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Hello Ms Ponyta 85


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I am relatively new here and am happy to say that my close friend Rot8er_ConeX is the one who re-sparked my interest in pokemon. I am having a blast creating teams (even tho they usually lose) and am enjoying chatting with people in the lobby. I am so excited to be actually making friends. Feel free to friend me!! I am very adamant that people not use the word r*tard around me in any form as I have a high functioning form of autism. As long as you respect that, I have no issue with you :)

Edited by phand1
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Hey there Pony, saw you on server, welcome to Reborn, don't worry about competitive stuff, you build up experience over time, enjoy your stay in Reborn and have fun, see you around :)

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Hi, welcome phand1, it's nice to see you are enjoying your time and I'm always up for a chat if you want, I have a tendency when I'm angry about things or people to use the word but if we are ever talking i'll watch what I say in respect of your wishes, the reasons you don't like the word used are nothing you need to disclose, also final note, care to sell your soul? wanna wager it?

Edited by Lord Drakyle
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Welcome to Reborn, Pony! I have a high-functioning form of autism too, so I can understand the whole aversion to that horrible word. Don't worry, you're not going to find anyone who uses that word around here. It's a very nice place.

And yeah, I personally can't stand people who think that being on the autism spectrum makes you stupid.

So, enjoy your stay in Reborn.

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Hey, MsPony! Welcome to Reborn!

I enjoy creating teams too, and like you, my teams always lose as well...

Maybe it's cause I have too many of the same type? :^/

Quick question: What's the diagram in your profile pic? It looks hella familiar and I won't be able to sleep til I figure out what it is.

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Hey there, MsPonyta! Welcome to the Pokemon Reborn Community!! It doesn't matter who you are, everyone is welcome here. I can promise that you will enjoy your stay. With any questions you can ask me, Jericho and or Daniel, via private message or creating a topic like you did this one.

Hope to see you around!! :]

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