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Exp Share, or the prove that I'm an idiot.



Hello everyone,
I'm new in the forum and my English is rather horrible, so please forgive me.
I lost my Exp Share, see below to know where because it is a part of the game that I don't want to spoiler

I used it to get a pidgey to evolve for the TPP Easter Egg and then I idiotically left it hold by the pidgeot that I gave to the Helix priest.

So I was wandering if there is the possibility of obtaining another one...
May somebody help me?
Thank you all!

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TheLugruf i dont mean to be rude but if asked and you felt like it would it be possible to get certain items like i read once that left overs cannot be gotten something about use to from a fight with shade but not anymore. would items like this be possible given the right method? and what are the risks?

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TheLugruf i dont mean to be rude but if asked and you felt like it would it be possible to get certain items like i read once that left overs cannot be gotten something about use to from a fight with shade but not anymore. would items like this be possible given the right method? and what are the risks?

I don't think you'd be able to find an old enough episode to steal Leftovers from Shade (which are available only from Pickup right now, by the way). You can steal items using a move like Theif or Covet, but in Gen 5, I think, they changed it so you couldn't keep stolen Items from trainers.

The thread you are referring to was a bug, if I remember correctly, but I don't know if it was replicated.

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