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Why would people not trust my links? I'm on the dev team for Rejuv :^(

  On 7/17/2016 at 11:32 AM, WavesBlade said:

Hrm, a thought struck me.

Is Jan EU, US, or somewhere else? Es' not online atm.

All of our definitions of tonight/tomorrow morning might be quite different. :D

He's from NYC, so US.

It's currently around 7:35 in the morning there as I'm writing this post.

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  On 7/17/2016 at 11:34 AM, Zumi said:

Why would people not trust my links? I'm on the dev team for Rejuv :^(

He's from NYC, so US.

It's currently around 7:35 in the morning there as I'm writing this post.

Uh oh, means I better get my starter soon.

Trying for a Ralts, Axew, or a shiny since I already have a save file with Eevee.


I reflexively already F12'd a shiny totadile "_". (cry)



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Hardy nature, but still, decent IVs. It's shiny, and its 100% useable!

I'll store this in another save folder and start a new game to keep resetting to pass time.

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  On 7/17/2016 at 11:49 AM, DemICE said:

Have fun Erupting on stuff at least ^^ Get a drought ninetales with magma drift to give yourself sun + flash fire to make the game cry :P

I got another one

Shiny charmander! Gentle nature, perfect Special attack, but dat speed is atrocious. So idk if I should keep this one.

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  On 7/17/2016 at 11:38 AM, WavesBlade said:

I reflexively already F12'd a shiny totadile "_". (cry)

Haha I thought I was the only one who has done this before, I remember when I was trying to catch a magby with a magmarizer in Xen Lab. I finally found one then for some reason I pressed F12 (prolly cuz I spammed that button for the last hour) I wasnt even that mad tho it was pretty funny, I thought I was lowkey a Masochist lmao

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  On 7/17/2016 at 12:56 PM, espeon860 said:

wait magby in xen lab?

The one located near Sheridan Village but not the Volcano. You can only reach there by boat. He was added in version 7

Edited by OShenron
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  On 7/17/2016 at 11:34 AM, Zumi said:

Why would people not trust my links? I'm on the dev team for Rejuv :^(

He's from NYC, so US.

It's currently around 7:35 in the morning there as I'm writing this post.

...Wait, he's NYC? I'm from Long Island, so I'm actually pretty close to him...

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Today is the day! Pokemon Rejuvenation version 8! Feels like its been ages since version 7 came out, but its really not even been that long.

My plan is to quickly play through and record the stuff from where we left off, and then begin a new save and check out all the changes over the last few episodes as I haven't played most of that since v6.

What about you guys?

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