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New possibilities! Transfered pokemon from gen 1 to newer games


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With the announcement of the next Pokemon games Sun & Moon today we also learned that the digital copies of Red,Blue and Yellow that will be available tomorrow will also have the ability to send pokemon to Pokemon Bank.
That means that pokemon with special moves can be available to newer games that are curently unobtainable. In the Pokemon Direct it stated that the gen 1 pokemon will be able to be tranferd to Pokemon S&M but it wasn't clear if they will be abe to be transfered over X&Y or ORAS. But since the gen 6 games also use the Pokebank lets assume that they will!

From the top of my head I remember Submission and Tri Attack to be learnable through TM, so we might see some weird sets in some older pokemon, or even to newer if they become passable through breeding!

What are your thoughts about it? What can we expect from older pokemons be transfered to the new games? How the differnt IV system will work?

Edited by pyrromanis
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