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Favorite Over Used Move


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My Favorite Over Powered move is Superpower. Mainly because it's common among water types which is useful against many types.

Now your move has to be usually used for Pokemon and you usually use.

Edited by Honchy
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Favourite spam move? probably Leech Seed as it recovers own health while damaging opponent at the same time, other than that, i like to use Toxic to wear down opponents with massive HP from my wall in the team. As for favourite immediate damaging move, Psychic as they lowers special defense as a secondary effect.

Edited by TimTim
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Fiery Dance. A bit limited due to the fact only Volcarona gets it but that shouldn't degrade the value of a move with 80 power and a 50% special attack boost. With this it is easy to both set up and sweep at the same time, now if only something without a gaping weakness got it.

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i dont have one but lets show you my list:

1.Drago Meteor (i like Dragon Rush too but i dont know if it is overused)


3.Dream Eater (i dont know if it is overused :P )

4.Brave Bird

5.Leech Seed

6.Flamethrower or Flareblitz

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My favorite spam move is definitely Swagger. (I miss using Swagkey in OU when Swagger wasn't banned...)

My favorite move in general? I often like setting up with moves such as Dragon Dance or Quiver Dance,

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a combo of Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Wish, and Protect is my favorite, especially when on a Pixilated 'Mon. In Doubles and Triples, it can be even more broken if you have a second 'Mon that knows Trick and Refresh and holds a Power Herb.

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I have a preference for light-based moves. In no particular order, I like moves such as Charge Beam, Lustre Purge, Dazzling Gleam, Light of Ruin, Signal Beam, Tri Attack, Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Mirror Shot, Techno Blast and so on.

Most preferred OU move? FLASH CANNON!

Why I like light-based moves is a story for another time.

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As someone who started playing on Pokemon Showdown not so long ago I would have to say "protect"

I haven't really found a favourite move just yet, but a favourite moment is guessing correctly when the opponent is going to switch and the move used just happens to have x4 advantage to what was switched in and OHKO BAM.

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