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Yet another Reborn team


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So I realised that I've never made much any mention of my Reborn team to anyone here. The actual Pokemon are in my signature, so you might have seen them there, but here are the specifics. I don't really have any questions to ask about them, other than the items for the undecideds, but feel free to point out anything which you think would make my life easier for future episodes.

Note: I haven't got around to changing natures or anything yet. I'll do it some day.






Lava Plume

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Relaxed

Current item: Charcoal



Air Slash


Dream Eater


Ability: Keen Eye

Nature: Quiet

Current item: Undecided







Ability: Minus

Nature: Docile

Current item: Quick Claw





Rock Tomb

Iron Tail

Ability: Rock Head

Nature: Bashful

Current item: Zoom Lens




Ice Fang

Night Slash


Ability: Speed Boost

Nature: Quirky

Current item: Scope Lens





Rock Smash


Ability: Quick Feet

Nature: Hardy

Current item: Undecided

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A'ight, let's see what we can do with this, i'll suggest only the moves

- I don't see why you should run 3 moves of the same type on Typhlosion honestly.. Plus with a Physical move and 3 Spec ones, here are some others sets you could try

Physical one: Rollout (or Low Kick), Bulldoze (since we don't have EQ yet), Flare Blitz, Thunder Punch

Special one: Eruption, HP Grass, Extrasensory (breed with Ninetales), and until we don't get the TM for Solar Beam or Focus Blast i'd say Swift (just for the priority)

- Since it has Fly and the Hypnosis - Dream Eater combo i'd say that this one looks fine, but you should drop Noctowl since there are better Flying Types (for example Noivern, since you can use it as a Supporter or a Wallbreaker) or at least EV train him in Speed to (almost) guarantee the success of the combo

- Drop Bite and Thunder, replace them with Flamethrower and HP Ice and you're good to go

- Replace Iron Tail with Gyro Ball, Steelix base Speed is only 30 so you can do a lot of damage against most of your incoming opponents, and Rock Tomb with Stone Edge. I think the other moves are good for an in-game set

- Well that's the normal set of a Sharpedo, imo you should drop it for another Water Type, but even this is fine

- Mainly an HM Slave i'd say? Replace Slash (or Cut) with Belly Drum and you'll sweep

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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I don't see a Magnezone. I'm disappointed. All else is irrelevant.

I do think you can use a much better flying type than Noctowl (like POWERFUL STARAPTOR or noivern) and I do think you can replace Manectric with Heliolisk, which is faster and has much better coverage in the form of volt switch (which it can learn naturally), surf, dark pulse, grass knot, etc.

Or just have six Magnezones. That's also fine. I assume you're not interested in perfectly breeding all the competitive Pokemon you can find, like a certain someone...so this should be fine.

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I don't really see the point of running 3 HM moves at a time on the mon since you can always just re-teach the move onto the previous one.

So my suggestion for Linoone's moveset would be:

Belly Drum


Shadow Claw (if you got it from Shade and not the Shadow Ball)

Play Rough

Or if you don't have the Shadow Claw you can replace that move and Play Rough with Rest and Sleep talk.

P.S Now that i actually gave a thought about it, you can actually use all the HM's except Fly and Cut on your Sharpedo, so having extra HM slave is kinda pointless.

So i'd suggest replacing your Linoone with something stronger and forgetting a full HM slave on your team.

Edited by Jimmy
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