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Somewhat of a deep question. Why do you play pokemon?


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I've been wanting get a census on this topic cause the differing answers for this and its best to ask multiple ppl.

Back to the question at hand why do i play pokemon. What's the magnet that keeps drawing me back.

My answer might seem dumb but i feel like its a young memory i cant let go of or want to. Pokemon actually helped me out in a rough part of my life it helped me overcome my depression. For example the cutscene in R/S OR/AS where after kyogre or groudon escapes and you see the terrible weather and world starts to flood or dry up. Everything looks like its the end or we're doomed... But what it taught me is that no matter how bleak the situation no matter how dark the night there is always a way through. just got to fight for it.

This my friends is why i keep coming back to pokemon despite the numerous hours of fun and enjoyment the game gives me its also very therapeutic.

Im interested to see your guy's answers as well.

Edited by firewidow
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I'd love to give you an interesting, unique and inspiring answer but I simply don't have any such reason, I play pokemon because I want to yeah I really enjoy it and have played it from the very first games but I don't play it for any purpose other than to play it.

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Nostalgia from my early years (even though that only extends back to Gen 3) has helped, of course. I think one reason I still play it is because I took a break after Heartgold (I hadn't touched Gen 5 until I got White 2 free with my 3DS, and I haven't played XY either), because I fear that I may have been bled dry of my enthusiasm by now had I continued playing year by year. However, a five year break before returning to ORAS means it's somewhat fresh again.

Another reason is Reborn. It opened my eyes to the magic of an actually challenging Pokémon game, and managed to set me on a reimmersion of my love for the franchise. Maybe by the time Gen 8 comes around, I'll have lost interest again. Maybe not. I'll just have to wait it out.

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i still play pokemon and watch it because it there are many deep quotes in them that can help to discover your mental path so you can move on with a perfect life it kinda helped me decide what i would do in the future

im sure many people already discovered most of them

Edited by cmdemension
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Other than simply enjoying it, Pokémon is a really important part of my life. It's always been there as an escape for me. From the times when my step father and mother would have shouting matches, to when my step mother locked me away in a room from everyone else when I was little. It's always been there. But, that's only part of it. The other big reason, is because when I'm playing those games, I get absorbed in them; I feel like I'm important and like I matter, even when I feel like I'm not and don't in the real world.

Even when I'm feeling my lowest here, in there; I always have at least six companions who care for and love me unconditionally, even if I fail momentarily there as well. I'm important there, not only to them, but the people in the world. I accomplish big things, take down great evils, I do so much that I would never be able to just... Do or accomplish here.

It's a valuable escape for me. That's why I play it.

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I don't actually know why I play Pokemon.

I don't have the nostalgia factor, since I didn't start playing until XY.

It's not similar to any other games I play - before that I had mostly Mario platformers - so there isn't that either.

And by all accounts I shouldn't play it anymore because around the time I got it I got it because it was something enjoyed by the twelve-year-old kid I hung out with, and he and I had a fall-out a month later when he decided to start making fun of a bunch of my forum friends for hanging out on the computer all day. Ironically, said friends are a trading guild on the Pokemon X/Y boards on GameFAQs (they've since moved to the oR/aS boards). So, I guess I broke up with the kid who first (re)introduced me to Pokemon...over friends I made because of Pokemon.

Come to think of it, I have a lot of little quirks like that. I'm no longer friends with the woman who first showed me that my (now) wife loved me, because of a disagreement we-as-a-couple had with her.

Edited by Rot8er_ConeX
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Oh lordy, where do I begin...

Pokemon has been around in my family for a LONG time. First, my sister liked Pokemon, but then me, my brother, and younger sister enjoyed it. We always bonded by watching the anime, playing the games, and at one point, we even claimed Pokemon (I forget the long list, but I'm just hoping I had Honchkrow, because that is my ace). It wasn't until Sinnoh/Unova times when almost everybody moved on to other things. I tend to enjoy Pokemon a lot more these days, and generally hype over Pokemon games I enjoy. However, I don't think any of the four of us ever completely lost interest in Pokemon, because to this day, we sit at home, watching the good old anime, listening to Poketunes, etc. (Trust me... My family has so much Pokemon stuff, it's ridiculous.)

But why is it that I like Pokemon so much? Pokemon has taught me MANY, many things over the years. It has taught me about evolution, genetics, and more (Ironically, it didn't teach me about taking care of pets, because my younger sister usually takes care of the cats. However, I do help take care of our dog, so I suppose I learned SOMETHING from Pokemon). Ironically, Pokemon inspired my future career (And no, not as a Pokemon Master!). When I came to Reborn, played the game, and participated in the leagues and such, I was inspired by Dr. Sigmund Connal to become a psychologist and psychiatrist (Sigmund is a orphanage director too, but I was mostly inspired by psychology). Without Reborn, I would still probably be fantasizing about running for President of the United States, or thinking about being a video game developer (Ironically, I've thought about making a Pokemon fangame for years, but now I'm actually carrying out far more than I ever did before! It is still a work in progress, however...). My brother's trying to become a game designer, however, so I'm proud of him (If he ever works for Gamefreak, I will definitely ask him if he could make a werewolf Pokemon!) for that. I guess Sigmund inspiring me is why Sigmund is one of my favorite characters in Reborn.

Surprisingly, I've done so well in both Psychology AND Biology, so my future's actually looking good for me, and it's all thanks to Pokemon. It's funny how a kid's game that supports animal-fighting actually inspired my future career, helped me so well in my favorite subjects, and also inspired me to stay in Reborn for so long (As well as making a game of my own). I'm really thankful for Gamefreak and Nintendo, I'm thankful for Reborn for accepting me, and I'm thankful for Pokemon in general, because without all of these things, I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. (I mean, can you imagine me playing football? Blasphemy!)

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Why do I play Pokemon? At first I'm not sure perhaps I was captivated by the creature themselves or the promise of adventures. However sitting here having played Pokemon now for a majority of my life I can say that I play Pokemon for

the excitement when you catch Mewtwo with your last pokeball, the rush as you watch the health of Steven's Metagross tick down to 0 after a hard fought battle, The serenity you feel walking down route 216 listening to the music and taking in the snow, The rage when your opponents Delphox survives with only a minuscule amount of HP from an attack you thought would definitely KO, the laughter when that happens to your friend,The anxiety as you beg and plead with your Quilava not to KO a lucky shiny, the sorrow you feel after having Sampson beat you into the ground for the umpteenth time and the flair of determination when you go to challenge him again, The suspicion as Ghetsis tries to convince you of Team Plasmas righteousness, the humbleness when standing in the presences of Rayquaza having just climbed Sky Pillar and the moment when you reach the door to the league championship building and think to yourself, we've made it here again, come on lets go win just like we always do!

I could go go on for much longer. But I play Pokemon for the same reason I play most games its an experience one that I have shared with many people and I hope to keeping sharing for as long as I can.

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Not quite sure myself.

Perhaps it's the people i've met? Maybe they're the reason I keep playing. I think.

When I was about what? 11 or 12? I stopped playing pokemon and vowed to never touch it again, as I'd figured I'd grown out of it. I turned my attention to Legend of Zelda and roleplayed as various characters from the franchise. That's where I met most of my internet friends. And then X and Y came out and my mutuals instantly shifted towards pokemon and roleplayed as characters from that franchise. Of course, I followed suit, because I enjoyed their company. If I hadn't picked up Y then i'd probably still be in the LoZ fandom, alone, dying, I'd probably have way less friends too, compared to now.

Playing pokemon doesn't really just add another thing to talk about with them. I'd like to think that it's way more meaningful than that. C:

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I will start off by saying that I've been playing Pokemon since the very beginning and I've played every single main series pokemon game that has been released in Europe to completion.

oh lord that was a huge bee I just saw flying on my window sorry it impressed me as I was typing so it had to be mentioned.

anyway back to what I was saying.

So Pokemon is something that's always been a part of my life and it's simply become a tradition for me to play every new pokemon game though the real reason I play pokemon is because I really enjoy it and finding creating a team of ultimate monsters addicting.

Edited by The5ilverback
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Nostalgia, maily. As a little kid (20 years ago!) I played Red and I loved it. So now the thrill I feel whenever facing, in a wild battle, a Pokemon I have never seen before, and about which I know absolutely nothing, makes me feel like that kid of so many years ago. Which is exactly the kind of feeling I hope to re-create in Pokemon Se7en.

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I guess it'd have to be the range of playstyles.

There's no such thing as a perfect way to play Pokémon, which means you can always get better, always improve. Every style has it's own strengths and weaknesses, giving it a very strategic appeal. It's less about covering your own weaknesses, but just as much exposing your opponents.

I'd also have to say the world itself. They feel real, as bizarre as they can be. When I'm walking up Route 216 in Platinum, I don't just see the blizzard, I FEEL it. I feel like I'm trudging through the snow, braving the winds with my Pokémon by my side the whole time. My team don't feel like trapped monsters that fight at my command, but real friends and allies, supporting each other on our quest, through the darkest of times.

Finally, this guy. This guy right here.


Miror B is the greatest character in existence and I'll destroy all who think otherwise.

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When I'm walking up Route 216 in Platinum, I don't just see the blizzard, I FEEL it. I feel like I'm trudging through the snow, braving the winds with my Pokémon by my side the whole time. My team don't feel like trapped monsters that fight at my command, but real friends and allies, supporting each other on our quest, through the darkest of times.

I will feel the blizzard so much in Sinnoh remakes.

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