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Who Deserves an Evolution ?


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I like it. I like it a lot. I especially like the name!

While we're at it, I'd like to give Kricketune an evolution as well. Let's have it called Kricketyddle (Cricket + Katydid + Fiddle) and make it Bug/Flying? Sure, that's a horribly overused typing, but that's the best suited in my opinion. It can keep Technician, and acquire rather different stats like this:

HP: 77 --> 87

Atk: 85

Def: 51 --> 76

SpAtk: 55 --> 95

SpDef: 51 --> 71

Speed: 65 --> 95

Poor ol' delelelelelwhoooooop needs an evolution that can be the final molt from tiny nymph to full imago. This winged Kricketyddle will be a special attacker more than a physical one, and will be able to use a rather fast Technician-boosted Silver Wind, Air Cutter and a Hidden Power of choice (granted, Bug Buzz does the same damage as Technician Silver Wind, but think of the boosts!) Its real niche will be in Sticky Web and gaining access to Quiver Dance, with which it can hopefully do something.

Edited by Viridescent
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It's a nice creation and Kricketune definitely needs an evolution. I would not settle for a Mega for this one as I believe it's completely pointless.

The stat boosts look fine and now it sits at a comfortable 509 BST. If I were more sadistic, I would cut 10 from a stat and have it be at 499, just a single point before reaching this ((important)) milestone.

I suppose it will be used in RU or even UU as the bug/flying typing hinders more than it helps.

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Awwww, that would indeed be sadistic, poor Kricketune always getting short end of the stick. Still, 509 is one point short of the 510 benchmark that other Gen4 mons hit, like Gliscor. And that 499 BST is no joke either, as that's what Talonflame hits!

While we're discussing beginner bugs, we should give an evolution to Ledian as well, I think. The poor thing has an excellent arsenal of punching moves and a good ability in Iron Fist...with a crisp base 35 attack stat. Cruel, isn't it?

How about a Bug/Psychic evolution, Ledianell, (Ladybird + Coccinella, the scientific name of ladybugs) that receives a significant boost to its attack and can use its good coverage in Drain Punch, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch alongside newly acquired access to Zen Headbutt and Megahorn? It'll even have access to Roost and U-turn. Its stats could be:

HP: 55 --> 75

Atk: 35 --> 95

Def: 50 --> 80

SpAtk: 55 --> 45

Spdef: 110

Speed: 85 --> 95

It'll keep Iron Fist and Swarm. Puts it at a nice 500 BST, too, and might see the light of RU at least with its not-terrible-anymore typing and stats.

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Druddigon. It has a very cool design, but it just flat out boring of a Pokémon. Something needs to happen to this fellow.

Torkoal. Because ... because ... it just needs one, alright?! Plus its speed is horrible.

All the "Pikachu-clones" out there. Being cute doesn't help you in battle if you're weak as fudge.

Volbeat & Illumise. Give them a second type, like electric or something.

Durant. I keep forgetting this Pokémon even exist. An evolution would do something about it.

Dunsparce. Just look at its sad little face. It's so forgotton, it's unbeliveble.

Castform. The weather gimmick is cool, but castform does suck. It would be cool if it changed type depending on the weather or something.

Purugly. MAKE THE KITTY FATTER! I know that this is a bad excuse, but I just really want to see a bigger, fatter Purugly. I think it's an awesome Pokémon.

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Ok, so I would love to see Spinda get an evolution of some kind, even if its just a mega-evolution. The problem with giving it a normal evolution is that the Pokemon is such a clusterfuck of a design that I'm not even sure where the hell to go with it. Its pretty obviously named after a bear, but it has features of both a bear and a rabbit. Not to mention the name itself is kind of hard to build upon. Like, what's a good follow-up to a Pokemon named Spinda? I can't think of one.

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Ariados --> Arachdon

Type: Bug / Poison

Ability: Swarm , Super Luck /// Sniper

HP: 88

Atk: 122
Def: 84
SpA: 60

SpD: 84

Spe: 57

BST: 495

Remember how pitiful Ariados used to be? It had 390 BST and its use was mitigated by the lack of speed. One day it climbed a mirror, took a good look at his face, saw how bad the situation was and went straight to the gym. When he saw the gym wasn't working he came to us with tears in his eyes, wanting to become a don in the mafia world. We accepted the challenge and did all within our power in order to create the king of spiders, a mafia boss that dominates the wet caves in which it has its base of operations. Arachdon, or "Father" as he likes to be called now, increased both in size and power. It has enough bulk to survive a plethora of hits and sheer power to retaliate with powerful STAB moves. You can either decide to work with Super Luck or Sniper, as our Father takes pride in its luck and what it can do with it. Remember that without luck you cannot make a name of yourself in the underground (pun totally intended).

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I still loathe it, unless it becomes anatomically accurate and has eight legs like any self respecting spider should. I dislike that most bug types have too few legs. Also, why not Poison/Dark? Is it still not up to the level of Drapion?

Anyways, maybe we can give Quilfish an evolution. I'll work on it, but maybe it could go from being a pufferfish to a scorpionfish?

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I will make an evolution for almost every single forgotten pokemon that I can think a general theme for. I'll leave Qwilfish to you.


Ledian --> Ledinger

Type: Bug / Flying

Ability: Swarm , Quick Feet /// Iron Fist

HP: 60

Atk: 90

Def: 63

SpA: 58

SpD: 129

Spe: 100

BST: 500

Ok Ledian is another pokemon with no purpose in life, except for filling the pokedex entries. Now it received an evolution that makes it justice and allows it to be a formiddable force in higher tiers like RU and UU. Yes I dare say UU, because these stats, combined with Ledian's punching and support movepool allow for two basic different sets. One is the classic Iron Fist set that makes use of Ledinger's many punching moves (that before only had 35 base Atk to use). Now it can recover damage with Drain Punch and go all out or hide behind a Substitute and avoid nasty status. The other set is the SD-Quick Feet-Toxic orb set, which utilizes the speed boost thanks to the item to sweep mid to late game. Ledinger's nice base Atk stat helps clean weakened opponents and its already very high 129 base SpD stat gives the pokemon opportunities to set-up. At +2 it can prove bothersome for even the bulkiest of teams. So make sure you have your rocks up, as Ledinger remains X4 weak to them.

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Girafarig. I like the tying as it reminds me of meloetta and it have it's funny name.

And the base stats isn't too bad with it's moveset.

Just evolve it into a name so can say same forward and backwards.

Plus with speed, special attack base stat and let it have aura sphere/focus blast.

And probably a better ability so can replace inner focus and early bird.

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While many of these Pokemon deserve evolution, some of them should be handled with care, especially if they don't reduce stats, as speedier Pokemon like Rapidash and Zebstrika could become problematic if speed and offensive stats were buffed, and Chatter's confuse chance could be very frustrating were Chatot's stats were better. Maybe they could get more "sideways" evolutions that only change stat totals little, but change specialization?

For more normal evolution's, I'd like to see Durant get a queen ant evolution, but I don't know what Heatmor could get to balance it.

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Carnivine --> Cannibroot

Type: Grass / Ground

Ability: Levitate

HP: 74

Atk: 112

Def: 87

SpA: 105

SpD: 92

Spe: 66

BST: 536

I admit this wasn't one of my best creations, but Carnivine is one of the most forgotten pokemon around, having nothing going for it. So I gave it a nice evolution that brings it up a notch and allows it to be used more. 536 is a nice BST for a final evolution, and the typing is a mockery of its ability, since it currently learns no Ground moves. Nevertheless, our new Cannibal Groot is an interesting fella with good bulk to take hits and the option to hit on both sides, while its movepool seems to be designed for a stallbreaker with Leech Seed, Knock off, Bullet Seed for those pesy substitutes and others. On the special side it has to rely on Giga Drain, Sludge Wave and HP of your choice, while having a filler slot, so it's viable this way also, if you don't mind the predictability.

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Not bad. I admit even I had forgotten about that thing's existence, so forgettable a Mon it is. Perhaps you'd give it Earth Power to use its ground typing with; If a stupid sunflower can get it, I don't see why other dumb plants can't.

Speaking of stupid sunflowers...

Sunflora needs an evolution. Call it Solaflare.


Type: Grass/Fire

Abilities: Solar Power / Chlorophyll / Leaf Guard (replaces Early Bird)

HP: 75 --> 90

Atk: 75

Def: 55 --> 85

SpAtk: 105 --> 125

SpDef: 85 --> 95

Speed: 30 --> 60

Poor old Sunfloras is horrible because, despite getting unique moves like Earth Power and Encore, it has a mediocre typing, pathetic defenses and is slower than my Grandma to boot; rich irony that it gets Chlorophyll, for it is still too slow to use it.

Solaflare fixes things by improving its defenses to an acceptable level, doubling its speed so that,even though it is still slow by any standards, it can actually become quite fast under Sun, and giving it a nice little SpAtk boost to help it grow to a respectable 530 BST. The more important feature is to give it a Fire type as well, making it a unique Grass/Fire type that can have a niche as a Sun Sweeper and reasonably bulky Grass type. It can get a few moves like Flame Burst, Weather Ball and Heat Wave to use its Fire type with (not Flamethrower or Fire Blast, though. It's absurd to think of a flower being able to directly spew flames from an orifice, and we don't want to be overly kind to this stupid plant that no one cares about.) It still won't see the light of OU (pun totally intended) but maybe it can shine in RU or maybe UU if the weather is fair (haha.)

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It won't see the light of OU, but being a sunflower, its face will always be turned to the only place it's never going to reach...

Overall good mon. I would go as far as to decrease Atk to 65 and give the extra 10 to Speed, since everything that gets Speed EVs is over 65 base speed.

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Mh, maybe, but it has chlorophyll. It can essentially achieve 480 speed under Sun. Not bad, what?

Anyways, I think Sealing needs an evolution. Call it Marinarch (Marine+Monarch. It'll be far from kingly, but what's in a name? That which we call a feesh will be just as dumb by any other...)


Type: Water

Abilities: Swift Swim / Lightning Rod / Water Veil (unchanged)

HP: 80 --> 100

Atk: 92 --> 117

Def: 65 --> 85

SpAtk: 65

Spdef: 80

Speed: 68 --> 88

Poor old seaking is a horrible, dumb looking Pokemon. It might as well have been called Seaslave, and been more honest on its Resumé. But all that changes with an evolution that can help it hope to be a legitimate threat.

The evolution, Marinarch, gets a good buff to its HP, Speed and Defense, while improving its decent Attack stat to current (heh) levels. Now, although its Special Attack remains too poor to utilise Lightning Rod offensively, it is still excellent defensively to counter Electric types and foil the BoltBeam combination popular in Balance today. It even has Drill Run to hit Electric types for a hefty chunk, along with a surprisingly good physical movepool including Waterfall, Knock Off and Megahorn (which also lets it strike at Grass types.) If it wishes to take a more offensive role, it now has the speed to abuse Swift Swim well; at abase of 88, it rivals Sand Rush Excadrill and both outpaces and out-powers (at least on the physical side) Kingdra in the Rain! Although it lacks Dragon Dance or Swords Dance, it can still make some use of its raw stats to good effect in UU, (though it is still beaten by Kabutops, which gets SD and Stone Edge, and Seismitoad, which is fatter and has a better typing, and Mega Swampert, which is just better in every way save for its inability to hold an item.)

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Arbok should absolutely get an evolution, it's laughably weak. I have problems coming up with a good name though, it should follow the naming scheme of its previous evolutions. Maybe Adder -> Redda, Boa -> Aob or Serpent -> Tnepres (yes, I know how bad all of those sound)? Suggestions welcome!

Type: Poison/Ground

Abilities: Intimidate, Shed Skin and Simple as new HA

HP: 60 -> 82

Atk: 85 -> 104

Def: 69 -> 78

SpA: 65 ->74

SpD: 79

Spe: 80 -> 101

Total: 438 -> 518

It's pretty simple (heh), STAB Earthquake, STAB Gunk Shot and with its new HA a godlike boosting move in Coil. It sits in a good speed tier with that sweet 101 base and gets a access to a bunch of new moves through TM and Level Up, including all time favourites like Stone Edge, Wild Charge and Fire Blast.

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What about Lil' Kim Jynx?

Desistre (when the words desire and disaster unite in the wrongest of ways)

Type: Ice/Psychic

Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Refrigerate (hidden)

HP: 65

Attack: 50(who cares anyway)

Defense: 60

Sp. Attack: 135

Sp. Defense: 100

Speed: 130

BST: 540

While Jynx is stupidly frail and useless, Desistre is very similar to Alakazam, only being slightly bulkier, faster and having a nifty Ice-type stab at its disposal. Sadly, it is still open to Sucker Punch and Bullet Punch. Despite that, it is still VERY fast and strong, as very few Pokemon can outspeed it, most of which are Megas. It would also learn Hyper voice via move relearner, as it becomes insane when coupled with Refrigerate. It could also go for a Magic Guard set to protect it from Stealth Rocks. And finally, in addition to Stealth Rocks, it should get some extra coverage, such as Scald and Vaccum Wave. With these conditions it shouldn't find too much hardships in OU, as it is very strong and fast, has some secrets such as Perish Song and Nasty Plot, and can cover just about anything with its movepool.

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I'll just go down the generation line:

Gen 1

-Lapras pre-evolution

Lapras is so iconic but this makes it almost too rare for it to be used. When it is available you will get it in late game and have to replace a member of your team. If it is just given to the player (Kalos) it loses value.

Gen 2


This desperately needs an evolution and is primed for a type change (dragon?).


Part of me want an evo for Delibird because I'm a fan of ShadyPenguinn but also because this bird is useless otherwise.

Note: There are many more from this gen that need an evo but I stuck to the ones that needed it most.

Gen 3

-Solrock and Lunatone


Note: There are many here that could use an evo but I either like them the way they are or don't care.

Gen 4


This pokemon gets little love next to Roserade and other grass pokemon of the generation.

Gen 5


Emolga is already great, but an evolution would peak its potential and make it so much better.


Why does this exist. It screams for an evolution by just existing.

Gen 6


While many Pika-clones are one stage deals made for prime cuteness I would like to see what could be done with an electric/fairy rodent.

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