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How to add your pokémon team?

Cool Girl

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as for what i can see from this team Blaziken always an op poke so good ursaring if it has quick feet or guts with toxic orb can wreck havoc. emolga is a very handy pokemon to have. boufalant is someone i feel not as usefull specially late game touros fast and good attk handy absol a great pokemon to make use of sucker punch.

i recommend drop any one from touros or urasaring and definetely drop boufalant and give room to some sp attackers and defensive wall my personal recommendation drop urasring and boufflant and replace with gardevoir/Alakazam with magic guard and life orb and roserade/DD Feraligatr with sheer force/Lapras/Flygon pick what you feel best fits your team if you are feeling up to it drop touros aswell to replace with any of the sugested pokes from the previous list or a metagross/agron could be a great addition specially seeing as of ep 15 all gym weaknesses of steel type have been crossed

Edit:yeah went a little off topic but you did ask what i thought of your team.

Edited by NovaKnight
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