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Somewhat of a deep question. Why do you play pokemon?


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I think it's because I've learned so much about the strategies involved in the game, the role each Pokemon has in battle and the obvious nostalgia that keeps me hooked.

I believe I've learned so much about it that it's become impossible to just say "STOP" and actually stop.

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I play Pokemon because it remains to be a source and entertainment and story. Each game gives so much to explore and there's just so many of them (including fan games such as Reborn). Further than that I've always had an interest in making my own stories and worlds. The world of Pokemon provides a template for further development. I still play Pokemon because my imagination feeds off of the lore and untapped possibilities.

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I play pokemon because it's a fun game for me despite repeating everything.

Catching them pokemon, battling people and have a awesome adventure with different story is what i like.

I don't care too much of pokemon now, but it will be still at my heart and remain one of my favourite franchises.

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To be the very best, of course!

But I play it because I like talking to people about it, and I like watching other people, and also since I learned about it at a young age, it's something I actually know about, so I don't have to go into lot of research about it. I also know lots of useless trivia that nobody cares about, like how Mothim is the only flying-type to learn Camouflage.

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The way I view Pokemon is often the way I would view a fine wine, or your best friend.

In 1998, I loved Pokemon because it provided instant gratification to childish desires. The game and I had a basic mutual relationship where my dedication resulted in progressing through the game, and in return the game would throw something new at me, such as a new Pokemon I hadn't ever seen before, an achievement such as beating Brock for the first time, or besting Team Rocket and feeling like a superhero. What the game fed me, I appreciated, and in return, the game was beaten because I would keep coming back to it.

in 2001, I loved Pokemon because it built on the foundation that my experience in 1998 provided while providing vibrant color and new experiences, while also introducing me to the art of challenge. Just when you finally take down Lance and you think you've finished playing, Kanto opens it's gates yet again and you've still got a whole region to trek. It's the hangover from the wine, and the argument with your best friend.

In 2004, all of the same applied, but it became about milestones. Instead of merely running in the race I wanted to take the gold medal. It's the development of alcohol tolerance, or fostering a competitive nature with your friend.

In 2007, it all lapsed. Resisting the wine, having to appreciate your friendship from a distance.

in 2010, it was all of the former glory that it used to be. Revisiting the bottle and your old pal - and feeling the nostalgia after being away from both for so long.

and now - it's about the story telling and reminiscing and going deeper, placing bets on competitive matches. It's the wine you keep on display, it's the #Squad, it's always been there for you.

For me, Pokemon got better with age. It's not that the games have been made to fit my difficulty level or that everything is released as I would hope it would be - but Pokemon never had to be agreeable with me to bring me joy.

It was just there for me. Always.

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  • Developers

Because Pokemon shown me the life of Helix. When I was a kid I was fascinated by Lord Helix. Lord Helix became my hero. I always wanted to be like Helix and I always pushed myself in every scenario so that I could one day be acknowledged by Helix. Even to this day I find myself waking up, staring at the ceiling, seeing only Helix. Pokemon taught me to embrace my religion, the worship of Lord Helix.


Edited by Caz
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I like Pokemon because it's fun for me. Well, also because it has a variety of different creatures which adds new changes to each run!

A ton of new Pokemon, some of which I've never tried.

Edited by Honchy
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mentally, this thread went from "haha why is this a deep question" to "smookes, why do i play Pokémon? why do i spend so much money on it? what's going ooon??" for me.

I guess it just pushes a lot of my buttons; plots that works as metaphors for real-life, large-scale issues, cute critters - i really like creature design, and a system that is as complicated as you'd like it to be; you can play it as I always have (because i didn't know better); if it's cute and super effective against something, it's on the team, but you can also be a perfectionist about it and get a team of super-soldiers.

I have to admit, I'm a tool - I like things that are popular, because they're popular. At least things I'm putting a lot of time into, like games and tv series. I rarely engage in communities, but if I'm excited about something, I want there to be other people around to be hyped with me. pokémon is the definition of popular.

and nostalgia too, i guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have played Pokémon since good ol' Blue version back when I was 6. Why would I stop now ?

Seriously, no specific reason. Probably a mix of nostalgia, curiosity for every new generation coming out and sheer amazement at how well thought and enjoyable the Pokémon universe is.

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