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[OOC] The Tenth God (Sign-ups closed)


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  On 4/3/2016 at 12:22 AM, Stratos said:

I thought Acqui was already done and her character accepted though...

EDIT: Yeah, it's even listed among the finished PC sheets in the OP and everything.

  On 3/29/2016 at 10:09 PM, KosherKoneko said:

Also, Acqui, I just noticed, you didn't put an alias


  On 4/3/2016 at 12:25 AM, K_H said:

Working on it.

[EDIT]: Aaand done.

Will check it in an hour or two, doing stuff ATM

EDIT: Alright time to kick things off. Here's the info on the audience phase (note, this will go up in the OP shortly in case you need to look at it again later). This time around you aren't allowed to not attend, but the rest is open to you

Audience Phase

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Nah, the introduction was separate. Although I was sort of expecting you to take your actions within the same post as you made the introduction. There's no response going to be made from the introduction so there's no reason to wait on taking your actions

Edit: There, Adam post should give you a better idea of my intentions. Sorry for the confusion :c

Please make ze edeetz to your posts so that you take both of your actions right away

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Alright, so, a little later today I'm going to post Sleeping Bear's response and then start the Combat Phase. Because of that, I think you'll be needing to see this:

Combat Phase

The most open phase. The only thing required of you is that you fight with your opponent and come to decide on a winner within a reasonable time. If your fight is taking to long or both parties request it, the winner shall be determined by coinflip. Each Combat Phase will be accompanied by a matchup analysis in the OOC

Matchup Analysis

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IntSys, could I ask you to flesh out your posts a bit more? Try following the examples set by the more experienced RPers here; instead of just saying "X did Y," describe it. For example, how does your character feel about the arena? Is he nervous, excited, calm? Does his mech have a UI of some sort, what does that look like?

Also, you might want to wait until your opponent has actually entered the arena to start attacking, lol.

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  On 4/4/2016 at 11:34 PM, Adamance Ascendant said:

IntSys, could I ask you to flesh out your posts a bit more? Try following the examples set by the more experienced RPers here; instead of just saying "X did Y," describe it. For example, how does your character feel about the arena? Is he nervous, excited, calm? Does his mech have a UI of some sort, what does that look like?

Also, you might want to wait until your opponent has actually entered the arena to start attacking, lol.

This. Your posts are very lacking in the descriptiveness which can make them hard to reply to

And it would be appreciated, if you're the first of the two mechs to enter the arena, that you wait to attack until your opponent has entered as well

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  On 4/4/2016 at 11:32 PM, IntSys said:

Stratos, if you wanna get the first move, I'll redact my post. From what it looks like, moving first isn't completely better than moving second.

It honestly doesn't matter in the end, since Sully would've probably said the equivalent of Bring It anyway.

But yeah... like Murdoc already addressed, might want to do a bit more on fleshing out that post (Unless it's something like an ongoing conversation between two characters where you don't really have much else to say in response, one liner RP posts generally come off with an air of laziness and lack of effort. Plus as Lexi hit on, the lack of detail makes it harder for other players and the host to respond)

And uh... yeah, kindly waiting for me to actually have the chance to get onto to the field before you start going Rambo would be appreciated too, TY.

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  On 4/5/2016 at 12:25 AM, IntSys said:

Oh, sorry. I'll be fixing the mistakes then.

Sorry for the inconvenience and such.

It's cool. The importance is that you learn from your mistakes and improve for next time ^^

At times like these I like to share the personality from my very first character, I have it memorized

Quiet unless he knows you well

As Steak said, everyone starts somewhere. Even experienced peoplez are still learning

EDIT: Can you tell I'm hungry, Strat?

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  On 4/5/2016 at 12:29 AM, KosherKoneko said:

It's cool. The importance is that you learn from your mistakes and improve for next time ^^

At times like these I like to share the personality from my very first character, I have it memorized

As Steak said, everyone starts somewhere. Even experienced peoplez are still learning

EDIT: Can you tell I'm hungry, Strat?

Lexi... go eat already XD

but yeah, it's cool to make mistakes every now and again, everyone does it, hell, even I occasionally slip up. It only becomes an actual issue when one refuses to accept the fact they messed up and/or continues repeating the same mistake again and again with no attempt to learn from it.

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sorry to double post, but @ IntSys, you mind actually specifying which weapon you're using in that last post, because as it is right now it's pretty vague given you've got two different types. And going off of that point, trying to also add a bit more detail on what the blasts are constituted of and what type of damage they would theoretically do on impact wouldn't be too bad an idea either.

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I would guess that, being a top-tier contestant, you would have an auto-reloading rocket launcher. Given that these are single missiles, holding four or five seems reasonable.

I'm not sure how much either of those things will help when you're 1. being grappled and 2. fighting someone with point defenses, though.

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  On 4/6/2016 at 6:42 PM, Adamance Ascendant said:

I would guess that, being a top-tier contestant, you would have an auto-reloading rocket launcher. Given that these are single missiles, holding four or five seems reasonable.

I'm not sure how much either of those things will help when you're 1. being grappled and 2. fighting someone with point defenses, though.

It really depends on the size. Since they're a minor weapon in your case, I'd say three or four would be reasonable

Auto-reloading is pretty standard on most projectile weapons. Although things like bullet magazines aren't entirely nonexistent

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OK, then, Four Missiles Per Clip it is.

[EDIT]: I'm pretty sure that ALL of Hellfire Knight's guns are deactivated when the Ability is triggered, but I could be wrong.

Edited by K_H
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