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It's Been a While


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Hello, I'm an old member of this forum who severely lost connection and I was wondering just what all has happened and the highlights of the past two years in reborn's development, I'm really curious as to how the game and the community has changed.

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Welcome back! I'm kind of new here, but as you can see, Reborn had hit Episode Fifteen. I can't tell which episode you left at, but the community seems to be actuve, so I'm sure the rest of us will welcome you back with open arms!

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Well for starters, we kinda got popular because a cool youtuber under the alias of shofu and another semi popular youtuber under the alias of nickaboo92. These people brought an influx of newcomers to the community. For the good or bad is up to you to find out. Idk about anything else, since Im still relatively new here (you have to realize one year is not a lot of time) Anyways, ask around! A lot of people know about this stuff and will be able to answer questions.

Also welcome back here!

(sorry of this run on and grammatically incorrect. Typing on mobile is a pain.)

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Reborn has changed quite a lot, my friend. The Reborn League died about a year or two ago (There was also a new season before that, if you remember Dr. Sigmund Connal being on the run), there have been rejuvenating activities such as tourneys, parties, a new Redemption League, as well as dozens of new fangames in development! And you're just in time, for Episode XVI is currently in development as well, at a high percentage to boot!

I'm sure there have also been more exciting things throughout the community, but I'll happily inform you some of the big things, such as what's listed above. Welcome back to Reborn!

Even though things have changed, do mind the crows and ravens, for they can be a bit obnoxious... Especially Falcone, for he's quite the loudmouth.

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oh man that's awesome. I started at episode 6 i think, and left at the episode when shit started disappearing and reappearing. It's awesome that the game is getting some hype, it's super awesome and inspiring to see where it's come, good job reborn and Ame.

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Well as others have said a whole lot has changed, but I'm sure you'll still fit in perfectly :D

The post episode 6 content is amazing and Ame has updated pretty much the entire game as far as I know.

Welcome back and enjoy your return!

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