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[Discussion Thread] Viability Rankings by Type (Monotype, relevant for Reborn, Reborn Hardcore and Rejuvenation)


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Fairy types have an advantage against powerful Types you will regularly face in Reborn, notably Fighting and Dark. Unfortunately they are also rare and often too weak in the late game. Azumarill (which can only be obtained by chance), Sylveon, Gardevoir and the one I'll focus on in this post, Clefable, are pretty much the only usable Fairy type Pokemon in the game.



Stats: 95 HP, 70 Atk, 73 Def, 95 SpA, 90 SpD, 60 Spe

Abilities: Magic Guard / Unaware - the latter might be useful against Trainers who like to use boosting moves or lower your stats, but Magic Guard is generally the better option

Suggested Nature: Modest - Clefable usually needs the increased SpA to deal with Pokemon it can't hit super effectively

Suggested Items: Life Orb or Leftovers are ideal, but hard to get, a Pixie Plate is a useful alternative

Suggested set:

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA

Nature: Modest

Ability: Magic guard


- Moonblast*

- Minimize / Cosmic Power*

- Stored Power* / Psychic

- Moonlight* / Flamethrower

Clefable has an unusable level up movepool, so it is essential to wait until Clefairy has learned Moonblast at Level 48 and the moves marked with a star (*) before you evolve it. If you ever let Clefable forget these moves it will be unable to relearn them. Minimize might be seen as dishonorable by some, but it will allow Clefable to tear through nearly every team it faces and boost Stored Power. Cosmic Power is an alternative if you don't want to rely on hax. Psychic can only be obtained through breeding, but is more versatile than SP. Flamethrower is a great coverage move after you beat Charlotte.

Obtainability: You can easily get Clefairy the moment you enter Agate Circus. It is a reward from the minigame Samson plays the first time you meet him. Agate Circus is already in the late stages of the game though, so the effort to train it sometimes outweighs its usefulness.

Relevance after Acquisition: Clefable can be a good addition to most teams and replace Psychic type Pokemon like Gothitelle or Reuniclus with its ability to get past Dark type Pokemon. Minimize + recovery in the form of Moonlight or Ultra Potions lets it defeat most Pokemon 1 on 1, if a Pokemon can't 2HKO a Minimize or Cosmic Power Clefable, it won't beat it and also allow Clefable to set up and sweep afterwards. Clefable makes most Meteor and random trainer fights easier, but needs to watch out for Poison and Steel types.

Boss fight help: Without setting up, Clefable can't do much against Charlotte or Terra, except sponging damage and taking out Garchomp. Clefable beats many Pokemon on Samson's team though and is bulky enough to carry your Team through the fight. It also deals with Ciels Mega Altaria, which is nice.

B+ on Reborn, while it can only be caught in the late game, it can still hold its own in most fights and even sweep with a bit of support. A solid A or even A+ as a Fairy Type.

Edited by Sohn der Höhe
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Eh, I may as well do one of my favorite Pokemon. I'll do Alakazam at some point as well


Name: Zuko Ninetales

Stats: 73/76/75/81/100/100 (+252 Sp Atk, +252 Speed)

Ability(ies): Drought/Flash Fire

Item(s): Heat Rock

Suggested Nature: Timid or Modest


EG: ~ Flamethrower/Heatwave

~ Confuse Ray/Nasty Plot

~ Will-o-Wisp

~ Hex /Dark Pulse


Ninetales is one of those rare overlooked Pokemon in Reborn. It's pretty hard to get having to bring a...is it still a Carnevine...I don't remember. It's a trade evolution so it'll level up quickly but it still requires some babying before you can even consider it. It has one very important use though to make up for its lackluster Special Attack: Drought. Drought is a very good ability that can help out in so many situation, especially if you build a team around. It can turn water gym leaders using Politoed right on there back creating a rainbow field to your advantage. Since it has access to Will-o-wisp and pretty good speed, it can actually shut down physical attackers before dying (sometimes it'll live). Flamethrower will almost always put a huge dent in the opponent to boot.


While I love Ninetales to death, I have to give it a B- ranking just for its horrible availability. It's only niche is it's Drought as you get many better fire types earlier in the game such as Typhlosion, Darmanitan, and even Emboar. For a Fire Mono, this baby is S ranked for sure. It's one of the few mons that can handle Water types quite well due to its good special defense and one of the few with Will-o-wisp access.

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Eh, I may as well do one of my favorite Pokemon. I'll do Alakazam at some point as well


Name: Zuko Ninetales

Stats: 73/76/75/81/100/100 (+252 Sp Atk, +252 Speed)

Ability(ies): Drought/Flash Fire

Item(s): Heat Rock

Suggested Nature: Timid or Modest


EG: ~ Flamethrower/Heatwave

~ Confuse Ray/Nasty Plot

~ Will-o-Wisp

~ Hex /Dark Pulse


Ninetales is one of those rare overlooked Pokemon in Reborn. It's pretty hard to get having to bring a...is it still a Carnevine...I don't remember. It's a trade evolution so it'll level up quickly but it still requires some babying before you can even consider it. It has one very important use though to make up for its lackluster Special Attack: Drought. Drought is a very good ability that can help out in so many situation, especially if you build a team around. It can turn water gym leaders using Politoed right on there back creating a rainbow field to your advantage. Since it has access to Will-o-wisp and pretty good speed, it can actually shut down physical attackers before dying (sometimes it'll live). Flamethrower will almost always put a huge dent in the opponent to boot.


While I love Ninetales to death, I have to give it a B- ranking just for its horrible availability. It's only niche is it's Drought as you get many better fire types earlier in the game such as Typhlosion, Darmanitan, and even Emboar. For a Fire Mono, this baby is S ranked for sure. It's one of the few mons that can handle Water types quite well due to its good special defense and one of the few with Will-o-wisp access.

I'd put Ninetales in around A- overall. It's great support for Fire monos but due to how late you get it you won't be able to benefit from it as early as earlier episodes, but is this different in Rejuvenation/Hardcore? Admittedly, I'd also ask a few things of Hardcore since my guide does touch on it, if I may.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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I'd put Ninetales in around A- overall. It's great support for Fire monos but due to how late you get it you won't be able to benefit from it as early as earlier episodes, but is this different in Rejuvenation/Hardcore? Admittedly, I'd also ask a few things of Hardcore since my guide does touch on it, if I may.

I can't say about Rejuvenation (I still haven finished it), but try to not think of Hardcore and Reborn as two separate entities so much. Here's a few key differences between hardcore and regular reborn in usability:

-From Julia to Shelly, there's a five level shift allowing for more Pokemon to evolve earlier

-Cheap tactics and gimmicky Pokemon such as Kricketune aren't as useful and won't make for easy wins

-The availability of some water pokemon was pushed back

-Experience is quite abundant allowing for Pokemon found later in the game to be leveled up easier (sometimes even run reserve mons easier)

What I'm trying to say is that if something is useful in Reborn, it's probably going to be be just as useful in Hardcore since the focus is skill, not strength. Try to think of leaders as more refined fights.

Edit: I suppose A- is fine. It's kind of hard to rank Ninetales as a Sun setter is kind of important.

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To be honest I haven't played Rejuvenation, but here I go anyway...


Name: Waifu

Name: Best Eeveelution

Name: Sylveon

Suggested Rank: A or A+ in a normal Reborn run, but since there are only a few viable fairies she may actually be S material in this case

Stats: 95 HP/65 Attack/65 Defense/110 S.Atk/130 S.Def/60 Speed

Ability: Pixilate

Items: Pixie Plate, Amplifield Rock when episode 16 drops. IF it ever drops.



Echoed Voice

Misty Terrain/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power/see other options

Nuclear Trump Card/Hyper Beam*

Other move options:

Since we're talking fairy monotype runs here, chances are someone else on your team has misty terrain and holds an ampifield rock. In that case if you don't want to waste a moveslot with the same move on your Sylveon, you can give it Shadow Ball/Hidden Power so it at least has one move that isn't Fairy type. Or, you could go with a status move like Swagger, Double Team, Attract, Substitute, or Light Screen. Sorry, can't learn Reflect without a TM, which isn't available yet.

Eevee's always been a popular Pokemon due to its design and the fact that it can evolve into several other forms, all of which have fan favorite designs as well. But what no one wants to admit is that up until recently, none of them were really all that good. Then Sylveon happened. Honestly, if it weren't for its hidden ability it would have been around the same level as the others, but since Pixilate is easily available in Reborn (and I'm pretty sure Rejuvenation too) she's a special attacking powerhouse, top tier waifu material, undoubtably the most powerful of eevee's forms, and my second favorite Pokemon of all time. For moves she's got Moonblast like every other fairy ever, although if you want you can exchange it for Swift. Weaker, but never misses. Your choice. But her REAL power is the Nuclear Trump Card. Trump Card's a move she can only learn as an eevee at level 45, but since she's gotten at a time when your team is probably past that, it's not a problem. If you go into a boss battle with only 1 PP on that move, and have the Misty Field up, and are holding a Pixie Plate, then


What's more is that once you get Echoed Voice, setting it up to 5 consecutive uses gives it the exact same power as Trump Card has with 1 PP left! Sylveon then becomes a nuke spewing destroyer of worlds!

Obtainability: Eevee is available before Serra, although actually getting to is is kind of a pain. Ya gotta go in a secret cave in the middle of that convoluted forest, the entrance to which only appears on windy nights. Then you gotta solve a puzzle that requires you having found ANOTHER secret spot in the forest and reading the diary there. However the lateness of her availablilty isn't a big deal, because it actually helps her in the RoA department

RaA: If Eevee were available before where it is currently, it would have ended up being dead weight up until around Serra anyway. You don't want to evolve it into Sylveon until after she's learned Trump Card at level 45, but since your team's probably past 45 by the time you get there anyway it's not too bad. All you have to do is a bit of grinding and you can have a fully functioning adorable nuke shooter immediatley after you get Eevee! And once you get the TM for Echoed Voice she becomes even more insane! Unfortunatley, while you SHOULD be able to get Echoed Voice via breeding in episode 12, it doesn't work due to a glitch. But regardless, she never loses even an ounce of viability no matter how far into the game you get.

Bosses: Since the Nuclear Trump Card will one-shot almost anything that doesn't resist Fairy or isn't a monsterous special tank, Sylveon will find at least some use in any boss fight. All you gotta do is go waste your other four Trump Cards on some random wild Pokemon before going to fight the boss, and you're set. Fun fact: my own Sylveon defeated El's Ditto Arceus single handedly!

Drawbacks: No Hyper Voice as of now. Even if Ame gives us Hyper Voice next episode, it'll be really late game. However, the buffs that the Misty Field gives faries doesn't exist in the official games, so it kinda balances out. It's also worth mentioning that the TM for Echoed Voice isn't gettable until Ametrine City. Also unless you have Shadow Ball or certain Hidden Power types, her only attacks are Fairy type. She's a bit on the slow side, but her defenses mean she's probably gonna be able to survive long enough to kill her opponent first. Especially if it's a special attacker.

Bonus Round: Numbers. Just so that you grasp the sheer POWER of Sylveon, check out the BP of her moves. And keep in mind this is all coming from a respectable base 110 Special Attack stat.

Moonblast: 95 BP + STAB + Pixie Plate + Misty Field = 256.5 BP in Misty Field, 171 otherwise

Swift: 60 BP + Pixilate boost(affected by Misty Field) + STAB + Pixie Plate = 162 in Misty Field, 140.4 otherwise. And it never misses.

Nuclear Trump Card: 200 BP ---> 540 BP in Misty Field, 468 otherwise

Hyper beam if for some reason you do that instead of Trump Card: 150BP ---> 405 in Misty Field, 351 otherwise

Echoed Voice 1: 40 BP ---> 108 in Misty Field, 93.6 otherwise

Echoed Voice 2: 80 BP ---> 216 in Misty Field, 187.2 otherwise

Echoed Voice 3: 120 BP ---> 324 in Misty Field, 280.8 otherwise

Echoed Voice 4: 160 BP --->432 in Misty Field, 374.4 otherwise

Echoed Voice 5 and up: Same as the Nuclear Trump Card. And it hits through substitute.

Hyper Voice whenever we get it: 90 BP ---> 263.25 in Misty Field, 210.6 otherwise. And it hits through substitute, and both opponents in double battles.

Sylveon is bae

Sometime later I'll do Badass. Err, I mean Slurpuff.

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I can't say about Rejuvenation (I still haven finished it), but try to not think of Hardcore and Reborn as two separate entities so much. Here's a few key differences between hardcore and regular reborn in usability:

-From Julia to Shelly, there's a five level shift allowing for more Pokemon to evolve earlier

-Cheap tactics and gimmicky Pokemon such as Kricketune aren't as useful and won't make for easy wins

-The availability of some water pokemon was pushed back

-Experience is quite abundant allowing for Pokemon found later in the game to be leveled up easier (sometimes even run reserve mons easier)

What I'm trying to say is that if something is useful in Reborn, it's probably going to be be just as useful in Hardcore since the focus is skill, not strength. Try to think of leaders as more refined fights.

Edit: I suppose A- is fine. It's kind of hard to rank Ninetales as a Sun setter is kind of important.

So I see. Thanks for the extra info, but I'll keep the significantly changed battles in mind.

To be honest I haven't played Rejuvenation, but here I go anyway...


Name: Waifu

Name: Best Eeveelution

Name: Sylveon

Suggested Rank: A or A+ in a normal Reborn run, but since there are only a few viable fairies she may actually be S material in this case

Stats: 95 HP/65 Attack/65 Defense/110 S.Atk/130 S.Def/60 Speed

Ability: Pixilate

Items: Pixie Plate, Amplifield Rock when episode 16 drops. IF it ever drops.



Echoed Voice

Misty Terrain/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power/see other options

Nuclear Trump Card/Hyper Beam*

Other move options:

Since we're talking fairy monotype runs here, chances are someone else on your team has misty terrain and holds an ampifield rock. In that case if you don't want to waste a moveslot with the same move on your Sylveon, you can give it Shadow Ball/Hidden Power so it at least has one move that isn't Fairy type. Or, you could go with a status move like Swagger, Double Team, Attract, Substitute, or Light Screen. Sorry, can't learn Reflect without a TM, which isn't available yet.

Eevee's always been a popular Pokemon due to its design and the fact that it can evolve into several other forms, all of which have fan favorite designs as well. But what no one wants to admit is that up until recently, none of them were really all that good. Then Sylveon happened. Honestly, if it weren't for its hidden ability it would have been around the same level as the others, but since Pixilate is easily available in Reborn (and I'm pretty sure Rejuvenation too) she's a special attacking powerhouse, top tier waifu material, undoubtably the most powerful of eevee's forms, and my second favorite Pokemon of all time. For moves she's got Moonblast like every other fairy ever, although if you want you can exchange it for Swift. Weaker, but never misses. Your choice. But her REAL power is the Nuclear Trump Card. Trump Card's a move she can only learn as an eevee at level 45, but since she's gotten at a time when your team is probably past that, it's not a problem. If you go into a boss battle with only 1 PP on that move, and have the Misty Field up, and are holding a Pixie Plate, then


What's more is that once you get Echoed Voice, setting it up to 5 consecutive uses gives it the exact same power as Trump Card has with 1 PP left! Sylveon then becomes a nuke spewing destroyer of worlds!

Obtainability: Eevee is available before Serra, although actually getting to is is kind of a pain. Ya gotta go in a secret cave in the middle of that convoluted forest, the entrance to which only appears on windy nights. Then you gotta solve a puzzle that requires you having found ANOTHER secret spot in the forest and reading the diary there. However the lateness of her availablilty isn't a big deal, because it actually helps her in the RoA department

RaA: If Eevee were available before where it is currently, it would have ended up being dead weight up until around Serra anyway. You don't want to evolve it into Sylveon until after she's learned Trump Card at level 45, but since your team's probably past 45 by the time you get there anyway it's not too bad. All you have to do is a bit of grinding and you can have a fully functioning adorable nuke shooter immediatley after you get Eevee! And once you get the TM for Echoed Voice she becomes even more insane! Unfortunatley, while you SHOULD be able to get Echoed Voice via breeding in episode 12, it doesn't work due to a glitch. But regardless, she never loses even an ounce of viability no matter how far into the game you get.

Bosses: Since the Nuclear Trump Card will one-shot almost anything that doesn't resist Fairy or isn't a monsterous special tank, Sylveon will find at least some use in any boss fight. All you gotta do is go waste your other four Trump Cards on some random wild Pokemon before going to fight the boss, and you're set. Fun fact: my own Sylveon defeated El's Ditto Arceus single handedly!

Drawbacks: No Hyper Voice as of now. Even if Ame gives us Hyper Voice next episode, it'll be really late game. However, the buffs that the Misty Field gives faries doesn't exist in the official games, so it kinda balances out. It's also worth mentioning that the TM for Echoed Voice isn't gettable until Ametrine City. Also unless you have Shadow Ball or certain Hidden Power types, her only attacks are Fairy type. She's a bit on the slow side, but her defenses mean she's probably gonna be able to survive long enough to kill her opponent first. Especially if it's a special attacker.

Bonus Round: Numbers. Just so that you grasp the sheer POWER of Sylveon, check out the BP of her moves. And keep in mind this is all coming from a respectable base 110 Special Attack stat.

Moonblast: 95 BP + STAB + Pixie Plate + Misty Field = 256.5 BP in Misty Field, 171 otherwise

Swift: 60 BP + Pixilate boost(affected by Misty Field) + STAB + Pixie Plate = 162 in Misty Field, 140.4 otherwise. And it never misses.

Nuclear Trump Card: 200 BP ---> 540 BP in Misty Field, 468 otherwise

Hyper beam if for some reason you do that instead of Trump Card: 150BP ---> 405 in Misty Field, 351 otherwise

Echoed Voice 1: 40 BP ---> 108 in Misty Field, 93.6 otherwise

Echoed Voice 2: 80 BP ---> 216 in Misty Field, 187.2 otherwise

Echoed Voice 3: 120 BP ---> 324 in Misty Field, 280.8 otherwise

Echoed Voice 4: 160 BP --->432 in Misty Field, 374.4 otherwise

Echoed Voice 5 and up: Same as the Nuclear Trump Card. And it hits through substitute.

Hyper Voice whenever we get it: 90 BP ---> 263.25 in Misty Field, 210.6 otherwise. And it hits through substitute, and both opponents in double battles.

Sylveon is bae

Sometime later I'll do Badass. Err, I mean Slurpuff.

I appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm, but I would prefer a more formal way of preceding a ranking. I'll give you the credit, but I'll be rewriting this a fair bit. My appreciation to you nonetheless.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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I'll do Dodrio I suppose

I'll get a pic up later...mayber.

Name: Dodrio

Stats: 60/110/70/60/60/100 (+252 Atk, +252 Speed)

Ability(ies): Early Bird/Tangled Feet/Run Away (Yes not kidding about Run Away)

Item(s): Sharp Beak? Flying/Normal Plate

Suggested Nature: Jolly


EG: ~ Drill Peck/Brave Bird

~ Quick Attack

~ Accupressure/Pursuit

~ Sunny Day/Endeavor


I don't get it. Dodrio is a pretty good mon to have on your team and yet it seems to get completely ignored. In Hardcore, it can evolve into a Dodrio before Corey (with Pluck for that Sitrus Berry use) and Shelly in Regular Reborn. It has one use, but it's so good at it: hit the foe hard with Drill Peck. Sure it's not the best, or bulkiest mon in the world, but it'll give off two Drill Pecks at least putting huge dents in the opponent. And since it's available so early, it can put in quite some work even up to Terra if you'd like.

When it comes to abilities, none of Dodrios are really that good. My personal oppinion is Run Away unless you want to run thrash. It let's you auto escape a potentially dangerous threat such as Arena Trap Diglet and save on repels for cheapos like me. It's kind of sad seeing as none of Dodrios abilities have any super usefulness in Reborn though Early bird is useful on Bennett.


Dodrio gets a C rank from me for both mono and non mono. It's early availability makes it shine so much in which its usefulness only falters after Samson where Hawlucha is available. Without Staraptor around, its only rival in the flying type department is pretty much Acrobatics Jumpluff. Sure it takes some time to grind, but it'll be a trusty partner for a while.

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I would just like to note for future reference that it is possible to obtain metal coats by catching a *literal shitton* of magnemites in shade's area. (5% chance for it to be holding a metal coat.) Until Ame makes magnemites a single catch chance, you have unlimited metal coats :) (In my steel monotype run I have 4 total, one for steelix, one for magnezone, and 2 to hold just (or just in case)) :)

EDIT: I also feel like since I've completed (up until this point) my monotype-steel run, I could impart my knowledge about steel types, except I am VERY bad at assigning grades to my pokemon (I love them all <3) I'll try not to repeat any that have been done, sorry if I do.



Name: Bronzong

Stats: 67/89/116/79/116

Ability(ies): Heatproof

Item(s): Air Baloon

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~ Trick Room

~ Confuse Ray

~ Extrasensory

~ Rain Dance / Something else you want, this is just for charlotte


Oh Bronzong. How I love, and hate, you. Bronzong got me through some of the toughest gyms in my mono-steel run, and for that, I love him. Other than being a complete gimmick, I hate him. He has an amazing ability to set up fights with trick room / confuse ray, and rain dance for charlotte, and can easily turn a hard fight into a cakewalk because of that. Furthermore, he helped me get through T3RR4 by giving him an air baloon and having him set up trick room and spamming extrasensory to kill nidoking. Overall he's a good addition to a Steel type team, even if there are more powerful steel / psychic types. He's just so good at beating up Gym Leaders with his shenanigans.



Name: Steelix

Stats: 75/85/200/55/65/30

Abilit(ies): Sturdy

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A



~Iron Tail


~Rock Slide


Onto Steelix, A solid pick in the early game because of how early and easily you can get onix, although you will spend some time farming magnemites for a metal coat, and using a link stone to get Steelix. A solid physical wall, he is very good in the earlier parts of the game because of how beefy he can be, but he falls prey to physical attackers quite easily. Broad moveset allows him to be useful even if he doesn't hit hard, and he wrecks early double battles with Rock Slide causing flinching (if it hits, and only sometimes, but hey, its something) Overall he's a decently solid choice, but gets outclassed once better pokemon become available.

Wormadam (Trash Coat)


Name: Wormadam

Stats: 60/69/95/69/95/36

Abilit(ies): Overcoat

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Shadow Ball


~Bug Bite



Alright, hear me out: You get pretty desperate for pokemon in a monosteel type run, because there's not much to get early game. I picked this guy up as an extra mon, and he proved to be a SOLID pick for the early game. I dropped him as soon as I could, yeah, but that's not saying he didn't carry me through a good portion of the game with his use of bug bite and psybeam taking out pokemon left and right. While he might not be the best pick, for the early game he might be just what you need ;)



Name: Forretress

Stats: 75/90/140/60/60/40

Abilit(ies): Overcoat / Sturdy

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Spikes

~Bug Bite




Okay, for lack of better moves in the game, he seems a bit gimmicky too, right? Wrong. This little bugger carried me through Kiki's gym AND Aya's gym (although with monosteel that was a cakewalk, but this guy made it laughably easy) You might be wondering, HOW ON EARTH DID A FORRETRESS BEAT KIKI? Well, roughly 6 hours of RNG spam, thats how. Basically, Medicham used high jump kick when he used protect, and medicham killed itself. Took a LOOONNNGG time to get those results, but it worked. Anyways, this guy spamming spikes with Aya's field effect ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED her. Spikes is counted as a ground type move, so it SMASHES her poison mons in the gym. Not to mention he's immune to her poison moves :). A decent mon to pick up, but not the best once others come into play.



Name: Escavalier

Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20

Abilit(ies): Overcoat

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A



~Swords Dance

~Iron Head



A Solid pickup, carried me through Radomus and killed the Mewtwo before T3RR4 in ONE HIT. That's right, ONE SHOT BABY. So yeah, a solid pick that is still on my team



Name: Klingklang

Stats: 60/100/115/70/85/90

Abilit(ies): Pluse / Minues, pretty much useless but theres not much else

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Gear Grind



~Shift Gear


A very nice pokemon to have in the middish game, can easily set up sweeps with shift gear, although gear grind is not 100%. I picked discharge and charge mainly for the type coverage, as theres not much else for klingklang to learn



Name: Excadrill

Stats: 110/135/60/50/65/88

Abilit(ies): Sand Rush

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A




~Rock Slide

~Swords Dance


Easy to set up sweeps with sandstorm / sand rush, and swords dance into earthquake spam. A very solid pokemon, used it in charlottes gym with trick room going on to spam that rock slide >: )

And I think that's most all of what I know from my run so far, I could give insight on other steel types if you would like though. Thanks!

Edited by Mortally Divine
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To be honest I haven't played Rejuvenation, but here I go anyway...


Name: Waifu

Name: Best Eeveelution

Name: Sylveon

Suggested Rank: A or A+ in a normal Reborn run, but since there are only a few viable fairies she may actually be S material in this case

Stats: 95 HP/65 Attack/65 Defense/110 S.Atk/130 S.Def/60 Speed

Ability: Pixilate

Items: Pixie Plate, Amplifield Rock when episode 16 drops. IF it ever drops.



Echoed Voice

Misty Terrain/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power/see other options

Nuclear Trump Card/Hyper Beam*

Other move options:

Since we're talking fairy monotype runs here, chances are someone else on your team has misty terrain and holds an ampifield rock. In that case if you don't want to waste a moveslot with the same move on your Sylveon, you can give it Shadow Ball/Hidden Power so it at least has one move that isn't Fairy type. Or, you could go with a status move like Swagger, Double Team, Attract, Substitute, or Light Screen. Sorry, can't learn Reflect without a TM, which isn't available yet.

Eevee's always been a popular Pokemon due to its design and the fact that it can evolve into several other forms, all of which have fan favorite designs as well. But what no one wants to admit is that up until recently, none of them were really all that good. Then Sylveon happened. Honestly, if it weren't for its hidden ability it would have been around the same level as the others, but since Pixilate is easily available in Reborn (and I'm pretty sure Rejuvenation too) she's a special attacking powerhouse, top tier waifu material, undoubtably the most powerful of eevee's forms, and my second favorite Pokemon of all time. For moves she's got Moonblast like every other fairy ever, although if you want you can exchange it for Swift. Weaker, but never misses. Your choice. But her REAL power is the Nuclear Trump Card. Trump Card's a move she can only learn as an eevee at level 45, but since she's gotten at a time when your team is probably past that, it's not a problem. If you go into a boss battle with only 1 PP on that move, and have the Misty Field up, and are holding a Pixie Plate, then


What's more is that once you get Echoed Voice, setting it up to 5 consecutive uses gives it the exact same power as Trump Card has with 1 PP left! Sylveon then becomes a nuke spewing destroyer of worlds!

Obtainability: Eevee is available before Serra, although actually getting to is is kind of a pain. Ya gotta go in a secret cave in the middle of that convoluted forest, the entrance to which only appears on windy nights. Then you gotta solve a puzzle that requires you having found ANOTHER secret spot in the forest and reading the diary there. However the lateness of her availablilty isn't a big deal, because it actually helps her in the RoA department

RaA: If Eevee were available before where it is currently, it would have ended up being dead weight up until around Serra anyway. You don't want to evolve it into Sylveon until after she's learned Trump Card at level 45, but since your team's probably past 45 by the time you get there anyway it's not too bad. All you have to do is a bit of grinding and you can have a fully functioning adorable nuke shooter immediatley after you get Eevee! And once you get the TM for Echoed Voice she becomes even more insane! Unfortunatley, while you SHOULD be able to get Echoed Voice via breeding in episode 12, it doesn't work due to a glitch. But regardless, she never loses even an ounce of viability no matter how far into the game you get.

Bosses: Since the Nuclear Trump Card will one-shot almost anything that doesn't resist Fairy or isn't a monsterous special tank, Sylveon will find at least some use in any boss fight. All you gotta do is go waste your other four Trump Cards on some random wild Pokemon before going to fight the boss, and you're set. Fun fact: my own Sylveon defeated El's Ditto Arceus single handedly!

Drawbacks: No Hyper Voice as of now. Even if Ame gives us Hyper Voice next episode, it'll be really late game. However, the buffs that the Misty Field gives faries doesn't exist in the official games, so it kinda balances out. It's also worth mentioning that the TM for Echoed Voice isn't gettable until Ametrine City. Also unless you have Shadow Ball or certain Hidden Power types, her only attacks are Fairy type. She's a bit on the slow side, but her defenses mean she's probably gonna be able to survive long enough to kill her opponent first. Especially if it's a special attacker.

Bonus Round: Numbers. Just so that you grasp the sheer POWER of Sylveon, check out the BP of her moves. And keep in mind this is all coming from a respectable base 110 Special Attack stat.

Moonblast: 95 BP + STAB + Pixie Plate + Misty Field = 256.5 BP in Misty Field, 171 otherwise

Swift: 60 BP + Pixilate boost(affected by Misty Field) + STAB + Pixie Plate = 162 in Misty Field, 140.4 otherwise. And it never misses.

Nuclear Trump Card: 200 BP ---> 540 BP in Misty Field, 468 otherwise

Hyper beam if for some reason you do that instead of Trump Card: 150BP ---> 405 in Misty Field, 351 otherwise

Echoed Voice 1: 40 BP ---> 108 in Misty Field, 93.6 otherwise

Echoed Voice 2: 80 BP ---> 216 in Misty Field, 187.2 otherwise

Echoed Voice 3: 120 BP ---> 324 in Misty Field, 280.8 otherwise

Echoed Voice 4: 160 BP --->432 in Misty Field, 374.4 otherwise

Echoed Voice 5 and up: Same as the Nuclear Trump Card. And it hits through substitute.

Hyper Voice whenever we get it: 90 BP ---> 263.25 in Misty Field, 210.6 otherwise. And it hits through substitute, and both opponents in double battles.

Sylveon is bae

Sometime later I'll do Badass. Err, I mean Slurpuff.

On the subject of a Sylveon + Echoed Voice set, if you want to really rock that one, you need to use a Metronome. :) Each time you use the same move consecutively, it adds a 20% bonus up to an extra 100%. I made a quick excel sheet with the numbers (spoilered below).


Basically, starting at round 3 of Echoed Voice & Metronome Sylveon laughs at your tears and despair. Sure, you sacrifice a bit of power for the first turn, but after that... hahaha.

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I'll do Dodrio I suppose

I'll get a pic up later...mayber.

Name: Dodrio

Stats: 60/110/70/60/60/100 (+252 Atk, +252 Speed)

Ability(ies): Early Bird/Tangled Feet/Run Away (Yes not kidding about Run Away)

Item(s): Sharp Beak? Flying/Normal Plate

Suggested Nature: Jolly


EG: ~ Drill Peck/Brave Bird

~ Quick Attack

~ Accupressure/Pursuit

~ Sunny Day/Endeavor


I don't get it. Dodrio is a pretty good mon to have on your team and yet it seems to get completely ignored. In Hardcore, it can evolve into a Dodrio before Corey (with Pluck for that Sitrus Berry use) and Shelly in Regular Reborn. It has one use, but it's so good at it: hit the foe hard with Drill Peck. Sure it's not the best, or bulkiest mon in the world, but it'll give off two Drill Pecks at least putting huge dents in the opponent. And since it's available so early, it can put in quite some work even up to Terra if you'd like.

When it comes to abilities, none of Dodrios are really that good. My personal oppinion is Run Away unless you want to run thrash. It let's you auto escape a potentially dangerous threat such as Arena Trap Diglet and save on repels for cheapos like me. It's kind of sad seeing as none of Dodrios abilities have any super usefulness in Reborn though Early bird is useful on Bennett.


Dodrio gets a C rank from me for both mono and non mono. It's early availability makes it shine so much in which its usefulness only falters after Samson where Hawlucha is available. Without Staraptor around, its only rival in the flying type department is pretty much Acrobatics Jumpluff. Sure it takes some time to grind, but it'll be a trusty partner for a while.

I am appreciative of your new ranking. I'll add it in shortly.

I would just like to note for future reference that it is possible to obtain metal coats by catching a *literal shitton* of magnemites in shade's area. (5% chance for it to be holding a metal coat.) Until Ame makes magnemites a single catch chance, you have unlimited metal coats :) (In my steel monotype run I have 4 total, one for steelix, one for magnezone, and 2 to hold just (or just in case)) :)

EDIT: I also feel like since I've completed (up until this point) my monotype-steel run, I could impart my knowledge about steel types, except I am VERY bad at assigning grades to my pokemon (I love them all <3) I'll try not to repeat any that have been done, sorry if I do.



Name: Bronzong


HP: 67

Atk: 89

Def: 116

Sp. Atk: 79

Sp. Def: 116

Spd: 33

Ability(ies): Heatproof

Item(s): Air Baloon


~ Trick Room

~ Confuse Ray

~ Extrasensory

~ Rain Dance / Something else you want, this is just for charlotte

Oh Bronzong. How I love, and hate, you. Bronzong got me through some of the toughest gyms in my mono-steel run, and for that, I love him. Other than being a complete gimmick, I hate him. He has an amazing ability to set up fights with trick room / confuse ray, and rain dance for charlotte, and can easily turn a hard fight into a cakewalk because of that. Furthermore, he helped me get through T3RR4 by giving him an air baloon and having him set up trick room and spamming extrasensory to kill nidoking. Overall he's a good addition to a Steel type team, even if there are more powerful steel / psychic types. He's just so good at beating up Gym Leaders with his shenanigans.



Name: Steelix


HP: 75

Atk: 85

Def: 200

Sp. Atk: 55

Sp. Def: 65

Spd: 30

Abilities: Sturdy



~Iron Tail


~Rock Slide

Onto Steelix, A solid pick in the early game because of how early and easily you can get onix, although you will spend some time farming magnemites for a metal coat, and using a link stone to get Steelix. A solid physical wall, he is very good in the earlier parts of the game because of how beefy he can be, but he falls prey to physical attackers quite easily. Broad moveset allows him to be useful even if he doesn't hit hard, and he wrecks early double battles with Rock Slide causing flinching (if it hits, and only sometimes, but hey, its something) Overall he's a decently solid choice, but gets outclassed once better pokemon become available.

Wormadam (Trash Coat)


Name: Wormadam


HP: 60

Atk: 69

Def: 95

Sp. Atk: 69

Sp. Def: 95

Spd: 36

Abilities: Overcoat


~Shadow Ball


~Bug Bite


Alright, hear me out: You get pretty desperate for pokemon in a monosteel type run, because there's not much to get early game. I picked this guy up as an extra mon, and he proved to be a SOLID pick for the early game. I dropped him as soon as I could, yeah, but that's not saying he didn't carry me through a good portion of the game with his use of bug bite and psybeam taking out pokemon left and right. While he might not be the best pick, for the early game he might be just what you need ;)



Name: Forretress


HP: 75

Atk: 90

Def: 140

Sp. Atk: 60

Sp. Def: 60

Speed: 40

Abilites: Overcoat / Sturdy



~Bug Bite



Okay, for lack of better moves in the game, he seems a bit gimmicky too, right? Wrong. This little bugger carried me through Kiki's gym AND Aya's gym (although with monosteel that was a cakewalk, but this guy made it laughably easy) You might be wondering, HOW ON EARTH DID A FORRETRESS BEAT KIKI? Well, roughly 6 hours of RNG spam, thats how. Basically, Medicham used high jump kick when he used protect, and killed itself. Took a LOOONNNGG time to get those results, but it worked damnit. Anyways, this guy spamming spikes with Aya's field effect ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED her. Spikes is counted as a ground type move, so it SMASHES her poison mons in the gym. Not to mention he's immune to her poison moves :). A decent mon to pick up, but not the best once others come into play.



Name: Escavalier


HP: 70

Atk: 135

Def: 105

Sp. Atk: 60

Sp. Def: 105

Speed: 20

Abilities: Overcoat



~Swords Dance

~Iron Head


A Solid pickup, carried me through Radomus and killed the Mewtwo before T3RR4 in ONE HIT. That's right, ONE SHOT BABY. So yeah, a solid pick that is still on my team



Name: Klingklang


HP: 60

Atk: 100

Def: 115

Sp. Atk: 70

Sp. Def: 85

Speed: 90

Abilities: Pluse / Minues, pretty much useless but theres not much else


~Gear Grind



~Shift Gear

A very nice pokemon to have in the middish game, can easily set up sweeps with shift gear, although gear grind is not 100%. I picked discharge and charge mainly for the type coverage, as theres not much else for klingklang to learn



Name: Excadrill


HP: 110

Atk: 135

Def: 60

Sp. Atk: 50

Sp Def: 65

Spd: 88

Abilites: Sand Rush




~Rock Slide

~Swords Dance

Easy to set up sweeps with sandstorm / sand rush, and swords dance into earthquake spam. A very solid pokemon, used it in charlottes gym with trick room going on to spam that rock slide >: )

And I think that's most all of what I know from my run so far, I could give insight on other steel types if you would like though. Thanks!

I am appreciative of your incentive to add it in, but this doesn't adhere to my given formatting at all, so I'll have to put these out until someone else has the time or I myself will have to moderate it. My thanks nonetheless.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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I filled out the template for your formatting wrong, I'll fix it later tonight when I have more time, have some final exams to take today.

In the middle of class I was able to fill it out better. I don't really EV train or care a whole lot about nature, although I know it's important, so I left those as either blank or N/A. I changed out my items to fit the situation, so those are also N/A. Here is the one that *should* fit your formatting a little bit better, sorry for the misunderstanding of the template on the first try.



Name: Bronzong

Stats: 67/89/116/79/116

Ability(ies): Heatproof

Item(s): Air Baloon

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~ Trick Room

~ Confuse Ray

~ Extrasensory

~ Rain Dance / Something else you want, this is just for charlotte


Oh Bronzong. How I love, and hate, you. Bronzong got me through some of the toughest gyms in my mono-steel run, and for that, I love him. Other than being a complete gimmick, I hate him. He has an amazing ability to set up fights with trick room / confuse ray, and rain dance for charlotte, and can easily turn a hard fight into a cakewalk because of that. Furthermore, he helped me get through T3RR4 by giving him an air baloon and having him set up trick room and spamming extrasensory to kill nidoking. Overall he's a good addition to a Steel type team, even if there are more powerful steel / psychic types. He's just so good at beating up Gym Leaders with his shenanigans.



Name: Steelix

Stats: 75/85/200/55/65/30

Abilit(ies): Sturdy

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A



~Iron Tail


~Rock Slide


Onto Steelix, A solid pick in the early game because of how early and easily you can get onix, although you will spend some time farming magnemites for a metal coat, and using a link stone to get Steelix. A solid physical wall, he is very good in the earlier parts of the game because of how beefy he can be, but he falls prey to physical attackers quite easily. Broad moveset allows him to be useful even if he doesn't hit hard, and he wrecks early double battles with Rock Slide causing flinching (if it hits, and only sometimes, but hey, its something) Overall he's a decently solid choice, but gets outclassed once better pokemon become available.

Wormadam (Trash Coat)


Name: Wormadam

Stats: 60/69/95/69/95/36

Abilit(ies): Overcoat

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Shadow Ball


~Bug Bite



Alright, hear me out: You get pretty desperate for pokemon in a monosteel type run, because there's not much to get early game. I picked this guy up as an extra mon, and he proved to be a SOLID pick for the early game. I dropped him as soon as I could, yeah, but that's not saying he didn't carry me through a good portion of the game with his use of bug bite and psybeam taking out pokemon left and right. While he might not be the best pick, for the early game he might be just what you need ;)



Name: Forretress

Stats: 75/90/140/60/60/40

Abilit(ies): Overcoat / Sturdy

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Spikes

~Bug Bite




Okay, for lack of better moves in the game, he seems a bit gimmicky too, right? Wrong. This little bugger carried me through Kiki's gym AND Aya's gym (although with monosteel that was a cakewalk, but this guy made it laughably easy) You might be wondering, HOW ON EARTH DID A FORRETRESS BEAT KIKI? Well, roughly 6 hours of RNG spam, thats how. Basically, Medicham used high jump kick when he used protect, and medicham killed itself. Took a LOOONNNGG time to get those results, but it worked. Anyways, this guy spamming spikes with Aya's field effect ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED her. Spikes is counted as a ground type move, so it SMASHES her poison mons in the gym. Not to mention he's immune to her poison moves :). A decent mon to pick up, but not the best once others come into play.



Name: Escavalier

Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20

Abilit(ies): Overcoat

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A



~Swords Dance

~Iron Head



A Solid pickup, carried me through Radomus and killed the Mewtwo before T3RR4 in ONE HIT. That's right, ONE SHOT BABY. So yeah, a solid pick that is still on my team



Name: Klingklang

Stats: 60/100/115/70/85/90

Abilit(ies): Pluse / Minues, pretty much useless but theres not much else

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A


EG: ~Gear Grind



~Shift Gear


A very nice pokemon to have in the middish game, can easily set up sweeps with shift gear, although gear grind is not 100%. I picked discharge and charge mainly for the type coverage, as theres not much else for klingklang to learn



Name: Excadrill

Stats: 110/135/60/50/65/88

Abilit(ies): Sand Rush

Item(s): N/A

Suggested Nature: N/A




~Rock Slide

~Swords Dance


Easy to set up sweeps with sandstorm / sand rush, and swords dance into earthquake spam. A very solid pokemon, used it in charlottes gym with trick room going on to spam that rock slide >: )

Edited by Mortally Divine
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