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[Pokemon Rejuvenation] Good moveset for Houndoom?

Cool Girl

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So, I'm about to get Houndour and I was thinking about its moveset when it evolves in Houmdoom (Mega), so without further ado, here's the ideal moveset for Mega Houndoom. Let me know what you guys think!

Houndoom @ Houndoomite

Timid Nature

Ability: Solar Power



Foul Play



Let me know what you guys think!

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I will imagine this is for In-game, so I'll give a few highlights.

Though if this is Reborn keep in mind that Megas are not available at this stage in the game and probably won't be until endgame ((which is a long while out.))

Sucker Punch. Houndoom has a decent enough attack stat to use this move for a good priority and hits for okay damage. ((bit lacklustre if not somewhat invested.))

Destiny Bond can be used to take down something with you while on low health since It moves at a decent speed to use it. ((on non-mega Doom be wary though since you're a lot slower.))

Sludge Bomb could be used for Fairies, though it wouldn't really do much else so... I'd be careful with that one.

Nasty Plot, good for setting up to do a niiiice chunk of damage.

HP Grass, ((for outside of sun grass moving XD. I still don't reccomend that much though. the grass coverage is meh...))

Will-o-Wisp, Helps make up for Houndoom's lacklustre defense by a lot and allows it to cripple threats.

Taunt, In game probably not as useful, but reeeeally good for Wall-Breaking and keeping big fat Special soakers from healing.

Fire Blast is much better for power, while Flamethrower is better for repeated usage. That's prefer for in-game by far. I'd personally use Fire Blast, especially on Regular Doom who could really use the power boost.

Dark Pulse is a pretty strong Option for a Special dark type move.

On foul play... it's not very effective on Houndoom. THe issue with it is really that Houndoom just likes to wallbreak and fight mons that don't have high attack stats. ((cause a lot of mons with high attack stats are Fighting Type and have Guts... A LOOOOT.)) It's just a really awkward move on it at times. It does have it's uses it's just very niche. Especially due to how lacklustre Houndoom defense stat is. He really doesn't want even a chance to get hit by a stray physical attack.

If you want Solar Beam, run Sunny Day on your Houndoom along with Dark Pulse and Fire Blast. Dark Pulse jsut will more often than not do more for you than Foul Play ever will. ((as Solar Power boosts it, but not Foul Play.))

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if its a standard set i would say replace solarbeam with sludge bomb hyper voice if going fully offensive or will-o-wisp or taunt if going semi support as the other moves ive stated are pretty great on houndoom to begin with

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For Rejuv, I think the ideal set is:

- Fire STAB of choice for damage

- Dark Pulse for secondary reliable STAB

- Sludge Bumb for coverage, OR Nasty Plot for setting up (but my issue with setting up is, you don't need it against non-bosses, and bosses won't give you the time to use it)

- Destiny Bond because Destiny Bond can be decisive against bosses. With a Focus Sash or Choice Scarf (dunno if either is available tho), Destiny Bond can give you a way of winning otherwise unwinnable boss battles.

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I know timid with nasty plot + 3 special attacks is normal and all, but I like some of my Houndoom sets mixed. Sucker punch/ Crunch is always nice to have imo. Also to answer your question use Flamethrower is you're gonna have Nasty Plot, Fire Blast if no Nasty plot

Edited by Milotic
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