred Fire can prove lethal. Finally, status spread from stallbreakers like Mew can be very problematic.

My suggestions to solve these issues:

1) Use Blissey as a cleric with Sablenite

2) Use Ferrothorn as a physical wall with Blue Orb (thus removing the Fire weakness, and turning it into a decent check for Entei)

3) Replace Lapras with... Anything else, really. Anything non-Steel.

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My main issue with this team is that Lopunnite Lando-T (or Lopunnite anything, really) utterly destroys it. To my count, you have 4 Fighting weaknesses and two resistances which, however, are weak to EQ and Stone Edge, moves that Lando-T (and most other Lopunnite users) carry as coverage.

Altarianite Entei is also very problematic, as you have no Fire resistances and the burn chance of Sacred Fire can prove lethal. Finally, status spread from stallbreakers like Mew can be very problematic.

My suggestions to solve these issues:

1) Use Blissey as a cleric with Sablenite

2) Use Ferrothorn as a physical wall with Blue Orb (thus removing the Fire weakness, and turning it into a decent check for Entei)

3) Replace Lapras with... Anything else, really. Anything non-Steel.

Okay. The Lapras was kind of the main reason I started this set, though. I don't think it has a fighting weakness, though, because it loses its secondary typing and becomes a pure water-type thanks to Aggronite. Is there any way I could improve it?

To judge those teams better, take a look at this


Atk +20, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +40, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 2 kg


Atk +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Pixilate


Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, gain secondary Fairy typing and Pixilate.


Atk +20, Def +40, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Technician, increase weight by 7 kg


+40 Atk, +30 Def, +40 Sp. Atk, +20 Sp. Def, -30 Speed, gain Snow Warning, increase weight by 49.5 kg


Def +40, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Solar Power, increase weight by 14.5 kg


Atk +30, Def +50, Sp. Def +20, lose secondary typing, gain Filter, increase weight by 35 kg


Attack +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Tough Claws, increase weight by 20 kg


Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +30, gain Trace


+20 Atk, +20 Def, +50 Sp. Atk, +20 Sp. Def, -10 Speed, gain Dragon secondary type and Mold Breaker


+40 Def, +20 Sp. Atk, +40 Sp. Def, gain secondary Fairy typing and Healer, increase weight by 1 kg


Atk +50, Def +10, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Prankster, increase weight by .5 kg

Beedrillite (Beedrill Line Only):

Atk +60, Sp. Atk -30, Speed +70, gain Adaptability


Atk +20, Def +20, Sp. Atk +50, Sp. Def +10, gain Mega Launcher, increase weight by 15.6 kg

Blazikenite (RESTRICTED):

Atk +40, Def +10, Sp Atk +20, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Speed Boost


Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +30, Speed -20, gain Sheer Force, increase weight by 100.5 kg

Charizardite X:

Atk +46, Def +33, Sp. Atk +21, gain secondary Dragon typing and Tough Claws, increase weight by 20 kg

Charizardite Y:

Atk +20, Sp. Atk +50, Sp. Def +30, gain Drought, increase weight by 10 kg


Atk +60, Def -40, Sp. Atk +60, Sp. Def -40, Speed +60, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 19 kg


Atk +40, Def +30, Speed +30, gain Inner Focus, increase weight by 4.4 kg


Atk +40, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +20, gain Refrigerate, increase weight by 93.7 kg


Atk +30, Def +30, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +30, gain secondary Dark typing and Mold Breaker, increase weight by 70 kg


Atk +60, Def +40, Sp. Def +10, Speed -10, gain Skill Link, increase weight by 8.5 kg


Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +20, gain Levitate, increase weight by 12 kg


Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +10, gain Levitate, increase weight by 10 kg


Atk +60, Def +10, Speed +30, gain secondary Fighting typing and Scrappy, decrease weight by 5 kg

Mawilite (RESTRICTED):

Atk +20, Def +40, Sp. Def + 40, gain Huge Power, increase weight by 12 kg


Def +20, Sp. Atk +30, Sp. Def +20, Speed +30, gain Intimidate, increase weight by 3.8 kg


Atk +10, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +40, gain Tough Claws, increase weight by 392.9 kg

Mewtwonite X (SUSPECT):

Atk +80, Def +10, Sp. Def +10, gain secondary Fighting typing and Steadfast, increase weight by 5 kg

Mewtwonite Y:

Atk +40, Def -20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +30, Speed +10, gain Insomnia, decrease weight by 89 kg


Def +5, Sp. Atk +65, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain No Guard, increase weight by 11 kg


Atk +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain secondary Flying type and Aerilate, increase weight by 4 kg


Atk +10, Def +50, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +50, Speed -30, gain Magic Bounce, increase weight by 150 kg


Atk +10, Def +50, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Aerilate, increase weight by 10 kg


Atk +25, Def +10, Sp. Atk +40, Speed +25, gain secondary Dragon typing and Lightning Rod, increase weight by 3 kg


Atk +20, Def +30, Sp. Atk +15, Sp. Def +25, Speed +10, gain Strong Jaw, increase weight by 41.5 kg


Def +70, Sp. Atk +30, gain Shell Armor, increase weight by 31.5 kg


Atk +40, Def +30, Sp. Def +30, gain Sand Force, increase weight by 340 kg


Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +10, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Swift Swim, increase weight by 20.1 kg


Atk +30, Def +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Sand Stream, increase weight by 53 kg


Atk +18, Def +40, Sp. Atk +22, Sp. Def +20, gain Thick Fat, increase weight by 55.5 kg


Atk +35, Def +18, Sp. Atk +25, Speed +22, gain Adaptability, increase weight by 3.5 kg


Atk +40, Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +10, Speed -10, gain Sand Force

Gengarite (RESTRICTED):

Def +20, Sp. Atk +40, Sp. Def +20, Speed +20, gain Shadow Tag

Kangaskhanite (Kangaskhan Only):

Atk +30, Def +20, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +20, Speed +10, gain Parental Bond

Medichamite (RESTRICTED):

Atk +40, Def +10, Sp. Atk +20, Sp. Def +10, Speed +20, gain Pure Power

Dragon Ascent: Atk +30, Def +10, SpA +30, SpD +10, Spe +20, gain Delta Stream, increase weight by 185.5 kg, overridden by Mega Stone/Orb

Blue Orb: Atk +50, SpA +30, SpD +20, gain Primordial Sea, increase weight by 78 kg, activates immediately on switch-in

Red Orb: Atk +30, Def +20, SpA +50, gain secondary Fire typing and Desolate Land, increase weight by 49.7 kg, activates immediately on switch-in

I do not play this tier but my thoughts on your team are:

1) why not use Lopunnite on Electivire and STAB boost that Cross Chop?

2) Blissey is still hindered by Toxic. Is Sableyenite not better on it? That HP must not pose a problem even without the huge boost from Slowbronite

3) I would try Venusaurite on Klinklang to see how it fares with the fire and ice spam in this MnM

4) I like that Ferrothorn

1) Good point. I'll try that.

2) Seems like a better idea, I'll try that.

3) I mainly used Scizorite because it gives Gear Grind a massive boost, turning it into a 150-BP move with no drawbacks. I'll have to see how it fares, though.

4) Thanks!

Edited by Lord Chespin
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I don't think it has a fighting weakness, though, because it loses its secondary typing and becomes a pure water-type thanks to Aggronite.

Uh... To my knowledge, Aggronite gives you a Steel typing. Meaning that, if you are dual type Steel/something it makes you pure Steel, but if you are of some other type it adds Steel to your typing. So an Aggronite Lapras would become Water/Steel (or, God forbid, Ice/Steel, depending on which between Ice and Water is Lapras' primary type)...

EDIT: well what do you know, apparently I was wrong. So nevermind, Lapras can stay. But I stand by my point on the other two changes.

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