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general help.*info/advice* (not sure where to put)



hello. i've just joined the forums if their is a new or welcome area i may post later but while new here not entirely new to pokemone though i've only played a handful of generations.

Anyway to start i wanted to ask for advice any kind of tips and trip that could be useful or useful to reborn specifically.

second i've already noticed myself that many items and resources become scarce if you use the too quickly or are just unlucky especially pokedollars or certain items. i've heard that its possible to steal or take them from pokemon. i gather that its from a move or ability but i'm not sure how that works or how to go about farming items it seems to be one of the only ways to adjust or cut losses from say crazy usage or whiting/blacking out.

I would pose more questions possibly easier to find like if certain things like exp share or leftovers are possible to get . how many pokemon are currently freely available(you can get them for sure basically 'will' get if you "DO THIS" or many chance over hey theirs one like legendary's in other games.

or where is move tutor's key is she/he useful.

what heartscale's and/or shards/stones are for and other items with no real description or odd ones like the iron ball.

And finally are training items useful.

Ps. i've heard shinx is really good in reborn if you can i guess get the coins is this true if so why?

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6 answers to this question

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1. There's a whole bunch of tips people could give you, but to keep it short, talk to everyone to try to get as much free stuff as possible, use Pokemon and strategies you might normally would, and (optionally) use multiple Pokemon on your team in rotation depending on which are better for a certain fight. Also make sure to look at what each Field does, since they're used in some battles: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/fields.html

2. You can only steal them from wild Pokemon using Thief or Covet (as long as the Pokemon that is stealing the Item doesn't have an Item). To improve the chances of wild Pokemon having an item, you should use a fainted Pokemon with Compound Eyes in the front of your team.

3. Exp. Share is available from a side quest, Leftovers is from Pickup.

4. There's an obtainable Pokemon list: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html

And a Pokemon Location list: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407

5. Move Relearner Key isn't available until you get your fifth Badge. It will be in the Underground Railnet train track puzzle (available only with Strength). There are cracks in the wall you can Rock Smash, one will have the Key. She is useful for some Pokemon like Gallade, which gets a lot of coverage moves from it.

6. Heart Scales and Shards are used to buy things. Heart Scales are used for the Move Relearner and Nature Changer, while Shards can be used for Tutor moves, puzzles, Ability Capsules, some Pokemon, etc. The Shards are usually used in 7th Street and Agate Circus, which are much later in game.

7. I'd just use Bulbapedia to see what those Items did. The Iron Ball cuts your Pokemon's speed in half, though.

8. Training items for EV Training definitely helps, but isn't necessary for beating fights.

9. I haven't really used Shinx, so I can't help you that much. It has good stats, and Guts could be nice to work with, but it doesn't get many good moves... I prefer using Ampharos, which is free and only a bit after Shinx.

If you have more questions, you can post in this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3876

Hope you enjoy playing Reborn! :]

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thank you still looking into some of the links but is their certain pokemon with higher odds of compound eyes i've kinda used up all my current ability capsules. i'm right now around the part where um i'm not sur what i can say but i have the strength tm and a place i cant speak out right atm unlocked now after a batter with our "fabulous" friend and rival

EDIT: hope you see this wasnt expecting a reply till tomorrow. also are their certain pokemon that have thief or covet i've only seen one and it was the espur i got earlier on and well it no longer has it i didnt know it was a good skill

Edited by wuggles
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For compound eyes you should try butterfree or scatterbug. for a complete list there is: http://www.serebii.net/abilitydex/compoundeyes.shtml

Serebii is pretty much love for almost everything Pokemon can learn.

Thief can only be learned by two pokemon through level up which are Mighteyena at level 1 and kecleon at level 1 so they would need a heartscale.alternatively almost every pokemon can learn thief from a TM.

(also you are currently at BYXBYSION wasteland)

Edited by mwijsman
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you are impressive thats exactly what it is. hmm. i think i can get a butterfree or scatterbug though the other may be tough. i thought their was no tm for thief.... but if i may ask another question guys and girls of course. is their a difference from using theif or using it first i've noticed talk of having the compound eyes leading and fainted with the thief using next and the rest thief or covet. does it matter?

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Compound eyes boost the general chance of a Pokemon holding an item, therefore leading with for example a compound eye butterfree that has fainted (because the abbility activates even if the pokemon is fainted) and send out for example a Mighteyna with thief gives you the highest chances of stealing an item from a pokemon without having to catch it.

Without Compound eyes the chance of the enemy even holding an item is lower.

Edited by mwijsman
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Ps. i've heard shinx is really good in reborn if you can i guess get the coins is this true if so why?

Luxray learns Electric Terrain (which overwrites the current terrain) at levels 1 (relearn) and 67, and Guts is decent, especially with Facade. If you aren't shy on spending money of potions and the like, you can do what I did and carry poison on it for a while (I think I did it from Gym 3 to 7). Just be careful if you do this, because once its health is 1 outside of battle, the poisoning will fade (and there's a small, small chance of the game crashing when it fades). Discharge is nice for factory/short circuit field, but then, most electric-types get that.

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